Quote :: I believe that doing all this …. ::“it’s not normal” | gapingvoid

I believe that doing all this: learning, loving, sharing, socialising: it’s called living. I believe that anything that stops us from reaching and extending our potential and purpose is wrong; I believe that anything that stops us relating to others is wrong; I believe that anything that stops us sharing is wrong; I believe that anything that stops us learning is wrong.
via “it’s not normal” | gapingvoid.

Quote :: The uncharted wilderness of your mind | JessicarulestheUniverse

This was beautiful prose.

The second is an expedition into largely uncharted territory: yourself. You are in unfamiliar surroundings, among strangers; your comfortable assumptions do not operate here. We could argue that this is the natural, stripped-down, real version of you. Meet yourself. A mildly terrifying prospect, if you think about it: What if you don’t like you?
via The uncharted wilderness of your mind | JessicarulestheUniverse.

Quote :: Strategy Letter V – Joel on Software

Joel shouldn’t talk of things he doesn’t understand.

When I was in college I took two intro economics courses: macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macro was full of theories like “low unemployment causes inflation” that never quite stood up to reality. But the micro stuff was both cool and useful. It was full of interesting concepts about the relationships between supply and demand that really did work. For example, if you have a competitor who lowers their prices, the demand for your product will go down unless you match them.

via Strategy Letter V – Joel on Software.

Quotes :: Strategy Letter V – Joel on Software

Joel shouldn’t talk of things he doesn’t understand.

When I was in college I took two intro economics courses: macroeconomics and microeconomics. Macro was full of theories like “low unemployment causes inflation” that never quite stood up to reality. But the micro stuff was both cool and useful. It was full of interesting concepts about the relationships between supply and demand that really did work. For example, if you have a competitor who lowers their prices, the demand for your product will go down unless you match them.
via Strategy Letter V – Joel on Software.

Quote :: Invent the future … ::Why You Should NEVER Listen to Your Customers « blog maverick

Instead, part of every entrepreneurs job is to invent the future. I also call it “kicking your own ass”. Someone is out there looking to put you out of business. Someone is always out there who thinks they have a better idea than you have. A better solution than you have. A better or more efficient product than you have. If there is someone out there who can “kick your ass” by doing it better, its part of your job as the owner of the company to stay ahead of them and “kick your own ass” before someone else does.
via Why You Should NEVER Listen to Your Customers « blog maverick.

Quote ::The only way to remember who you are is to refuse to let anyone or anything dictate what you want. …. :: “a child would not hesitate to pack up a sleeping bag and sleep on a pier under the stars with you” | gapingvoid

The only way to remember who you are is to refuse to let anyone or anything dictate what you want. I write to share my triumphs and defeats and to remind you that wanting something other than herd-like, soul-crushing monotony is not only natural, but necessary.
via “a child would not hesitate to pack up a sleeping bag and sleep on a pier under the stars with you” | gapingvoid.