QOTD 2017 10 30

“The worst thing in life that you can have is a job that you hate, that you have no energy in, that you’re not creative with and you’re not thinking of the future. To me, might as well be dead.” — Robert Greene

Musings 2017 09 11 2019H

I know that you are not supposed tk change jobs only for the money but that is a luxury only single people or independently wealthy people can afford. I am neither. I am trying to hold on but I really need to start interviewing for a job. Hay.

P2P Musings 2017 08 17 2013H

One of the things I lost when I moved to makati and stopped the 2-3 hour commutes is the long hours for contemplation and meditation I was able to do sitting in a bus going home.
I sooo needed this.
We need time to think and process the day,week, and month. It is hard when life comes at you so hard and fast it seems all you can do is react. I refuse to be a reactionary. I want a life well lived and it means a life of reflection, measured action and reaction. I want a life of meaning and for this we need to contemplate being useful. A life of service to each other doing something I am good at, I love doing, is useful, and I am well paid for.
Ikagai is such a beautiful word. It is the word that describes the intersection of something I love, I am good at, Useful, and people will pay for.

Musings 2017 07 29 0904

Woke up at 3:30 again after sleeping around 11:00. I felt refreshed physically but my senses or my mind felt clouded.
The only thing constant is change is so very true. Excited and yet scared. Steeling myself to the challenges ahead.
Angela is starting school in a week or so. We are moving to QC where I practically became a teen and an adult.
I will miss the centrality of Makati City. How you are almost never 500 metera away from a 24 hour convenience store. Where you probably have the highest or second highest number of 24 hour fastfood restaurants per square kilometers.
I will miss most the friends we found in the church who have welcomed our family into their community. People once told me that this wasnt a friendly locale but friendly is relative and I can say we were welcomed.
Still have no idea how this will work what project will be my home base and other details like that. Just have to improvise and meditate.

Musings 20170602 WW

Why is it that a superhero flick had so much more unforced romantic moments than most of the romantic comedies out this year. 

Musings 20170627 0317H

Can’t sleep. Dreading what I have to do tomorrow. Part of growing up. Can’t always be 🌞 sunshine and 🌹 🌹 🌹 roses. Just have to remember this feeling. Not the first time tomorrow but probably the first time theybwere only partially to blame. Damn.

Musings 2017 07 25 2204

For some reason I feel pissed and dissed.or I am pissed because I feel dissed. Maybe this is just me stressed becoming overly sensitive. What I do know is I can get to the root of this with a few days meditation, reflection, and deep thought.


After almost 10 years of blogging I am on my own server and not in a shared server hosted by a college orgmate.
Can’t seem to make jetpack work.
All good