Praise::Antonio Oposa Jr – Environmental Lawyer and Activist | FreeMan | Bluepanjeet.Org

Who would ever thought that a Filipino could make a big difference in protecting the environment, especially in the field of law? Tony Oposa did, not only once but twice. First during his case which is popularly known as Minors Oposa vs. Factoran in which he sued the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and demanding the cancellation of all existing logging concessions and an injuction against new one. These logging concessions deforest what remains to be only 4% of virgin forests in the country. The second was his case against government agencies in cleaning up Manila Bay which after 10 years, was ruled by the Supreme Court in favor of Oposa’s cause. These two famous cases was a landmark victory in environmental law, testing the waters for future cases and paving the way for environmental law in becoming an established branch of the legal system.
via Antonio Oposa Jr – Environmental Lawyer and Activist | FreeMan | Bluepanjeet.Org.

Was able to catch his TEDxManila presentation. Inspiring! Intergenerational responsibility, truly an Idea worth spreading