Updates 2008 08 21 1521H

got this pic from one of the blogs of an attendee to Bar Camp Manila
Proudly Pinoy
Its 4 hours to bar camp and  am neck deep in testing for our friday release and a little mad that I wasn’t able to prepare give that I have at least 3 presentations that I thought of since knowing about the barCamp, oh well there is almost always a next time (hope so!)

Reproductive Health Bill Debate on ANC August 20, 2008 8-9 PM

got this from an email forwarded to me by bea:

There will be a live TV debate between the Pro RH and the Anti RH group on August 20, 2008, 8-9PM over at ANC, the ABS-CBN Cable News Channel in the program Square Off of Ms. Twink Macaraeg.
Defending RH and the RH Bill are:
Cong. Edcel Lagman
Dr. Quasi Romualdez
Dr. Philip Medalla
Kit Tatad
Lito Atienza
Liwayway Chato
While we are very confident with our team, there will be no judges.  The winner will be declared based on votes via text messages.  That is why we are appealing to all of you to please send this email to all your friends in the network and make sure that we will all tune in on Wednesday, August 20 at 8-9 PM to cast our votes.  I am sure we can do this and I am sure all of us will be willing to invest a few pesos for text messages just to ensure that our team wins.   Mechanics for voting will be announced during the show but the numbers are 2366 for Globe/Sun and 231 for Smart Subscribers.  .
Tell your friends about the event.
Thank you.

Chi Laigo Vallido
Advocacy Specialist
Forum for Family Planning and Development, Inc.
305 Bahay ng Alumni, Magsaysay Ave.
University of the Philippines,
Diliman, Quezon City
632-426-5484; 0918-9443850

BarCamp Manila August 21, 2008, 7:00 PM

here is the link to the wiki :http://barcamp.org/BarCampManila
Thanks to Jon for forwarding the invites! This has made my day! maybe even my weekend!
So excited!

BarCamp Manila – August 21, 2008, 7:00 PM


A BarCamp is an ad-hoc unconference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees. All attendees are encouraged to share some form of technical information, be it a software development tip, tools, product demo, open source projects, software, hardware, etc. – in seven (7) minutes!
Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join.
When you come, be prepared to share with BarCampers. When you leave, be prepared to share it with the world. Blog about what you learned, share it in a forum, or even help organize the next BarCamp!
If this is your first time to attend a BarCamp, you should read TheRulesOfBarCamp.


To learn, meet people who share different interests, contribute, and push yourself and your thinking.


August 21, 2008 from 7PM onwards


G2VC Innovation Center
5th Floor, The Orient Square
F. Ortigas Road (formerly Emerald Ave.)
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

What to bring:

  • A laptop, or any wifi-capable device
  • Your share of information/presentation!
  • Your desire to share, collaborate and have fun with fellow geeks


  1. Register for the event by adding your name and contact details in this wiki page (see “I want to attend BarCampManila” section)
  2. On the day of the BarCamp, arrive early so you can register the topic you want to discuss
  3. Meet, interact, and enjoy the camp with fellow geeks!

Can’t attend BarCampManila ?

Don’t fret, you can still follow us on Twitter, or watch our live stream at Ustream.tv

I want to help BarCampManila!

Please add your name, along with contact information if you would like to help organize or contribute in kind (food, drinks, etc.) to BarCampManila.

I want to attend BarCampManila!

Please add your name here if you would like to attend BarCampManila. We encourage you to add a link to your site so we know you better 🙂

  1. Kenneth C. Demanawa
  2. Jerome Gotangco – http://www.twitter.com/JeromeGotangco
  3. Raymond Olavides
  4. Joe Siao
  5. Elmer Rivera
  6. Dean Michael Berris
  7. Glenn Gonzales
  8. Jerry Rapes
  9. Janette Toral
  10. Brent Lipke
  11. Paolo Dizon
  12. Napoleon Esmundo C. Ramirez
  13. Noel Feria
  14. Luis Buenaventura
  15. Brian Feliciano
  16. Sherwin Daganato
  17. Randy Nivales
  18. JP Loh
  19. Joel Disini
  20. Bobby Andrew Javier
  21. Giancarlo Angulo – http://www.onthe8spot.com
  22. Your name here


Contact Information:

Jerome S. Gotangco
Email: jgotangco@me.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/barcampmanila
Upcoming: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1008217/

WordCamp Philippines 2008 update

Hmm less than a month to go before the Word Camp Philippines 2008, heheh very excited!
It seems the event organizers (Mindanao Bloggers here🙂 have corralled in more sponsors and they have finally released the list of mini-sessions, The group is also holding a Visayas and Mindanao pre WordCamp Meetup . here is an excerpt from Migs’ email:

4. There will also be a pre-wordcamp which will be held in Davao for bloggers in Mindanao and Visayas who will not be able to join the Main WordCamp in Manila! This is slated on Spetember 4, 2008. And yes.. Matt Mullenweg will be there!

The Schedule is found here, reproduced below:

8:00 AM Registration
Fellowship & Coffee
9:00 AM Pambansang Awit
Welcome Address
by the Mindanao Bloggers Convenor
State of WordPress in the Philippines
by Chuckie Dreyfus
9:30 AM Blogging 102 — Basics & Beyond
by Jayvee Fernandez
Creating WordPress Themes & CSS Power
by Gail Villanueva
10:25 AM WordPress for Corporate Web Sites
by Hans Koch
Developing WordPress Plugins
by Markku Seguerra
Building A Blogging Community
by Blogie Robillo
Organizing & Optimizing Your WordPress Blog
by Ely Apao
11:20 AM Video Blogging with WordPress
by Kring Elenzano
WordPress as a CME/CMS
by Karla Redor
Blogging & Journalism
by Danilo Arao
WordPress & SEO
by Hans Koch
[ Sign-up for the sessions ]
12:15 PM Lunch
1:30 PM The Future of WordPress
by Matt Mullenweg
2:10 PM Demystifying Google Analytics
by Aileen Apolo
2:50 PM WordPress & Web Standards
by Regnard Raquedan
3:30 PM Powwow with Matt
4:30 PM Install-Fest
Raffle Draws
8:00 PM After-Party @ mag:net café

Signed up for developing Themes, Developing plugins, and WordPress as a CMS. I wish I didn’t have to choose between Plugins and using wordpres for corporate web sites session. Oh well can’t have everything.
Official Site: WordCamp Philippines 2008 here:
Organizers:Mindanao Bloggers here:
Sponsors of WordCamp Philippines 2008:

Reply to Favorite Example of Change Met With Anxiety

Social Security.
In the Philippines fear mongering for the “reproductive health care act” which various church groups and interest groups are equating to abortion gets my vote. The problem is the fear mongering seems to be working.

from this freakonomics post:

It is probably hard to think of any progress or disruptive technology that hasn’t been met with fear, anxiety, and predictions of failure. What are your favorite examples?

Excited To Be Going To WordCamp Philippines 2008

Well I’ve heard of this awhile back but this has me really excited! Hope to meet interesting people there and to pick up some new knowledge!
I’d like to go to the wordcamp because I love meeting interesting people, interacting with them and generally growing with like minded people is fun for me.
Official Site: WordCamp Philippines 2008 here:
Organizers:Mindanao Bloggers here:
Sponsors of WordCamp Philippines 2008:

UPDATE (2008 08 13 1901H): Updated the list of WordCamp Philippines 2008 sponsors!