rePost:: 50 Things we know now that we didn't know this time last year

This is a nice list of factoids. Read it at the linked site!!!!

If there was an award for best quote of the year, our money would be on Richard Fisher, the director of NASA‘s Heliophysics Division.
Fisher was interviewed in October by National Public Radio after NASA scientists discovered a mysterious ribbon of hydrogen around our solar system.
The layer, a sort of protective barrier called the heliosphere, shields us from harmful cosmic radiation. Its existence defies all expectations about what the edge of the solar system might look like.
Fisher’s response: “We thought we knew everything about everything, and it turned out that there were unknown unknowns.”
In other words: We don’t know what we don’t know until we know that we don’t know it.
Life is funny that way. You think you’ve got the world wrapped up in string, only to watch some bit of news come along to unravel your comprehension of how things work.
One thing we did expect: that 2009 would be full of strange and wonderful revelations.
via AT&T – 50 Things we know now that we didn’t know this time last year.

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Favorite TV Series of the Decade 2000-2010

I have a tendency to be anti social sometimes.
I tend to not watch something if it is in the fad (big exception when people whose taste I trust recommend it).
These are the series that I loved!!!!!

I Haven’t Watched But Would Love To:

Best Drama Series For Me:

  • The Wire

Close Second :

Best Comedy Series:

  • The Office

Close Second:

  • Frasier (I’m a sucker for niles  and daphne’s as much as I am a sucker for jim and pam’s)

Most Watched Series:

  • The West Wing (3X at least each episode)
  • The Wire (2x at least each episode)
  • How I Met Your Mother (3X at least each episode)
  • Serenity (2X)
  • The Office (3X at least each episode)
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Favorite Films of This Decade 2000-2009

I haven’t seen but would love to see:

  • Amorres Perros
  • Mulholland Dr. (Come on david lynch)
  • Anything Lar’s Von Trier (Haven’t seen anything from this director)
  • Jonah Hill‘s recent movies
  • Up in the Air
  • The Hurt Locker
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