rePost::Comparing the 1990s and the 2000s: What Our Movies Say About Us | /Film

I was thinking of my – what was my favorite movie of the decade? It was “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,” written by Charlie Kaufman and directed by Michel Gondry. And I was trying to think what that film thematically says about the…aughts, and I think that the idea of the tension between reality and fantasy has gotten more pronounced in the last decade, and the ways in which – the movie is sort of like a Philip K. Dick paranoid fever-dream wedded to a screwball romance. And there’s no way it could happened, the technology wouldn’t have allowed it, and the sensibility wouldn’t have allowed it in any other decade.
via Comparing the 1990s and the 2000s: What Our Movies Say About Us | /Film.

read the whole thing its a time sink with links to such excellent lists and articles!!!!

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Favorite TV Series of the Decade 2000-2010

I have a tendency to be anti social sometimes.
I tend to not watch something if it is in the fad (big exception when people whose taste I trust recommend it).
These are the series that I loved!!!!!

I Haven’t Watched But Would Love To:

Best Drama Series For Me:

  • The Wire

Close Second :

Best Comedy Series:

  • The Office

Close Second:

  • Frasier (I’m a sucker for niles  and daphne’s as much as I am a sucker for jim and pam’s)

Most Watched Series:

  • The West Wing (3X at least each episode)
  • The Wire (2x at least each episode)
  • How I Met Your Mother (3X at least each episode)
  • Serenity (2X)
  • The Office (3X at least each episode)
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Favorite Films of This Decade 2000-2009

I haven’t seen but would love to see:

  • Amorres Perros
  • Mulholland Dr. (Come on david lynch)
  • Anything Lar’s Von Trier (Haven’t seen anything from this director)
  • Jonah Hill‘s recent movies
  • Up in the Air
  • The Hurt Locker
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rePost::James Cameron Is The First Director To Have Two $1 Billion Films: Avatar Passes $1 Billion Worldwide in Just 17 Days | /Film

And what about yearly records? Transformers Revenge of the Fallen took 114 days to hit $402 million, becoming the highest grossing film of 2009 domestically. Avatar will surpass that figure in an estimated 20 days.
via James Cameron Is The First Director To Have Two $1 Billion Films: Avatar Passes $1 Billion Worldwide in Just 17 Days | /Film.

Is it wrong to feel comforted that Cameron beat Michael Bay’s Transformers Revenge of the Fallen?

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Holiday Reading::Published platforms : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose

Published platforms
December 23, 2009 by mlq3
Filed under Daily Dose
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See my previous entries, Platforms and Platform time begins November 30.
In chronological order, the platforms thus far, are the following.
via Published platforms : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose.

Manolo Quezon is a gem. He has compiled all published platforms of Presidential Candidates to the 2010 National Elections of the Philippines.

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rePost::Stumbling and Mumbling: Cognitive biases in popular songs

Cognitive biases in popular songs
Forget that guff about Rage against the Machine vs. X Factor – truly, a herd of independent minds. What’s more worrying is the large number of basic irrationalities contained in popular songs.
I was at the gym the other day – this finely chiselled physique doesn’t come naturally – and Alexandra Burke came on the TV, singing “The bad boys are always catching my eye.”
Well of course they are. Bad boys hang around on street corners and in malls where you can see them. Good boys on the other hand are working or studying and so are in offices and libraries where they’ll not catch your eye.
This is a sampling bias. It’s an elementary cognitive error.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
via Stumbling and Mumbling: Cognitive biases in popular songs.

UPDATE 2017 08 29:
I was emailed this article and after reading it I found it useful so I am linking it.
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Rant:: 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education

50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice
April 16 is the 50th anniversary of the publication of a little book that is loved and admired throughout American academe. Celebrations, readings, and toasts are being held, and a commemorative edition has been released.
I won’t be celebrating.
The Elements of Style does not deserve the enormous esteem in which it is held by American college graduates. Its advice ranges from limp platitudes to inconsistent nonsense. Its enormous influence has not improved American students’ grasp of English grammar; it has significantly degraded it.
The authors won’t be hurt by these critical remarks. They are long dead. William Strunk was a professor of English at Cornell about a hundred years ago, and E.B. White, later the much-admired author of Charlotte’s Web, took English with him in 1919, purchasing as a required text the first edition, which Strunk had published privately. After Strunk’s death, White published a New Yorker article reminiscing about him and was asked by Macmillan to revise and expand Elements for commercial publication. It took off like a rocket (in 1959) and has sold millions.
This was most unfortunate for the field of English grammar, because both authors were grammatical incompetents. Strunk had very little analytical understanding of syntax, White even less. Certainly White was a fine writer, but he was not qualified as a grammarian. Despite the post-1957 explosion of theoretical linguistics, Elements settled in as the primary vehicle through which grammar was taught to college students and presented to the general public, and the subject was stuck in the doldrums for the rest of the 20th century.
Notice what I am objecting to is not the style advice in Elements, which might best be described the way The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy describes Earth: mostly harmless. Some of the recommendations are vapid, like “Be clear” (how could one disagree?). Some are tautologous, like “Do not explain too much.” (Explaining too much means explaining more than you should, so of course you shouldn’t.) Many are useless, like “Omit needless words.” (The students who know which words are needless don’t need the instruction.) Even so, it doesn’t hurt to lay such well-meant maxims before novice writers.
Even the truly silly advice, like “Do not inject opinion,” doesn’t really do harm. (No force on earth can prevent undergraduates from injecting opinion. And anyway, sometimes that is just what we want from them.) But despite the “Style” in the title, much in the book relates to grammar, and the advice on that topic does real damage. It is atrocious. Since today it provides just about all of the grammar instruction most Americans ever get, that is something of a tragedy. Following the platitudinous style recommendations of Elements would make your writing better if you knew how to follow them, but that is not true of the grammar stipulations.
via 50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice – The Chronicle Review – The Chronicle of Higher Education.

I’ve read the book while in college. I’ve always cringed when people call it a writing bible, and the like. It was especially irritating when people I admired held it in awe. I must admit that I was irritated because I kept on asking myself if I was stupid or something because I never was awed.  I’ve always felt that when our professors or other people we admire declares something we either auto shutdown our brains. This happens whether we are an auto agree type of person or if we are the contrarian type. This is wrong. We should not fall into these bad habits of the mind.

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Elink Video:What's Playing: The Swell Season – Low Rising

I wanna sit you down and talk
I wanna pull back the veils
And find out what it is I´ve done wrong
I wanna tear these curtains down
I want you to meet me somewhere
Tonight in this old tourist town
And we´ll go

Low rising
´Cause we´ve gotta come up
We´ve gotta come up
Low rising
´Cause I fear we´ve had enough
Low rising
´Cause there´s no further for us to fall
Low rising
Oh for the love of you

I wanna take you to the rock
I wanna jump right in
And see what that big ocean´s got
I wanna turn this thing around
I wanna drink with you
All night till we both fall down
Till we go

Low rising
´Cause we´ve gotta come up
We´ve gotta come up
Low rising
´Cause there´s no further for us to fall
Low rising
And I fear we´ve had enough
Low rising
Oh for the love of you

Low rising
´Cause we´ve gotta come up
We´ve gotta come up
Low rising
And I fear we´ve had enough
Low rising
´Cause there´s no further for us to fall
Low Rising
Oh for the love of you

For the love of you

Low rising low rising

I wanna sit you down and talk

I wanna sit you down and talk about it now

Downloaded From

Personal::Sorry I still hate Comcast (Scripting News)

Love and hate have a mathematical relationship: Permalink to this paragraph
hate = love + betrayed Permalink to this paragraph
via Sorry I still hate Comcast (Scripting News).

A phrase has been percolating in my mind for unhealthy chunk of time.

“You’ve crossed the thin line between love and hate”.

long story; don’t ask. just like the similarities between the two.
PS: I use to not understand why people say don’t be callous with the feelings of other people, I probably am a douche, basta damn!

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Wanted: A More Walkable City:Why New Yorkers Last Longer — New York Magazine

The urban health penalty, they decided, had inverted itself. The new reality was that living in the suburbs and the country was the killer. In January 2005, Vlahov and his colleagues penned a manifesto they cleverly called “The Urban Health ‘Advantage,’ ” and published it in the Journal of Urban Health. Cities, they posited, were now the healthiest places of all, because their environment conferred subtle advantages—and guided its citizens, often quite unconsciously, to adopt healthier behaviors.
via Why New Yorkers Last Longer — New York Magazine.

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