Rant on Koreanovela Endings

Why does a good ending have to always be one where the noble character dies. Fuck. I’m miffed after watching the ending of East of Eden, previously Queen Seon Dok and Money War. Fuck. Why are we so fixated with the Greek Tragedy. FUCK.  Baker King seems very interesting but I don’t want to get pulled in.
On an interesting note, while in this demonic mood, What is the best revenge random people can do against the perpetrators of the a massacre (Watching GMA news; A victim of the Maguindanao Massacre was apparently  raped before she was killed. The victim was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was bringing his husband to Cotabato City because his husband was very sick. Animals)?  Top of my head is we could have syringes containing the blood of an AIDS infected person and while they are being brought to jail.

Musings :: 2010 04 23

  • Attended my sister’s graduation from the College of Education.  It was disorganized compared to Engineering’s but the way people showed appreciation to their Dean (Who I hear is a wonderful teacher.) and other Educ faculty was heart warming.
  • Whenever I hear NO or am about to say NO to anything/anyone a part of me repeats this quote. ““Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”-Mark Twain
  • What has always been my irk with the operators and spin doctors of Villarroyo is how they seem to play us for fools. A little subtlety please.
  • I miss school. I think it started when I had a John Hughes marathon and felt nostalgia for school stuff. I must be getting old. yuck.
  • I was able to sample a lot of dishes from 145 Fahrenheit for Pam’s(My sister’s) grad lunch out. Food was great.
  • Was able to watch 2 Filipino films this week. Anne Curtis and Sam Milby’s Babe, I love you and Erich Gonzales and Enchong Dee’s Paano ko sasabihin. Let’s just say that Babe, I love you would have failed if not for Anne Curtis spirited acting and that indefinable quality known as charisma, she just overflows with this unlike Sarah Geronimo or Bea Alonzo who needs a solid script and a great character to shine. Paano ko sasabihin? was the opposite. They had solid but leaning to the weak side performance of both leads but had a better than average material (script soundtrack peg etc) who suffered greatly from the malady of the ending is decided by how you view the world malady that Richard Linklater seems to love.
  • PS:: Anne Curtis’ legs would be the second best reason to watch this film, although you see a lot of that in Showtime. hehehe . joke!

Random Thoughts 2009 09 23

What is the most expensive Court Room drama in Philippine history?

Erap’s impeachment procedings!

What is the most expensive Series in Philippine history?

The Congress.

Feeling Weird About Cable

Last week I signed up as a monthly donor to WWF-Philippines. I’m giving 500php per month debited on my credit card every 15th.
The gist of the post is really about not being able to convince myself to subscribe to the skycable select plan that is only 280 php per month + 20php for Turner Classic Movies.
I feel very wierd about this, or I suspect that I am weird.
Disclaimer, when the nba begins I’m definitely subscribing BTV! yipee! just not now!
PS: My parents gave me a 32 inch series 3 (not full hd) lcd tv ! Thanks Ma and Pa, this is such a nice gift! Woot!

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Stubborn 2009 06 05

Call me stubborn but I said I’m going to the beach this saturday and rain or no rain I’m going! Fuck That Shit! In your face mofo weather!

Can't Lie

It seems to be the recurring theme of my life. The “Fuck I can’t Lie To My Self but I’ll try everytime i get a chance”. THis is getting stale, I need a new theme fuck happiness fuck depression. I am in limbo and it seems that both extremes won’t/can’t make me satisfied. This is not where I am meant to be!