Richard Branson Is Right: Time Is the New Money |

I want to work for a company that adopts this.

Richard Branson just announced he would be giving Virgin employees unlimited vacation. He’s either nuts or knows something others have yet to discover: You’ll make more money if you give people their time back.
Why We Trade Time for Money
The Industrial Age taught us the only way to make money was to trade time for it. The deal was clear, and always the same: You give me eight to 10 hours of your day, and I’ll give you some money. But in the Participation Age, something new is emerging. Companies are realizing that when you give people back their time, they will make you more money. It seems counter-logical, but it’s really quite intuitive. As usual, Branson is moving on an idea that traditionalists will only discover by watching him and the other early adapters in action.
Why Would Unlimited Vacation Work?
Why give up on a vacation system that’s been in place for 170-plus years? Because it was a bad idea then, and with a work force that did not grow up in the shadow of the Industrial Age, it’s an even worse idea today. Almost no one under 40 can relate to a time-based system that makes no sense in a results-based work world.
Branson didn’t figure this out; he’s actually a late adapter, which makes a lot of the work world archaic and completely out of touch with how to make money today. Fewer than 1% of U.S. companies give unlimited vacation. In fact, America gives the second-lowest amount in the world, behind only South Korea.
The data is in: When you give people control of their time, they make you more money. W. L. Gore Inc., the pioneer in rejecting the Industrial Age, is a $3 billion company with 10,000 stakeholders. They’ve had unlimited vacation since the 1960s and continue to grow exponentially.
via Richard Branson Is Right: Time Is the New Money |

To Read::Awesome Books to Replace Your Favorite Cancelled TV Shows

FireflyThis ambitious genre mashup combined Wild West outlaws with spaceships, and spawned a huge fanbase. But despite getting a movie sequel, Joss Whedons beloved show is probably never coming back in any form other than comics and the occasional unofficial novel.The book substitute: Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks. We recommend this book, the first novel in the Culture series, a lot — but it really fits here. Like Firefly, Consider Phlebas is about someone whos on the losing side of a huge space war, in this case the war between the super-advanced Culture and the Idiran Empire. Our hero, Horza, opposes the Culture because he has philosophical disagreements with their utopian aims. And he winds up joining forces with a band of pirates and mercenaries on the good ship Clean Air Turbulence. This is the best methedone for Firefly withdrawal.
via Awesome Books to Replace Your Favorite Cancelled TV Shows.

Wasted Life volume 9

Wasted Life volume 9
Bt’X Neo 11 episodes (Finished)
Love Hina 5 Episodes
The West Wing Season 5 1st Half (11/22 Episodes)
How I Met Your Mother
The Big Bang Theory
The Daily Show with John Stewart
The Colbert Report
Jimmy Fallon (Just one episode not the whole of this week.)
Stuff I’ve Read:
Mostly work related stuff. Near declaring feed reader bankruptcy. I have about 400 items in my feed queue and I’ve eliminated almost all the stuff I would not love to read (I’ve scanned most of them but haven’t really read the items.).

Wasted Life volume 9
Bt’X Neo 11 episodes (Finished)
Love Hina 5 Episodes
The West Wing Season 5 1st Half (11/22 Episodes)
How I Met Your Mother
The Big Bang Theory
The Daily Show with John Stewart
The Colbert Report
Jimmy Fallon (Just one episode not the whole of this week.)
Stuff I’ve Read:
Mostly work related stuff.
Near declaring feed reader bankruptcy.
I have about 400 items in my feed queue and I’ve eliminated almost all the stuff I would not love to read (I’ve scanned most of them but haven’t really read the items.).

Wasted Life volume 8

Wasted Life volume 8
Anime Series
B’t X 2 Episodes
TV Series
The West Wing Season 4 2nd Half
The West Wing Season 5 2 Episodes
The Office UK 2nd Season
The Office UK Specials 1 and 2
The Daily Show
The Colbert Report
Rereading Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

Wasted Life volume 7

Wasted Life volume 6
TV Series
The West Wing Season 3 (2nd Half)
The West Wing Season 4 (1st Half)
How I Met Your Mother
The Office UK Season 1 (3 Episodes – 3/6)
B’t X (4 Episodes – 7/25)
B’t X Neo (3 Episodes – 3/14)
Hajime Ni Ippo : New Challenger (2 episodes)
Galileo Biography.
What the fuck. It seems that most of the people who do the releases of The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, David Letterman, and Jimmy Fallon Late Night. It also seems that weekly staples Community and The Big Bang Theory had a Thanksgiving break.

  • Can’t seem to watch many things last week, lost in my own thoughts.
  • Spent quite a lot of time in the NKTI. Lovely place and good people.
  • Spent a lovely saturday evening in Mike and Maan’s new home, It was mike’s Bday/house blessing . Congratulations to the lovely couple.

Wasted Life 05 and 06 (2010 11 21)


  • Full Metal Alchemist Episode 1-51
  • Full Metal Alchemist The God of Shambala
  • B’t X first 3 episodes

TV Series

  • The West Wing Season 3 (1st Half)
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • The Big Bang Theory
  • Community
  • The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
  • The Colbert Report
  • Conan
  • GLEE


  • Scott Pilgrim vs the World (3rd time )
  • Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist (8th time)
  • The King Boxer aka Five Fingers of Death
  • The Invention of Lying

Some stuff I did this past two weeks:

  • Realized that I ate at something fishy if you include 5 times from Nov 1 – Nov 11 and 7 times if you include the 29th and the 30th.
  • Went to RJ’s house and spent most of the time eating Ate Laleng’s (Awesome halo halo) and Exotic(Ate Bayawak, Sawa Baboy Ramo, Pagi, a shell dish I forget which and another not so common meat)
  • Finished Happy Days Are Here Again by Steve Neal an excellent account of the 1932 Democratic Convention.
  • Ate at Something Fishiy’s Breakfast Buffet with Rain and Jizel saturday evening after watching Unstoppable at Shangrila.
  • Ate at Something Fishiy’s Breakfast Buffet with Peire , Ferdie and Erwin. Had like two shakes and unlimited ice tea.
  • Forgot to have my Happy Diner card for kamayan stamped.damn.
  • Finally did some googling about the batanes trip. Planning stuff can be very fun.
  • Laptop fixing overnight with chuckie and vince. Someone’s going to make it rain if we get the correct SSD card installed.
  • Wasted the holiday because of Migraine.
  • Started reading A biography of Galileo and Hot, Flat, and Crowded by Tom Friedman.


  • GLEE::Gwyneth’s Glee guesting was cool. Fuck You should be heard as Forget You. The Singing in the Rain and Umbrella mashup sucked, considering I’ve seen Singing in the Rain about 12 times before my vcd got scratched and find umbrella a nice enough song, the mashup was really bad.
  • The Big Bang Theory:: The kiss was 2 seasons in the making. I’m sensing an uptick men kissing on network tv.
  • Of the late night tv shows I watch (The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Conan, David Letterman,Jimmy Fallon late night) I love the shows in this order.


  • Kat Dennings has more charm that the girl who played Ramona. It maybe the role was too thin for her to shine.