Making the Jump to Go: A Guide for Java Developers – DZone Java

If you’re a Java developer like me, chances are you’ve heard rumblings of the trendy new language that came out of Google: Go. And if, like me, you’re always looking for ways to code faster and better, you may be asking yourself whether any of your existing applications are good candidates to move to Go. While not every Java application should be ported to Go, in many cases, Go is a more productive development framework than Java. There is, therefore, a great deal of value in understanding what Go can do;

Source: Making the Jump to Go: A Guide for Java Developers – DZone Java

rePost:Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds | The New Yorker

In the second phase of the study, the deception was revealed. The students were told that the real point of the experiment was to gauge their responses to thinking they were right or wrong. (This, it turned out, was also a deception.) Finally, the students were asked to estimate how many suicide notes they had actually categorized correctly, and how many they thought an average student would get right. At this point, something curious happened. The students in the high-score group said that they thought the

Source: Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds | The New Yorker

rePost: Maker vs. Manager: How Your Schedule Can Make or Break You

When the results came in, they revealed an enormous performance gap. The best outperformed the worst by a 10:1 ratio. The top programmers were also about 2.5 times better than the median. When DeMarco and Lister tried to figure out what accounted for this astonishing range, the factors that you’d think would matter—such as years of experience, salary, even the time spent completing the work—had little correlation to outcome. Programmers with ten years’ experience did no better than those with two years. The

Source: Maker vs. Manager: How Your Schedule Can Make or Break You

Musings 2017 07 29 2209

Watching Roy Basa’s story in MMK tonight can’t help but wish that people understood that intergenerational poverty and social immobility is the main problem of our country. Something infrastructure projects cannot overcome.
Strengthening healthcare through PhilHealth and funding the public hospitals helps in solving the number one cause of financial calamity in the Philippines.
K-12 helps in funding the low hanging fruit in education. Making high school graduates employable or equipped for entrepreneurship.
CCT program create incentives for parents to force their children to school. Before senior high you have to graduate from high school. Before you go to high school you have to graduate elementary. Before you go to elementary you have to graduate from kinder. The financial incentive of CCT helps create senior highschool graduates that hopefully make a dent against inter generational poverty and lack of social mobility

Musing 2017 05 06

I don’t know what happened but I am busier now than I was last Tuesday.
I really want to be mad at certain persons right now but the reality is if you’re plans are being trashed by someone else then there was a lapse in judgement on your part that cannot be ignored.  You lack a fail safe of some kind. You trusted the wrong person. You over estimated someone’s capacity for change or leadership.
You have no one else to blame but yourself.
So busy but I so fucking want to binge sense8 season 2.

rePost :: Transom » Ira Glass

This is something of a notes to friends from my generation. We can’t seem to accept how slow things can be. How slow it is to finally be good at something enough for you to enjoy it immensely. How slow it is to get to the point where you have a sliver of feeling that you are in control of your life.

I bring all of this up to say that if you’re someone who wants to make radio stories (or do any kind of creative work), you’re probably going to have a period when things might not come too easily. For some people, that’s just a year. For others, like me, it’s eight years. You might feel completely alone and lost during this period — God knows I did — and I hope it’s reassuring in some small way to hear that what you’re going through is completely normal. Most people go through it. And there are things you can do during this period of mediocrity that will get you to the next step, that will drive you toward skill and competence.
via Transom » Ira Glass.

Thoughts on Sunshine (2007)

I’m declaring a temporary defeat. I suck at writing reviews. I take solace on my probably mistaken but comforting belief that the conversational and unstructured way of writing is more suited to a podcast or a conversation about a film rather than a formal review.
I’m procrastinating on watching Never Let Me Go. I still haven’t gotten over Atonement probably because it was the first time I watched a movie in Eastwood and I was practically alone in the movie house so I didn’t have to hold back the tears and the emotionalism that comes out whenever  something moves me, as a side note Keira Knightly’s  + british movie is slowly becoming equal to depressing for me.
Another aside I love this time of the year, award seasons is upon us and it means lots of screeners (sent to awards voters for them to see the films outside of academy/emmy/sag/golden globes showings.) This means I have True Grit 127 Hours,Never Let Me got, The Fighter (still haven’t finished this download), The Hunter and some other awards hopefuls on the to watch list.
Not really wanting to watch what would probably have my mind thinking non stop of f I decided to watch Sunshine by Danny Boyle. A film I didn’t catch when it was shown because I was graduating, getting fired from my first job , taking the EE board exams, or was in my first corporate job (I don’t remember but that was what was happening to me in 2007). I remember reading about this movie on ebert’s site and remembering how he liked it but not unequivocally.
I’d have to say that although this was pretty much classic

Closed doors windows open:: Crazy little thing called love edition

I felt a little dizzy when I got out of the house and so decided against going to Cuneta Astrodome and support the Brgy against Powerade. I wasn’t feeling well and felt studying/working would be counterproductive because I wouldn’t be able to retain what I was studying or had to redo whatever module I’d work on.  Decided to check some of the movies I copied from a friends hard drive.  I’ve seen probably less than a dozen thai films and most were action/action adventure films. I was slightly curious with the film recently tagalized by abs-cbn and shown probably 2 sundays ago.   I really liked Crazy little thing called love. It had this honesty that worked while having a plot that consisted of mostly cliches. Shout out goes to the writer who seemed to have a great feel for straddling the line drawn by John Hughes.  If I’m too say what I believed could have been done better, I’d go for removing the bits with the drama teacher, Oh how irritating the drama club advisor/english teacher was, I also have a few qualms with the ending. There is a reason that the ending of “My Sassy Girl” works (Spoilers for the said movie follows), most classic comedies won’t really work in a world where everyone has a mobile phone and there’s email, most light love stories just wouldn’t work in a world with facebook, twitter, linkedin and the like you wouldn’t have to ask if someone is single or in the case of my sassy girl, I’d bet she wouldn’t have removed the in a relationship with, there just wouldn’t be that big reveal that everything is tied up with.  I just wished they put a a more subtle ending.  If I wrote the ending it would have gone somewhat like this. A fashion show in New York or probably Bangkok depends. A photographer shows his credentials to security to get access to the backstage, some small talk between the guard, The guard recognizes the photographer as a former football player, wonders if he took those amazing photographs from Mt Everest(?)/Africa   but enough of the negative stuff.   All great love stories are dependent on longing. You cannot long for something you already have. In a way the beauty of the the story is that I’d love to include a clip but most clips are full of spoilers. ฉันรักเธอ