Blogging Update 2009 12 28 0002

I’m in cebu right now. Light posting if any at all.
FYI finally have a phone again.
My number is still 0915-765-9724.
I hope you could post in my wall ,
or private message me your contact info if you can!!!!

inspiring::Woman abandoned in Fairfax as a baby finds her rescuers –

It was Sept. 6, 1989. They discovered the newborn wrapped in towels at the front door of a townhouse in their Fairfax County complex and took the infant to Emily’s, where her stepfather called police.
The whole thing was over pretty quickly. The authorities took the baby girl, who was later adopted. Chris and Emily, both 15, went on with their lives, although Emily often cried when she told people the story, and the two called each other every Sept. 6.
Twenty years passed.
Then, on Dec. 2, a college student named Mia Fleming sent them both a message via Facebook: Might they be the same Chris and Emily who had once found a baby left at a stranger’s door?
If so, she just wanted to say thanks.
After all these years, the little girl they had found had found them.
via Woman abandoned in Fairfax as a baby finds her rescuers –

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rePost:Mexico rePost:Legalizes Drug Possession –

Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession
Published: August 21, 2009
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico enacted a controversial law on Thursday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and other drugs while encouraging government-financed treatment for drug dependency free of charge.
The law sets out maximum “personal use” amounts for drugs, also including LSD and methamphetamine. People detained with those quantities will no longer face criminal prosecution; the law goes into effect on Friday.
via Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession –

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Hearting Google Reader's New Social Features

Image representing Google Reader as depicted i...
Image via CrunchBase

At the start of the day I have something of a ritual which involves in almost chronological order:
-Get Coffee
-Check Email, Answer only immediate and important emails, leave the rest for later
-Read RSS Feeds of  Expansion/Thinkers/Coding
-Check Unimportant/Not immediately pertinent emails
-Check Friendfeed
-Check Facebook
-Read RSS feeds from news sources (Inquirer/GMA)
-Check tasks for today.
-Check production servers applications I am supporting.
-Begin work on tasks.
All in all this takes about 1-2 hours of my workday.
I’ve recently lost internet acces to most sites I go to, thank God for google reader, still can read most posts.
So I was pleasantly surprised with the new “social features” that they have included in google reader.
As far as I can see they have made liking more open, because now people who allow other people to see their likes are showing up at the rss entry.
This is interesting because  now you can follow these people.
Following other people has been an old feature of google reader, what’s new is that it is now far easier to find people who read the same things you do.
Hope they can do this with google reader notes, and that they find a way to convince more people to read posts from rss.
I’ve been just using the new social features for a few minutes but, I can see the possibilities!
Kudos to the google reader team, I don’t know what they plan for the future but I am surely going along for  a ride!

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Free Coldplay Live Recording

link for the free download is here:
Thanks to whoever thought of this! Thank you coldplay!

leftright tracklist
leftright tracklist

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rePost: Funny : What Facebook Is All About According To The Sports Guy Bill Simmons:The Sports Guy: Bill Simmons' Mailbag finally returns – ESPN Page 2

Facebook, Inc.
Image via Wikipedia

As for Facebook, I don’t mind getting status updates and snapshots of what my friends’ lives are like — even if “Bob the Builder” is prominently involved — as long as they aren’t posting 10 times a day or writing something uncomfortable about their spouse/boyfriend like “(Girl’s name) is … trying to remember the last time she looked at her husband without wanting to punch him in the face” or “(Girl’s name) is … just going to keep eating, it’s not like I have sex anymore.” Keep me out of your personal business, please. Other than that, the comedy of status updates can be off the charts. Like my college classmate who sends out status updates so overwhelmingly mundane and weird that my buddies and I forward them to each other, then add fake responses like, “(Guy’s name) … snapped and killed a drifter tonight” and “(Guy’s name) … would hang myself if the ceilings in my apartment weren’t too short.” It kills us. We can’t get enough of it. We have been doing it for four solid months. And really, that’s what Facebook is all about — looking at photos of your friend’s kids or any reunion or party, making fun of people you never liked and searching for old hook-ups and deciding whether you regret the hook-up or not. That’s really it. All in all, I like Facebook.
The Sports Guy: Bill Simmons’ Mailbag finally returns – ESPN Page 2.

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Learned Today: Popularity~Success:The Economic Value of Popularity – Freakonomics Blog –

Image by peterjaena via Flickr

Thanks to Tyler Cowen of Marginal revolutions for the pointer here, I think his points are interesting and quite valid.
AS for my views.; There is a certain rhythm to interacting with people. There is a certain rhythm in being friends with people. Honestly I had to learn that whole thing in college. Compare the highschool me and the me now, I was socially inept and something of jerk. Now I’m still a jerk, less socially inept , but this is mainly because I learned the types of people that I can interact well with.
And that is I think the thing, Because I am less scared with social interactions now I tend to meet more people now than I used to. I have to credit the understanding that people tend to be good. This knowledge help me to be less afraid of going to situations where interactions were totally not in my control.
How did I gradually become less socially inept?
-Striking up conversations with random people. Helped overcome this fear of talking with people. For me this is easier because I can make myself believe that even if I say something stupid, we are not going to see each other again.
-Striking up conversations with people not really part of your circle of friends but you see relatively often. After having a feel for small talk try talking with people you normally encounter, this may include the office security, custodians, or office mates from different departments.
-Going to clubs(not night clubs, hobby clubs etc)/meetups/organization. This might mean volunteering for something, or doing something together like hobbyist events. You get to meet like minded people, and chances are good that you have at least one topic of common interest!
-Reconnecting with peole form the past. This may mean a simple poke in facebook, or a private message in one of the tens of hundreds of social networks now existing. From personal experience this is best done when combined with actual face to face time. Like if you saw someone at a mall or a grocery but you can’t talk for some reason, or its his/her birthday. From the experience of a friend you may freak out some people if you suggest meeting up to catch up on old times, so this I believe is best done when there is an excuse, like homecoming etc.
-Face to Face meetups are important to personalise increasingly mobile/online connections. This must be done with care because as I stated earlier you may freak out some people. If you are meeting people you used to know well but has since lost touch with; best if you leave you old impressions of him or her ot turn your filter down a little. Remember that change is constant and some people reinvent themselves constantly. If you are meeting someone for the first time my advice would be leave your prejudice or what I call isms at home. Don’t judge people automatically or if you can’t do that at least try to act friendly towards everyone, Its easy to cutoff connections with people Its hard to create connections so don’t let superficial things get in the way of a possible real (not just online) friendship.
hope the few notes help my imaginary reader! have any more advice for people who are socially inept???

They find that each extra close friend in high school is associated with earnings that are 2 percent higher later in life after controlling for other factors. While not a huge effect, it does suggest that either that a) the same factors that make you popular in high school help you in a job setting, or b) that high-school friends can do you favors later in life that will earn you higher wages.

The Economic Value of Popularity – Freakonomics Blog –

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-Hopeless Emptiness-Why I'm Quitting Facebook | Newsweek Culture |

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...
Image via CrunchBase

I’ve always tried to walk my own path, this makes me seem weird to most people. I remember reading a phrase that stuck to me “The Age of Distraction”.  We are living in the age of distraction, what is it? Let’s see, watch revolutioinary road, and remember the scene between leo , kate and michael shannon. It was the Hopeless Emptiness Scene. And I would be lying if I sad that I am probably in that mobious strip trying to find my way out. Mobious strip and revolutionary road, seems quite apt. IN my defense at least I know I am in a mobius strip like road and I must be revolutionary enough to escape. (Damn hate it when I can’t seem to let a couple of words go). I try to fight , I don’t know if I am winning, I hope I do! I hope you do to!

When I think about all the hours I wasted this past year on Facebook, and imagine the good I could have done instead, it depresses me. Instead of scouring my friends’ friends’ photos for other possible friends, I could have been raising money for Darfur relief, helping out at the local animal shelter or delivering food to the homeless. It depresses me even more to know that I would never have done any of those things, even with all those extra hours.<Emphasis Mine>
Why I’m Quitting Facebook | Newsweek Culture |

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