Elink Pic :: Scientific Evidence for Popular Health Supplements!!!!

I’ve had this somewhat long standing beef with the snakes  oil salesmen we call “No Approved Therapeutic Claim” supplement salesmen. Hope this guide helps people to be more careful with what they spend their hard earned money with. See I posit that who most uses these supplements are the same people who can’t afford to waste money on stuff that doesn’t work. In one way it’s just another way to separate the fool from his money, something I do not approve of when a lot of people are just surviving.

Elink Pic::Because X is the new Why » Playing the Game

look at the pic from the linked site!!!

Playing the Game
Reg of Cereal Saturdays (“A Weekend on a Weakday”) wanted to draw a comic about the awkward world of dating as a precursor to relationships, until she realized she never really dated. She is, however, awfully familiar with “The Game”, which will be discussed in further pictorial detail in today’s Show and Tell.
via Because X is the new Why » Playing the Game.

rePost::The One Who Got Away – Pictory

Click through, the romantic in me is moved.

Think about the people missing from your life, and how you feel about them. What we remember — and what we forget — may reveal more about ourselves than about them. We have photos, letters, souvenirs, and fragments of memory, but our powerful imagination takes over from there: We color in the blanks. And that’s OK. Retouching old loves is a way of understanding what we want. It helps us find our way to new ones.
It’s impossible to know whether the experiences below are about infatuation, true love, lust, or something else entirely. But we can be sure that each of these contributors learned about life and themselves in the process.
via The One Who Got Away – Pictory.