Musings 2011 08 28


  • I’ve been reading too much manga lately.  Read about two hundred chapters of slam dunk and hajime no ippo and the prince of tennis. Haay,, I need to focus!!!


  • I have a feeling the younger me would punch myself in the face if he read what I just wrote: “The … is a multi-tiered, service oriented, loosely coupled, highly configurable, adaptive, fault tolerant system.”


  • Watching Breaking Bad is like watching The Wire, you sometimes have to pause between episodes because sometimes the action just gets too much and you need time to process things.
  • Hope people are safe from Mina and Irene.

Migraines 2011 08 21

Spending the weekend immobilized because of my migraines is not my idea of a weekend.Fuck it I’m going to the mall my head be damned.

rePost::Captain America: The First Avenger Review by Nordling of AICN

Color me excited!

When I review a film, I like to sleep on it before I write it up.  Sometimes that’s not possible, such as a press screening the night before a film opens.  But I think I’m a better reviewer once I’ve had a sleep on a movie – I find that it’s easier for me to look at a film with that distance, and if in the morning I still like what I saw then it gets a positive review. Reviews of films right after seeing them tend to skew hyperbolic because I’m so eager to put down my thoughts and get them out.  So you should take that into consideration when reading this.  I’m under no time pressure to write this review, although I like to have my reviews out by opening day.  But I really felt the need to share this one, because I’m just that excited over CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, which shoots to the upper levels of superhero films.  In fact, I’ll probably make bold statements throughout this review, like “It equals THE INCREDIBLES and SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE in sheer filmic joy” or “CAPTAIN AMERICA is the RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK of superhero movies.”  Again, take them how you like.  I’m confident I’ll feel the same way in the morning.
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

SG Appreciation

There is something to be said when some of the most tense moments involve only one, even none of the main characters, when you start to question which teamup is better or how you much you love how much effort the Secret Garden team put in the camera work and how such a simple story can move you so much. I haven’t finished it yet but I am thinking that it’s better than Kim Sam Soon ,Coffee Prince, and Money War, and is probably going to either tie or replace my other Korean Drama favorites.

rePost :: Time for an intervention | JessicarulestheUniverse

Loved reading this.

Sometimes when we are bored, susceptible, or wish to escape from real life, we latch onto something or someone we barely know and become fanatics. The objects of our devotion may be movie stars or musicians or sports teams or even writers; the point is that they exist outside of our lives, no matter how close they may seem. Never mind that they’re “just like you” and you’re sure that if you spent any time together you would be best buddies. Never mind that they seem to be really nice, or that they say exactly what you’re thinking. There’s nothing wrong with admiring them or taking inspiration from them, but you have to remember:
You are not them.
I have to say this because I feel responsible. Maintain perspective. Remember when you had a life and interests of your own? You used to be fun; now you’re one of those tiresome people who can’t go two minutes without babbling about your idols. Ask yourself why you’re so consumed. Are you using this fixation as a substitute for something?
These people are not your friends. The Lester Bangs character goes on to say, “You wanna be a true friend to them? Be honest and unmerciful.”
That’s good advice.
via Time for an intervention | JessicarulestheUniverse.

rePost::Irritable Writing On Same-Sex Marriage | Pinoy Everyman

Agree Vince, as I’ve been saying  The Church Groups (ALL) can keep “marriage” the word as long as there is a parallel union legal construct that for all legal purposes is a marriage without the religious side. Yes to same sex union

Funny thing is, I don’t even benefit from the passage of a law that allows LBGTs to marry. But, I also wouldn’t be inconvenienced by the passage of such a law, so really, why not let these people marry? It doesn’t harm you, it doesn’t harm me, and it would mean the world for LBGT couples who’re probably more committed to one another than many heterosexual marriages elsewhere.
via Irritable Writing On Same-Sex Marriage | Pinoy Everyman.

Migraine 2011 06 23

Note to self:
I’m a few irritations away from updating my resume. Probably just post migraine irritation.
People management is definitely a real skill, it involves having a good internal feedback mechanism.
Most companies suck at managing people, this is why most companies suck!

For Reference::Bankard's payment centers with their corresponding days of payment posting/clearing

Dear Mr. Angulo:

The following are Bankard’s payment centers with their corresponding days of payment posting/clearing:

1. RCBC Commercial banks (all branches) =>the following day
2. RCBC Savings Bank (all branches) =>the following day
3. Bayad Centers (selected branches) =>after 2 days
4. Banco De Oro (over-the-counter) =>after 2 days
5. SM Bills payment center  =>after 2 days
6. All Bancnet ATM  (online payment) =>after 2 days
7. Robinson’s Bayad Center (Galleria) =>the following day

Some thoughts on Gloc-9 feat. Jaq Dionisio of KissJane – "Kung Tama Siya"

Ang galing para siyang pangloob na diyalogo ng dalawang pangunahing mga bayani ng Philippine Revolution.
Si Jose Rizal yung unang bersikulo tapos si Andres Bonifacio ang pangalawang bersikulo.
ang pamatay yung koro, pinapaisip sa atin papaano kaya kung mayroong pagdududa sa isip ng ating mga bayani.
Napaka bulok kong magtagalog. hehehe.

Migraine 2011 06 20

I’ve ben sleeping all day because of migraines, now the migraine is worse and I can’t sleep. Will try watching a movie. wasted day.