Best Sentence(s) Read Today :: Thoughts on tour « Hoehn’s Musings

I actually shouldn’t even call them failures, because they were really just attempts. There’s a huge difference there. Everyone has failures, but most people never attempt things just for the sake of trying out something that looks fun, interesting, or challenging. For some reason, a lot of us reach a point where we stop doing things for the hell of it.
Why do you think I’m such a huge proponent of free work? Doing work for free forces you to find jobs where you can honestly say, “I would do this even if I weren’t being paid for it.” That’s an expression I took a bit too literally, but it is spot on.
My favorite part of The Dark Knight is when the Joker is talking to Harvey Dent in the hospital, and he says: “Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it! You know, I just DO things… I’m not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are.”
via Thoughts on tour « Hoehn’s Musings.

Read the whole thing. I’m guilty of this, I’ve fallen for the habit of trying to find the path to money from stuff that I do for fun.  Blogging started out with that in mind, It has since changed.  I now feel as if I need to write things down, as if things not written in the blog will just be forgotten. I have to DO!!!! Again, Read the whole thing!

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rePost:Truth Is Usually A Dangerous Concept, But For Tex It Was Natural – Lakernoise

Hope you can read the whole thing! I was choking up while reading this!. To be a good man, a dream , probably just a dream!

Truth Is Usually A Dangerous Concept, But For Tex It Was Natural
Jack Nicholson’s character in “A Few Good Men” was right. Most people can’t handle the truth. Most people are so fearful of the truth, they need to get drunk just to slur a few words of it. If they dare speak the truth, they feel they have to get up on the pulpit and preach it. That’s about the only way they can manage to deliver it. They definitely don’t want to look people in the eye and say what they think.
via Truth Is Usually A Dangerous Concept, But For Tex It Was Natural – Lakernoise.

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