The Women's Right To Be Unhappy::Stumbling and Mumbling: Real freedom & unhappiness

This is puzzling, because there can be no doubt that since the 70s women’s real freedom has increased hugely. They have more and better educational and job opportunities, better control over their fertility, are more able to flee bad partnerships and – thanks to technical progress – can spend less time on household chores.
Greater freedom, though, has not brought greater happiness.
via Stumbling and Mumbling: Real freedom & unhappiness.

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Now Playing: Caring is Creepy

Caring is Creepy
by The Shins
I think I’ll go home and mull this over
Before I cram it down my throat
At long last it’s crashed, it’s colossal mass
Has broken up into bits in my moat.
Lift the mattress off the floor
Walk the cramps off
Go meander in the cold
Hail to your dark skin
Hiding the fact you’re dead again
Undeneath the power lines seeking shade
Far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason
It’s a luscious mix of words and tricks
That let us bet when you know we should’ve folded
On rocks i dreamt of where we’d stepped
And the whole mess of roads we’re now on.
Hold your glass up, hold it in
Never betray the way you’ve always known it is.
One day I’ll be wondering how
I got so old just wondering how
I never got cold wearing nothing in the snow.
This is way beyond my remote concern
Of being condescending
All these squawking birds won’t quit.
Building nothing, laying bricks.

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Nice Quote 2009 06 02

thanks to paul kedrosky for the pointer here

[I]f you think that statistics has nothing to say about what you do or how you could do it better, then you are either wrong or in need of a more interesting job.
Source: Dicing with Death: Chance, Risk and Health, by Stephen Senn

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MRT at Midnight

I intentionally went to work at around noon and left work at around midnight, this was all done to ensure that I would be at the MRT station after midnight!
Some observations:
-I have to confess a certain fantasy that a scene in my sassy girl would be repeated. (No Go)
-I had to wait about 18 minutes for the train to arrive.  I am told that the trains arrive every thirty minutes, but it also depends on the number or people wanting to ride, they adjust depending on demand.
-It’s either surprising because the plain was relatively full without being shoulder to shoulder with other people being the first day, or it is full because it is the first day, I suspect a combination of these two.
-It’s surprising for me that most people were going out at the north avenue station not the cubao station. I believe this is because after around 5 stations taking the mrt is more economical than other transport options.
-I was unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of the downpour. Half of my body was wet.
-Surprising how many of my friends were awake at midnight.

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running away

I don’t know
I don’t know seems like running away is the easiest and most rational thing to do but I feel that it’s not for me.
I know I’ve said that I’m okay, but every time I see her I’m not.
It’s just who I am, I am a the kind of person whose blood still boils from an insult as far back as the 3rd grade.
I just never learned to forget, what I know hot to do is to replace.
Replace memories with other memories , but how can you replace when you just can’t find any emotion not anger.
I’m trapped between replacing the previous emotion with another emotion, and I care too much to replace that thing with anger. I’d rather be in hell.
just want to forget, can i just run away?

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Had To Share::Lessons Learned: Fear is the mind-killer

This resonated with me alot. I get lost alot. This is why I tell people when we get lost , “Don’t Panic I’m An Expert At Getting Lost!”. This is also why I think It I feel comfortable going to places only with a certain type of personality. The Fuck I Dont Care Types of people. See i’ve been lost too many times to fear being lost. I take it as a truth that there are good people everywhere, some have more, some have only a few, but Everywhere I’ve been lost I’ve always found special people to help me.  To be honest I also do some stuff to minimize the effects of being lost, which means almost always bringing emergency money, and being prepared to walk tens of miles to get home is definitely a way to minimize the fear of being lost.
The specific advice is about developing software and I have to confess that I use to fear programming a lot. I use to have a lot of paranoia with screwing up the computer. I eventually outgrew this by a combination of the stated techniques below. nice article all in all!

The interesting thing about fear is that to reduce it requires two contradictory impulses. First, we can reduce fear by mitigating the consequences of failure. If we construct areas where experimentation is less costly, we can feel safer and therefore try new things. On the other hand, the second main way to reduce fear is to engage in the feared activity more often. By pushing the envelope, we can challenge our assumptions about consequences and get better at what we fear at the same time. Thus, it is sometimes a good idea to reduce fear by slowing down, and sometimes a good idea to reduce fear by speeding up.
via Lessons Learned: Fear is the mind-killer.

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rePost:Need To Lose Weight?:Obese young men have less hope of marriage

from inquirer here:
Obese young men have less hope of marriage
Agence France-Presse
First Posted 10:41:00 05/08/2009
Filed Under: Food, Food and Diet and Nutrition, Research, relationships and dating, Youth, Lifestyle & Leisure
AMSTERDAM — Men who were grossly overweight at the age of 18 had nearly 50 percent less chance of being married by their 30s and 40s, an international conference on obesity heard in Amsterdam on Thursday.
The findings, which held true regardless of the men’s intellectual performance or socio-economic position, could suggest that women rank a man’s appearance higher than other traits when choosing a partner.
“Yes, that may be one explanation,” researcher Malin Kark of the Swedish Karolinska Institute medical university, told AFP on the sidelines of the four-day gathering hosted by the European Association for the Study of Obesity.
do I even want to get married? Do I even still think that she exists? I am beginning to have my doubts.

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rePost:Reclaiming Our World:Paul Wilmott's Blog: Society Has Finally Risen To The Level Of Its Own Incompetence

loved this post ! read the whole thing!

Society has risen to the level of its own incompetence and at the same time the means to return to a more sensible world has been legislated out of existence. The above we all know. But only some of us really care. If you are one of us, you will already know the solution, but you are perhaps understandably afraid to carry it out. The solution is this…I ask please do your best to bring back freedom of speech and expression; Please be politically incorrect at every opportunity; Tell jokes that are in bad taste; Travel on trains without a ticket, and then for your court appearance hire Cherie Blair as your barrister. Laugh in the faces of health and safety personnel Edmund Burke, the political philosopher, is attributed with the saying “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” I’m not worried about evil, it’s stupidity that is soon going to be victorious. But the world can only continue its descent into madness if you let it.
via Paul Wilmott’s Blog: Society Has Finally Risen To The Level Of Its Own Incompetence.

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Thought Provoking Post::Stumbling and Mumbling: The state and equality

Sam Seaborn
Image via Wikipedia

I’m a big West Wing Fan, and in someways it has shaped how I view things. I still remember a scene where Sam Seaborn‘s  declarations, I pay a lot of taxes and I love it! I may have an unhealthy regard for my abilities but I have no doubt that in the crucial ways I am me because i was fortunated enough to be born to my parents. I was lucky, this was no fault/act of mine. Taxation is a transfer, I love paying taxes, just hope there was more ways to ensure that the transfer is not a transfer to the swiss bank acounts of government officials! .read the whole thing!

But of course, these are only a part of the link between the state and inequality. Tawneyite socialists claim that spending on (say) health and education are forces for equality.
But are they? Julian Le Grand famously argued in a book in 1982 that the rich actually got more than the poor from these services – a claim supported more recently by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
In the case of healthcare, the claim is also supported by this paper (pdf). One reason for this is that the poor under-estimate their ill-health and so are less likely to make claims on the health system. Another reason is that the rich live longer (pdf) than the poor, and the bulk of health spending on most individuals comes late in life.
via Stumbling and Mumbling: The state and equality.

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rePost:Great News:GMANews.TV – Roxas proposes mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

Kevin Ray N. Chua with Senator Mar Roxas, Dava...
Image via Wikipedia

This is the reason why politicians especially elected officials need to have websites so people can interact with them , they can get input and explain their sides etc etc. hope I can find a copy of this online. Over all without seeing the plan , mandatory health coverage for all is a win, the question is were do we get the money (magbawas muna ng mga mistress and mga politicians) , and is their a more efficient way to administer it than that envisioned in the bill/plan.

Roxas proposes mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos
04/14/2009 | 01:55 PM
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MANILA, Philippines – A bill seeking mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos on state expense has been filed in the Senate.
Senator Manuel Roxas II proposes in Senate Bill 3154 that the government must pay for mandatory entitlement of every Filipino to healthcare benefits under the state’s health insurance program.
He said the immediate and automatic inclusion to Philippine Health Insurance coverage and membership is mandated by Republic Act 7875 (National Health Insurance Act of 1995).
The mandatory universal healthcare coverage shall be funded by the national government through premium payments to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC), which shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act, he added.
“The health of every Filipino is important. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure that our citizens are healthy,” Roxas said.
He said that 48.4 percent of the total P181 billion expenditures for health in 2005 came from individual families’ pockets, and that only 28.7 percent came from government resources.
He said the social health insurance, on the other hand, account for only 11 percent and health expenditure from other sources, such as private health insurance or community-based financing represent only 11.9 percent.
He said that since 26.9 percent of Filipino families are below the poverty threshold, “it is unimaginable how Filipinos who are everyday grappling with the hardships of economic realities, will be able to afford a decent healthcare service for themselves and their families.”
Roxas is also the author of the Cheaper Medicines Act. – Amita O. Legaspi, GMANews.TV
via GMANews.TV – Roxas proposes mandatory health coverage for all Filipinos – Nation – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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