Warren Buffet talk in University of Florida

from this video:
“If you take a job you don’t like, its like saving sex for the old age,…”
“…Take a job you love. Don’t Take a job that you think would look good in your resume…”
“I always really worked in a job, I loved doing. Always take a job that if you’re independently wealthy you would take.. you can’t miss, … you’d get way more out of it”
“If you think you’re going to be a lot happier if you’ve got 2x instead of x.. ”
“You’ll get in trouble if you think 10x is the answer to all your troubles”

Riz Khan Interview About Liberian Women Combatants

I especially like the question on what one of the women whose family was killed and was raped by a soldier would do if she faced that very same man. She said that life must go on and that doing anything would not bring her family back. The kicker is that she said she sees the man day and night because that man is involved with an NGO. Wow!

Helping Hand

I recently saw a 3 minute animated short (film).
Wow that made my heart, just wow. I’d embed it here but the embed code is not working.
just click here: