Elink Video :: "You are entitled to your opinion, but not your own facts"

In response to Republican Senator Lamar Alexander’s contention that premiums will go up under reform, the President cites the Congressional Budget Offices report that his proposal will lower costs for individuals by between 14 and 20%. President Obama cites some of the Republican ideas he’s included in his proposal and makes it clear that he welcomes additional Republican ideas to contain costs.
angol here :: People are entitled to their own opinions, but not to their own facts. Saying you don’t believe something will not change the fact that it is true! Hope is back!

Elink Video ::"It's a good talking point, but it doesn't actually answer the underlying question"

In a discussion of insurance market reforms, President Obama asks Republican Senator John Kyl to move away from talking points and focus on finding common areas of agreement. The President responds to Kyl: “Any time the question is phrased as ‘Does Washington know better?’ I think we’re kind of tipping the scales a little bit there, since we all know that everybody is angry at Washington right now it’s a good talking point, but it doesn’t actually answer the underlying question, which is do we want to make sure that people have a baseline of protection?'”
angol here: I believe that what’s mostly said in Presidential forums can be classified as ”

“It’s a good talking point, but it doesn’t actually answer the underlying question”

Elink Video :: "American families will drown if we try an incremental approach"

Senator Tom Harkin reminded those at the meeting that while it’s easy to get caught up in the debate over numbers and policy details, it’s ultimately about making progress to help ordinary folks across the country struggling under today’s broken system. Senator Harkin said, “I keep thinking we have got to bring it back home to what this is all about. We all have our stories. I got a letter yesterday from a farmer in Iowa that really encapsulates it. [He said] ‘I’m a 57-year-old Iowa farmer. I’m writing to voice my concern regarding my family’s rapidly escalating health care costs. On Saturday, February 20th, I received a noticeinforming me that our health insurance premium will be increasing $193.90 per month to a monthly total of $1,516.20. This is a 14.6% increase.'”

Elink Video :: The Flaming Lips – Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (Letterman)

If you could blow up the world with the flick of a switch
Would you do it?
If you could make everyobody poor just so you could be rich
Would you do it?
If you could watch everybody work while you just lay on your back
Would you do it?
If you could take all the love without fiving any back
Would you do it?
And so we cannot know ourselves or what we’d really do…
With all your power
With all your power
With all your power
What would you do?
If you could make your own money and then give it to everybody
Would you do it?
If you knew all the answers and could give it to the masses
Would you do it?
No no no no no no are you crazy?
It’s a very dangerous thing to do exactly what you want
Because you cannot know yourself or what you’d really do
With all your power
With all your power
With all your power
What would you do?

Elink Video :: Tim Wise: On White Privilege (Clip)

Watch this video.

http://www.MediaEd.org From the DVD: The Pathology of Privilege Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality For years, acclaimed author and speaker Tim Wise has been electrifying audiences on…
From the DVD:
The Pathology of Privilege
Racism, White Denial & the Costs of Inequality

from Experimental Theology

For years, acclaimed author and speaker Tim Wise has been electrifying audiences on the college lecture circuit with his deeply personal take on whiteness and white privilege. In this spellbinding lecture, the author of White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son offers a unique, inside-out view of race and racism in America. Expertly overcoming the defensiveness that often surrounds these issues, Wise provides a non-confrontational explanation of white privilege and the damage it does not only to people of color, but to white people as well. This is an invaluable classroom resource: an ideal introduction to the social construction of racial identities, and a critical new tool for exploring the often invoked – but seldom explained – concept of white privilege.

Elink Video :: Akihabara Majokko Princess (Turning Japanese) – Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst’s rendition of Turning Japanese originally by: The Vapors
Here is some information about this video courtesy of ANN:
This four-minute video was first made public at the “Pop Life: Art in a Material World” art exhibit in London’s Tate Modern museum.
In an August video shoot, Dunst sang and danced to The Vapors’ “Turning Japanese” song in a sailor-suit costume
and a blue wig in Tokyo’s Akihabara otaku shopping district. Murakami and McG happened to have the same manager, and the manager brought the two together at the end of last year to discuss the collaboration.

Elink Video :: Jacqueline Novogratz on recognizing a linchpin

From Seth Godin’s Linchpin promotion. Love this series the posts and the videos.
The video is about being indispensable. For worker bees like me indispensable means better compensation and somewhat more security, for entrepreneur indispensable means success. Jacqueline Novogratz is well known for her development work and I believe she has spoken in a TED conference. Nice short video so please watch.

Jacqueline Novogratz on how to recognize a linchpin from Seth Godin on Vimeo.