rePost::Comparing the 1990s and the 2000s: What Our Movies Say About Us | /Film

I was thinking of my – what was my favorite movie of the decade? It was “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Michel Gondry. And I was trying to think what that film thematically says about the…aughts, and I think that the idea of the tension between reality and fantasy has gotten more pronounced in the last decade, and the ways in which – the movie is sort of like a Philip K. Dick paranoid fever-dream wedded to a screwball romance. And there’s no way it could happened, the technology wouldn’t have allowed it, and the sensibility wouldn’t have allowed it in any other decade.
via Comparing the 1990s and the 2000s: What Our Movies Say About Us | /Film.

read the whole thing its a time sink with links to such excellent lists and articles!!!!

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rePost::The /Filmcast Interview: James Cameron, Director of Avatar | /Film

The /Filmcast Interview is a series of conversations with actors, directors, and other key figures from the entertainment industry. In this episode, David Chen speaks with legendary director James Cameron about his attitude towards technology, the theme of environmentalism in his films, the acting benefits of performance-capture equipment, and the potential of movies to create social change. Cameron’s new film Avatar is out in theaters today.
via The /Filmcast Interview: James Cameron, Director of Avatar | /Film.

Read or listen to the whole interview in the linked site!!!
Reminder guys Dec 25 – First Week Of January !!!!!
Watch Avatar Now !!!!!!!

rePost:Truth Is Usually A Dangerous Concept, But For Tex It Was Natural – Lakernoise

Hope you can read the whole thing! I was choking up while reading this!. To be a good man, a dream , probably just a dream!

Truth Is Usually A Dangerous Concept, But For Tex It Was Natural
Jack Nicholson’s character in “A Few Good Men” was right. Most people can’t handle the truth. Most people are so fearful of the truth, they need to get drunk just to slur a few words of it. If they dare speak the truth, they feel they have to get up on the pulpit and preach it. That’s about the only way they can manage to deliver it. They definitely don’t want to look people in the eye and say what they think.
via Truth Is Usually A Dangerous Concept, But For Tex It Was Natural – Lakernoise.

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Jason Bourne 4 Now Aiming for Summer 2011 | /Film

Last we heard, Universal was trying to get a fourth film in the Jason Bourne series on track for a Summer 2010 release. Matt Damon and director Paul Greengrass were signed on to return, all they needed was a screenplay and a shooting schedule that fit. But the tentatively discussed Summer 2009 shoot doesn’t seem to be on the horizon.
via Jason Bourne 4 Now Aiming for Summer 2011 | /Film.

Some Good news before I post the acid rant.
I love the bourne series, where can you find a series that just gets better as it progresses. Have to say that “The Bourne Ultimatum ” is definitely my favorite of the bourne films. That aside when Matt Damon initially stated that he was to old to make a bourne film this saddened me a little but this was bittersweet because at least they go out in top form. The are doing a fourth film and with the whole team intact can’t help but feel giddy in this must watch movie, at least for a bourne fan (book and movie) like me.
As an aside, personally my I felt that the first book was the best whilst the last book was really weak and was trying to much to find closure that It felt well hurriedly written at times.  The three bourne films used the titles of the book but fans can attest to the fact that much like nick and norah‘s infinite play list a screen adaptation really hast to cut out alot of a books best parts to adapt itselt to the limitations of the medium.

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-rePost-Book/Film Guessing Games-Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Amazon's Kindle and the Recovery of Readerly Naivete; or, Were-Bats–the Big Bug Scourge of the Skies!

The Kindle 2
Image by jwordsmith via Flickr

When I was in high school and for most parts of college I kept my watch handy at all times. The MTRCB approval was needed for any film shown commercially and it listed the total run time of the film. The combination of my watch/(and for two years a stopwatch) and the knowledge of the running time of the film has saved me from being naive about a film, if their were any surprise twist left etc.  The bad thing about this is that I began to be less emotionally involved with the film I was watching; When I was bringing stopwatches/watches to theaters I was always checking it to see how the pace was going, the action to chatter ratio. The exposition versus the confrontation ratio and other minutae that was although nice to discuss with other film lovers was mainly an exercise in film intellectual stimulation. When I discovered Roger Egbert’s online reviews I was mainly entraced by his love for film, it seemed he had different levels of looking at films. As a film critic, as a film lover, as a lover of stories , and a lover of emotions. I began to see that in trying to one-up other people’s/stranger’s/friend’s observation skills and views I lost that connection to that part of me that just wanted to be escapist and enjoyed a film, whether the lighting/camera work is not as good as it could have been or how smart a film is. I got this back by only being conscious of the time whenever I watch a movie for the second time. I haven’t used a Kindle and I suspect that as long as we (Philippine Consumers) are forced to jump through so many hoops to get a kindle I won’t be using one anytime soon, but I think that it would really improve my naivete !

In a normal book, an author cannot have the antagonist fall with an ensorcelled death-sword in its belly with one-third of the pages left to go and expect the reader to be surprised at what comes next. The thickness of the pages beneath one’s right hand scream: “THAT’S NOT THE ANTAGONIST, SCHMUCK!!!”
Reading it on the Kindle–the sudden appearance of the were-bats has an extra punch that it cannot have in the hard copy…
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Amazon’s Kindle and the Recovery of Readerly Naivete; or, Were-Bats–the Big Bug Scourge of the Skies!.

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