Musings 2018 05 22

I have this anxiety this fear that I am more olivar than lacaba.
That when the brave are called to serve I will prove to be a coward.
Haven’t slept since those policemen wearing ski masks brandishing long firearms passed me. Have been up for more 40 hours. Such dark thoughts engulf me.
I am so weak.

Cobra Kai musings

Wow feels.
The revival is almost pitch perfect.
It’s the original karate kid plus a ton of John Hughes sans millennials.
Eagerly awaiting season 2.


Sitting in a small table in the middle of 8 cuts near hv Dela Costa. Trying to fight back tears either from this head splitting migraine or the despair I am feeling. I hate being a Filipino right now.

Pattern Imposition

Someone coined this in the FB post of Ninotchka Rosca. Someone by the name of Victor Velasco. Awesome term. The weaponization of pattern recognition.

Challenging March 2018

3 big bids with POC, 1 deployment of national agency site means 120 hours(based on screen time tracking) work weeks. For the past 3 weeks and unfortunately will spill over to early April. The times between sleep and trying to sleep is the yime can reflect on the stress and busyness. The only time I was stressed was when I felt someone was sabotaging the deployment. I enjoy working with my officemates. The only thing I regret is the neglect I am showing to my wife and children. I hope I can do better.