Learned Today::An Easy Way to Increase Creativity: Scientific American

I experienced somethign similar to this whenever I go somewhere i haven’t been to before. I feel a surge of creativity , lots of ideas flood my brain and in someways I either feel happy/ or at least too occupied to feel anything else instead of curiosity, and the incredible possibilities of life!

This research has important practical implications. It suggests that there are several simple steps we can all take to increase creativity, such as traveling to faraway places (or even just thinking about such places), thinking about the distant future, communicating with people who are dissimilar to us, and considering unlikely alternatives to reality. Perhaps the modern environment, with its increased access to people, sights, music, and food from faraway places, helps us become more creative not only by exposing us to a variety of styles and ideas, but also by allowing us to think more abstractly. So the next time you’re stuck on a problem that seems impossible don’t give up. Instead, try to gain a little psychological distance, and pretend the problem came from somewhere very far away.
via An Easy Way to Increase Creativity: Scientific American.

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rePost:Need To Lose Weight?:Obese young men have less hope of marriage

from inquirer here: http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/breakingnews/breakingnews/view/20090508-203813/Obese-young-men-have-less-hope-of-marriage
Obese young men have less hope of marriage
Agence France-Presse
First Posted 10:41:00 05/08/2009
Filed Under: Food, Food and Diet and Nutrition, Research, relationships and dating, Youth, Lifestyle & Leisure
AMSTERDAM — Men who were grossly overweight at the age of 18 had nearly 50 percent less chance of being married by their 30s and 40s, an international conference on obesity heard in Amsterdam on Thursday.
The findings, which held true regardless of the men’s intellectual performance or socio-economic position, could suggest that women rank a man’s appearance higher than other traits when choosing a partner.
“Yes, that may be one explanation,” researcher Malin Kark of the Swedish Karolinska Institute medical university, told AFP on the sidelines of the four-day gathering hosted by the European Association for the Study of Obesity.
do I even want to get married? Do I even still think that she exists? I am beginning to have my doubts.

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Had To Share: Great Post from leo of ZenHabits:Steps Towards a More Sustainable Life of Less | Zen Habits

This is great post from leo of zen habits, I agree with alot of his suggestions!, read the whole thing:

And while the last 70-80 years have advanced our lives in amazing ways, and there’s no doubt that the comfort and convenience of our lives have improved tremendously … we rarely stop to consider whether technology and consumerism have always changed our lives for the better.
I mean, I am as big a proponent of the miracles of the Internet as anyone, but have we given up too much of our lives that used to exist offline and outdoors? It’s great that we have such comfortable cars that can drive incredibly fast and take us anywhere we want to go in minutes … but have we thrown away the joy and the health benefits of walking places?
It’s great that we can communicate instantly from anywhere with our mobile devices, but have we given up personal face-to-face conversations and the pleasure of being outdoors, disconnected from the world?
It’s great that food is so convenient these days, but have we given up the pleasures of slow eating for fast food, the joys of cooking for microwaving, the wonders of real food for processed food?
It’s great that we can buy pretty much anything we want these days (and often do), but have we allowed the abundance of cash we’ve had (until recently, but even now we’re still pretty rich) to force us to have bigger houses just to store all our stuff?
Steps Towards a More Sustainable Life of Less | Zen Habits.

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The Food Paradox Of Our Time

List of countries by percentile of population ...
Image via Wikipedia

It is one of the larger paradoxes of our time that the very same food policies that have contributed to overnutrition in the first world are now contributing to undernutrition in the third. But it turns out that too much food can be nearly as big a problem as too little — a lesson we should keep in mind as we set about designing a new approach to food policy.
The Food Issue – An Open Letter to the Next Farmer in Chief – Michael Pollan – NYTimes.com.

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