Elink Video :: Jon Brion's Here We Go

I so so so so so so so so so so so LOVE this song.
Jon Brion writes songs so well suited to the music in a lyrical sense primarily but the song is really a song.  not a tune with slapped on lyrics, or poetry pretending to be a song.
Makes one wonder how jon brion composes. does he do it while or after watching a film. does the words come first?
I so love this verse. It’s sooo true.  I feel that the reason I liked Punch Drunk Love sooo much is that I see myself in Adam Sandler’s character.

You’ve gotta hope that there’s someone for you
As strange as you are
Who can cope with the things that you do
Without trying too hard

Here We Go
You’ve gotta hope that there’s someone for you
As strange as you are
Who can cope with the things that you do
Without trying too hard
Because you can bend the truth
Until it’s suiting you
These things that you’re wrapping all around you
You never know what they will amount to
And your life is just going on without you
It’s the end of the things you know
Here we go
You’ve gotta know that there’s more to this world
Than what you have seen
Because we all have a limited view
Of what we can be
As we move along with our blinders on
Each one of us feels a little stranded
And you can’t explain or understand it
Each one of us on a different planet
And amidst all the to and fro
Someone can say hello
Here we go
The feeling that someone really gets you
It’s something that no one should object to
It could happen today
So I suggest you skip your habit of laying low
It’s the end of the things you know
Here we go
Because someone can say “Hello,
You old so and so, here we go”

Elink Video :: The Love Police: How to Escape a TERROR STOP (1 AND 2)

I’m a big believer of resolving things in a civilized manner. Some people call me a push over. that’s okay I maybe that.

The Love Police was doing the usual, enjoying free speech in a corporate zone, and the Beefeaters (Royal Guardians) of the Tower of London called the Police on us. Again. This time, the Police knew to send more than one officer. They sent an Inspector (rather senior), two Sargeants, and five officers. 4 Police cars. Sirens.
This is our attempt to show you how to stop yourself getting arrested under this RIDICULOUS and OVER-USED Terror Act.
Do not consent.
No one rules if no one obeys.
Live Free. Die Free