TED: Hans Rosling on the HIV Epidemic

Hans Rosling’s TED talk on the HIV epidemic scared me. If the steady state of HIV infection is about 1 % of population then we are going to see about 1 million probably more because before steady state it gets worse fast and after society adjust to the HIV epidemic then we slowly stop getting worse.  People stop unprotected sex.
Watch this ted talk if you are curious

rePost::Matt Damon explains non-financial motivations and the education sector – Boing Boing

Go to the link to see the video!!

In this brief video, Matt Damon is quizzed by a reporter who claims that he’s a good actor because he knows he’d be fired if he did a bad job, while teachers, with job security, have no such incentive. He persuasively lambastes the reporter, arguing that the reasons people do things — especially “shitty salary” jobs like teaching (but also arts careers, which have a very low chance of succeeding) — are much more nuanced than a mere job-security-incentive “MBA” model would suggest.
It’s a very illuminating example of a clash of ideologies. Damon, after all, had no “rational” business becoming an actor, since he was almost entirely certain to fail. Now that he is a multi-millionaire, he has no “rational” reason to continue acting, because he’s assured of financial security forever. Clearly, Damon is someone whose lifelong incentives are not about “job security.” Rather, his motivations are vocational — he does this because it fulfills him.
via Matt Damon explains non-financial motivations and the education sector – Boing Boing.