Dont Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice | Kalzumeus Software

If you really like the atmosphere at universities, that is cool.  Put a backpack on and you can walk into any building at any university in the United States any time you want.  Backpacks are a lot cheaper than working in academia.   You can lead the life of the mind in industry, too — and enjoy less politics and better pay.  You can even get published in journals, if that floats your boat.  After you’ve escaped the mind-warping miasma of academia, you might rightfully question whether Published In A Journal is really personally or societally significant as opposed to close approximations like Wrote A Blog Post And Showed It To Smart People.
via Dont Call Yourself A Programmer, And Other Career Advice | Kalzumeus Software.

Sad State of PAGASA

It seems the employees of PAGASA after 5 months of keeping silent have all but lost hope in their sad plight.
It seems because of lack of fnds their SALA (Subsistence Allowance and Living Allowance) and Hazard pay has not been given to them.
This effectively reduces their gross pays by about 10-35% according to reports on TV.
This is sad because highly specialized/ highly skilled individuals like those of PAGASA really can walk away and transfer to other nations where they probably will have a better career and life in general. As is apparent from their muted protest and a marked guilt in protesting the people of PAGASA are doing this with a heavy heart.
I hope the good people of the DBM find ways to make the plight of their fellow government employees better.
I hope we can find a way to help our government scientist and specialist continue serving our country while not causing a disservice to their families.

rePost::Nothing and everything is sacred ::Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, The Great Charter, Its Fate, and Ours | TomDispatch

Emphasis mine. It is in the interest of everyone, even the religious and even the non religious to subscribe to the belief that the original of all just power is the people and not the King, not even God. This is because my unoriginal and extremely feeble mind sees that the only way to reconcile a multi-stakeholder society that a democracy will slowly embolden is to believe that nothing and everything is sacred.

After a bitter conflict between King and Parliament, the power of royalty in the person of Charles II was restored.  In defeat, Magna Carta was not forgotten.  One of the leaders of Parliament, Henry Vane, was beheaded.  On the scaffold, he tried to read a speech denouncing the sentence as a violation of Magna Carta, but was drowned out by trumpets to ensure that such scandalous words would not be heard by the cheering crowds.  His major crime had been to draft a petition calling the people “the original of all just power” in civil society — not the King, not even God.  That was the position that had been strongly advocated by Roger Williams, the founder of the first free society in what is now the state of Rhode Island.  His heretical views influenced Milton and Locke, though Williams went much farther, founding the modern doctrine of separation of church and state, still much contested even in the liberal democracies.
via Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, The Great Charter, Its Fate, and Ours | TomDispatch.

Valdez: TRO issuance is a moral choice

He said that it will be difficult for judges to decide on petitions for a TRO with “moral grounds” as basis. “Moral choice is not an element” in the Courts decision-making process on TROs, he said.
via Valdez: TRO issuance is a moral choice.

To this  I will hide behind some of the giants of the US Supreme Court.  To say that Moral choice is not an element betrays a lack of appreciation of how important the judgement of the Supreme Court is. The reason that the Constitution is a living document is that it assumes that there is an element of statesmanship within the three branches of government but probably foremost in the Supreme Court Justices because of their non elected status.

Nostalgia or they used to make em better when I was younger!

What does it say that the early 90 mid 80s love team of Dawn Zulueta and Richard Gomez is the most kilig I feel in any current series?
Only in this case it is true. The downfall of movie making in the Philippines have caused good actors/actresses to lack practice or in the words of Bill Simmons the reps. This lack of reps is setting our standards lower because we do not have the benefit of knowing better days.

Holiday 1938

For posterity’s sake. Just finished watching  Holiday 1938 starring Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. I soo love this film.