The costs and benefits of Pantawid Pamilya

Wow it would only take about 100 Billion Pesos per year to push up the income and practically eradicate extreme poverty in the Philippines.  This makes me hopeful. Please do read the whole article.

Another measure of poverty is the poverty gap index representing the average amount of income required by the poor to reach the poverty line, in relation to the poverty line. APIS 2013 data shows that Pantawid has increased the income of beneficiaries so that they have moved closer to the poverty line: per peso cash grant, the poverty gap has been reduced by 61 centavos.
In 2013, Pantawid beneficiary families received an average of P1,407 of monthly cash grants, if they sent their 3 beneficiary children to school, and received health services for their household members. Without the cash grants, these families had an average per capita income of P13,293, whereas the poverty line per person was P19,262. Thus, the amounts given will not really help them cross the poverty line, but are only truly “Pantawid.” About half of cash grants are used for food, a quarter (25%) on educated-related expenses, while 7% is used on health, and close to nothing is used for recreation or alcohol.
The PSA estimated that in 2012, the “income gap” of the poor, i.e. the total amount required for all poor persons to cross the poverty line (assuming we could identify them and give them just what they needed, without even considering the costs of identifying them) was P136.6 billion, whereas the full CCT budget covered P39.4 billion.
So while the CCT budget is large, when you drill to the beneficiaries, this is still not enough to help them get out of poverty.
via The costs and benefits of Pantawid Pamilya.

Nix Nolledo: 'Xurpas is just the beginning'

Nice!!! Hoping this is the first of many!

To our friends, family, our underwriter, our investors, our partners, the PSE board and management, the SEC, and everyone who helped us through this journey. Good morning.Today is a day for thanksgiving, and a day for celebration. Today, we mark this occasion with humility and joy, knowing that we started with a dream of creating a mobile tomorrow. Today, Xurpas officially enters the Philippine Stock Exchange as “X”, on the backs of our hopes, hard work, and an initial investment of P62,500.I still remember the first Xurpas office, it was my father’s tiny apartment. We brought our computers from home and had no money to spend on new office furniture. We ate canned goods and rice to save our money. Raymond, Andy, and I poured all of our savings into this venture, armed with our skills and our aspirations of building a better future.The future has arrived. With more than 110 million mobile subscriptions in the market, Internet access reaching 40 percent of our population, and smart phone penetration about to hit half of all mobile subscribers, the future could not have looked any brighter. We’ve waited 13 years for this moment.
via Nix Nolledo: ‘Xurpas is just the beginning’.

Chris Rock on Ferguson, Cosby, and Obama — Vulture

A thoughtful interview by Chris Rock!

Let what drop?
Just let the country flatline. Let the auto industry die. Don’t bail anybody out. In sports, that’s what any new GM does. They make sure that the catastrophe is on the old management and then they clean up. They don’t try to save old management’s mistakes.
That’s clever. You let it all go to hell.
Let it all go to hell knowing good and well this is on them. That way you can implement. You hire your own coach. You get your own players. He could have got way more done. You know, we’ve all been on planes that had tremendous turbulence, but we forget all about it. Now, if you live through a plane crash, you’ll never forget that. Maybe Obama should have let the plane crash. You get credit for bringing somebody back from the dead. You don’t really get credit for helping a sick person by administering antibiotics.
One thing that was so exciting to many people, including you and me, when Obama got in was the hope, however delusional, that his election signaled some kind of racial progress in America. When, in fact, I don’t think there’s been much at all.
Grown people, people over 30, they’re not changing. But you’ve got kids growing up.
Your own kids are all girls, right?
All girls. I mean, I almost cry every day. I drop my kids off and watch them in the school with all these mostly white kids, and I got to tell you, I drill them every day: Did anything happen today? Did anybody say anything? They look at me like I am crazy.
And you think this change is generational? That maybe it has nothing to do with Obama?
It’s partly generational, but it’s also my kids grew up not only with a black president but with a black secretary of State, a black joint chief of staff, a black attorney general. My children are going to be the first black children in the history of America to actually have the benefit of the doubt of just being moral, intelligent people.
via Chris Rock on Ferguson, Cosby, and Obama — Vulture.

rePost:Google in Education

Working as a professional programmer from an Electrical Engineering degree from UPD-EEE dept is not as far a jump as say an Electrical Engineering degree from MAPUA. Programming is a form of force multiplier and thus we are well trained to use this for solving EE stuff. That said and EE degree is far from a CS degree and the difference shows the further you go within the field.  Hope I can find the time to plug all these holes.

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via Google in Education.

Binay does not have to be declared guilty to get thrown from the presidential race | The Society of Honor by Joe America

Jejomar Binay would not be a presidential candidate in America. Period.
He has not been convicted of breaking any laws. But he would be convicted of violating the sense of good behavior that we . . . as informed, thinking voters . . . demand.
Why are so many Filipinos just standing by and waiting for a court conviction? Waiting for the Ombudsman? Waiting for impeachment? Waiting for an official act?
Perhaps because in the space between laws and freedoms, Filipinos have no clarity of conscience themselves. Frankly, I don’t wholly understand why there so little condemnation of Vice President Binay from important people who are SUPPOSED to have good ethical bearing. Leaders concede every benefit to the top crook in the land waiting for an official to tell them what to think. It’s like they are ethically impotent. I have shied away from the term cowardly. But . . . they . . . just . . . can’t . . . speak . . . up.
There are no Rizals among the current crop of leaders, I’d guess.
via Binay does not have to be declared guilty to get thrown from the presidential race | The Society of Honor by Joe America.

Harry Roque's Blog « Thoughts of an activist lawyer

The famous UP lawyer who can’t read between the lines. Vietnam is not a lackey of the US yet is encountering aggressive action by China. Is it too much of a stretch that maybe China is aggressive against US not specifically because of our close ties with the US?
Add blaming the President for the failings of the Judiciary and someone has to say it:
Harry Roque is a hack!
I wish that we eventually get a lawyer of principle who fights for principle instead of his ego.

I answered all of the options except for strengthening our ties with the US since China already views us as a mere lackey of the US, I explained that with the billions of pesos that we have lost in PDAF and DAP, we could already afford the cost of modernizing our navy. I am unsure though until now what Justice Carpio was leading to since he ended his interpellation by observing that China has also been aggressive against Vietnam despite the latter’s staunch independent foreign policy.
via Harry Roque’s Blog « Thoughts of an activist lawyer.

A Brief History of Murder Islands: How ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay’ Built a Dystopia From Scraps «

We need more symbolism like this in our drive against corruption in government.

On Tuesday, in the city of Khon Kaen, Thailand, five college students were arrested for making the three-fingered District 12 salute during an appearance by Thai prime minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who seized control of the country in a military coup this past May. Anti-coup activists have adopted the gesture (now illegal in Thailand) as a silent symbol of defiance, proving once again that you don’t really know what a film is about until an audience tells you. On Thursday, three more students were detained for throwing up the District 12 sign outside a shopping-mall multiplex in Bangkok.
via A Brief History of Murder Islands: How ‘The Hunger Games: Mockingjay’ Built a Dystopia From Scraps «.

Only Ayalas didn’t give Binay condos–Mercado | Inquirer News

Testifying at the resumption of the Senate blue ribbon subcommittee inquiry into supposed Makati irregularities, Mercado alleged that Binay used dummies to hide his ownership of these condominium units—a charge the Vice President’s camp denied.
As examples (mga halimbawa), Mercado cited six buildings where Binay allegedly had units and presented a notarized affidavit from Ariel Olivar, an engineer who admitted he was used as a front for Binay’s unit at The Peak condominium.
Mercado also alleged that among the other buildings where Binay owned a unit were the Le Triomphe condominium; the Makati Sunrise Tower, now the Berjaya Hotel; Perla Compania de Seguros Mansion Condotel; Prince Plaza II Condotel; and Avignon Tower.
via Only Ayalas didn’t give Binay condos–Mercado | Inquirer News.

Binay and the Senate inquisition « Harry Roque's Blog

Notice the word smear and how he has turned the issue towards the political ambitions of Alan Peter Cayetano and Antonio Trillanes.  This is another reason to thank Binay he has exposed who Harry Roque is fighting for. None other than Harry Roque, and his Ego!

 The on-going Senate smear against Binay though is not new. This is why despite the fact that the Senate’s power to conduct investigations in aid of legislation is plenary in nature, meaning that only the Senate itself can say if when its investigations are indeed pursuant to law making, the Supreme Court has recently ruled that these investigations, bereft of genuine legislative basis, is prone to abuse. This is why plenary or not, the Court has ruled that the Senate cannot investigate without a legislative purpose.
The starting point in this long line of Jurisprudence is Arnault vs Nazareno. In this case, the Supreme Court first ruled that Senate inquiries are plenary in nature and that witnesses may be cited in contempt of the Senate where they fail to appear before the investigation and when they are found to be lying before the body.  Said the Court: “The power of inquiry – with process to enforce it – is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function. A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change; and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information—which is not infrequently true—recourse must be had to others who possess it.”
Much later, during the administration of President Corazon Aquino, the Court ruled in the case of Bengzon vs. Blue Ribbon Committee that despite the plenary nature of legislative inquiries, the Senate could no longer pursue an investigation on a matter which was already pending in Court. This is because parties to the Senate investigation, when they are already charged in Court for the same subject matter being inquired upon, have the right against self-incrimination. In other words, the rationale behind the prohibition is because persons appearing in the legislative hearings may be held criminally responsible for matters, which they may state before Congress.
via Binay and the Senate inquisition « Harry Roque’s Blog.

Bangsamoro bill can’t be analyzed legally | Inquirer Opinion

Oscar Franklin Tan is slowly becoming required reading for the simple reason that The Bangsamoro Bill will define how a fourth of the country’s citizens and probably a third or maybe even half of it’s natural resources will be used. I believe and this is based on some calculation I did way back in college that we could with some luck and effort inch our way towards Malaysia’s Per Capita GDP. We desperately need a workable solution to our problem in the South.

The formidable array of legal experts tapped by the House of Representatives’ ad hoc committee on the Bangsamoro Basic Law will not be able to resolve the bill’s constitutionality. This issue turns on whether or not one chooses to interpret our fundamental law broadly to accommodate the idea of an unprecedented autonomous region in Mindanao. No clear legal standard governs this central question. It is ultimately not legal but political, and will be resolved with a political stand that the Supreme Court must respect.
The ad hoc committee’s first hearing last Oct. 27 opened with a representative of our retired generals. He asked that we ensure that our armed forces’ deployments are not restricted and that a de facto Bangsamoro army that may turn against us not be allowed. He insisted that the law contain an explicit provision prohibiting secession. With great conviction, he expressed the hope that his grandchildren would not spit on his grave for failing to protect our territory’s integrity.
The night before, I had coffee with an old Maranao schoolmate. He spoke animatedly about the Aquino administration’s cleanup of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, with more roads built there this term than in the rest of the ARMM’s history. About the need to properly manage Lake Lanao’s crucial biodiversity and hydroelectric resources. About organizing idealistic, young Moro professionals.
In a student magazine feature I wrote in 2000, my Muslim schoolmates narrated both the discomfort of being served pork at our freshman orientation and appreciating the beauty of Catholicism as a Muslim in Jesuit Ateneo. “All-out war” against the Moro Islamic Liberation Front was declared that year. Female students wearing head scarves were searched more closely in Manila malls. In Quiapo’s Golden Mosque, a friend was accused of being a dupe in a Christian plot to use Atenean Muslims to subvert others in Manila. He told me of aspirations for a dignified space of their own and that dream’s many meanings for different people. He lamented how the deep resentment of our Muslim peers in the University Belt translated into refusing to call themselves Filipino or having the flag on display at interfaith events.
via Bangsamoro bill can’t be analyzed legally | Inquirer Opinion.