2012 Regular Holidays and Special Non-Working Days

Got this memo from the HR department.

Date : December 06, 2011
From : HR Department
Re : 2012 Regular Holidays and Special Non-Working Days
Below are the regular holidays and special non-working days for the year 2012 per
Proclamation No. 295
Regular Holidays:
January 1 – New Year’s Day (Sunday)
April 5 – Maundy Thursday
April 6 – Good Friday
April 9 – Araw ng Kagitingan (Monday)
May 1 – Labor Day (Tuesday)
June 12 – Independence Day (Tuesday)
August 27 – National Heroes Day (Last Monday of August)
November 30 – Bonifacio Day (Friday)
December 25 – Christmas Day (Tuesday)
December 30 – Rizal Day (Sunday)
Special Non-working Days:
January 23 – Chinese New Year (Monday)
August 21 – Ninoy Aquino Day (Tuesday)
November 1 – All Saints Day (Thursday)
November 2 – Additional special (non-working) day (Friday)
December 31 – Last Day of the Year (Monday)
Special Holiday (for all schools)
February 25 – EDSA Revolution Anniversary (Saturday)
Eid Il Fitr, or the end of Ramadan will be declared upon the recommendation of the Office of Muslim Affairs.

First thoughts would be lots of long weekends, what we get for the dearth of long weekends this year. Yahoo! Must book flights now!!!

Props to the Google Reader and Google Plus team

I track myself a lot and over the past few weeks since the redesign of google reader I’ve been using it considerably less. I really enjoy sharin stuff with my google reader friends and I read a lot of diverse things turning off the social features were a real bummer.
But old habits die hard. I was pleasantly surprised how well sharing to google plus from google reader is, save from the fact that a modal dialog popup is really not my thing using the old keyboard shortcut for sharing that has been imprinted to my muscle memory allowed me to discover this “new” feature almost by instinct. The integration with google plus also allows me to share stuff I know people from specific circles I have would be interested in. Wow, I really was beginning to think that the google social stuff are beginning to lead google towards irrelevancy but it seems that they actually knew what they were doing. If this goes on and facebook continues to impede fuck up my stream, I might just have to delete it and just say to people I don’t have a facebook account, find me in google plus!!!!!

TED: Britta Riley: A garden in my apartment

I’ve dreamed of having a farm for a long time. I’ve even periodically looked at the prices of lands in different provinces, sketched what I could probably do with it, etc. In short it is one of those long time projects that I will do when I have the capital to spend. For now the knowledge is what I’m building up on.
One of the realizations of this is that as long as the peace and order situation of a lot of undeveloped provinces outside metro manila is resolved farming on the classic sense is just not feasible. Most endeavors have a minimum viable size and the minimum viable size for a classic farm is the size that attracts rent seekers such as govt officials or the parallel govt in impoverished provinces the secessionist.
A few months back I read from Marginal Revolutions blog (If memory serves me right) that Sweden or at least European country you would least expect is a net exporter of food stuffs because its advanced chemical and electronics industry allowed it to go into hydrophonics in a big way. I filed this under study for your farming dreams and also under the fuck if we only had competent leaders we would probably be exporting food again.
While watching this TED talk for some reason tears were coming, I’ve probably been very happy these past days and to see something like this wow, TG. Damn I’ve been very lazy lately. This is only the beginning.

Musings on a thing on the Checklist

I’ve just dissuaded a couple of officemates thinking of getting training from an it training center from a school that I am ambivalent towards.
I did this with a heavy heart because a part of me feels like a traitor. The part of me that won was the part that cared towards other people. The part that wouldn’t shut up if you didn’t at least try to steer people towards a better outcome.
This has brought to my attention a dearth of great IT training places in the Philippines. I’ve always had a school as part of the checklist. What can one do?
Have to research the IT training programs available locally.

Rethrick Construction

And this is the essential broader point–as a programmer you must have a series of wins, every single day. It is the Deus Ex Machina of hacker success. It is what makes you eager for the next feature, and the next after that. And a large team is poison to small wins. The nature of large teams is such that even when you do have wins, they come after long, tiresome and disproportionately many hurdles. And this takes all the wind out of them. Often when I shipped a feature it felt more like relief than euphoria.
via Rethrick Construction.

Haven’t had wins lately. Probably why lately work wise I’ve been down a lot.

Here’s to the crazy ones


Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. – Apple Inc.

Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation.

The you tube link is here.

I’ve been recently toying with the idea of change. I don’t know where this was coming from but I’ve been slowly losing motivation. This is problematic because I am strictly fueled by the desire to do something and when that desire wanes the persons stops doing stuff.