A lot of the fear of smart phones and social media may be based on faulty data – Marginal REVOLUTION

A lot of the fear of smart phones and social media may be based on faulty data by  Tyler Cowen April 1, 2019 at 1:42 pm in Data Source Web/Tech New research shows that the fear of smart phones and social media was built on a castle made of sand. Turns out almost all of previous research never bothered to validate their assessments of smart phone use – and that appears to have been a HUGE mistake. That is from Patrick Markey at Villanova, here is the whole thread.  Here Dr. Andrea Howard has some comments a

Source: A lot of the fear of smart phones and social media may be based on faulty data – Marginal REVOLUTION

Back-end – Front-End Versioning – Christian Findlay's Software Development


I have looked at two patterns here. The first is shaping up to be the Internet’s go to option. Most of us are becoming familiar with the pattern and expect the APIs we work in the same way. However, what I have witnessed is that most development teams are not ready for the kind of discipline that is required for API versioning. This will probably need to change in future, and in your development team, you should be thinking about this problem – especially if you are considering mobile app development, or public API deployment. The BFF pattern might give you a bit of wiggle room when you have a tight deadline, but it’s not a very good long term solution. If you’re looking at deploying to the app store, you should look at alternative deployment options like Apple Developer Enterprise Program, and Google Play for enterprises. I will add more on these in subsequent articles.

Source: Back-end – Front-End Versioning – Christian Findlay’s Software Development

Microservices Anti-Patterns – DZone Microservices


In this post, we talked about the microservices antipatterns that I have witnessed working with clients of all sizes. The ones we talked about here were:

  • Break the Piggy Bank
  • Everything Micro (Except for the Data)
  • We are Agile! a.k.a. The Frankenstein

After each, we also tried to give some hope and show a path forward to help correct the mistakes of each.
I hope you enjoyed this at least as much as blue/green deployment with no sev 1 issues!

Source: Microservices Anti-Patterns – DZone Microservices

At 71, She’s Never Felt Pain or Anxiety. Now Scientists Know Why. – The New York Times

She’d been told that childbirth was going to be painful. But as the hours wore on, nothing bothered her — even without an epidural.

“I could feel that my body was changing, but it didn’t hurt me,” recalled the woman, Jo Cameron, who is now 71. She likened it to “a tickle.” Later, she would tell prospective mothers, “Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as people say it is.”

It was only recently — more than four decades later — that she learned her friends were not exaggerating.

Rather, there was something different about the way her body experienced pain: For the most part, it didn’t.

Source: At 71, She’s Never Felt Pain or Anxiety. Now Scientists Know Why. – The New York Times

Don’t solve the problem. – Signal v. Noise

I was reminded of this counterintuitive concept when chatting with Wade Foster, CEO of Zapier, on our Heartbeat podcast. Though his company today is thriving with over 200 employees and over 2 million users, Wade admitted how he struggled in the early days as a CEO when an employee would come to him with a problem:

“When you [jump in and try to solve the problem yourself] you’re actually mistaking your roles. You’ve hired this person to solve problems. And if they’re unable to solve the problem, you’ve probably hired the wrong person.”

In other words, your role as a manager is not to solve problems. It’s to help others solve problems, themselves. Leadership is stewardship. It’s navigating your team through treacherous waters, around jagged rocks, to the desired destination, and making sure folks feel nourished and rested along the way. But you can’t be a good steward if you’re scampering around trying to paddle all the oars faster, yourself. To take the boat analogy one step further, a great manager is a coxswain, not a rower.

Source: Don’t solve the problem. – Signal v. Noise

Development Things For Reflection 2019 03 24

Dani Rodrik: The Good Jobs Challenge: “[For] developing countries… existing technologies allow insufficient room for factor substitution: using less-skilled labor instead of skilled professionals or physical capital. The demanding quality standards needed to supply global value chains cannot be easily met by replacing machines with manual labor. This is why globally integrated production in even the most labor-abundant countries, such as India or Ethiopia, relies on relatively capital-intensive methods…. The standard remedy of improving educational institutions does not yield near-term benefits, while the economy’s most advanced sectors are unable to absorb the excess supply of low-skilled workers. Solving this problem may require… boosting an intermediate range of labor-intensive, low-skilled economic activities. Tourism and non-traditional agriculture… public employment … non-tradable services carried out by small and medium-size enterprises, will not be among the most productive, which is why they are rarely the focus of industrial or innovation policies. But they may still provide significantly better jobs than the alternatives in the informal sector

How to Be More Ambitious | Scott H Young

How to Be More Ambitious

Recently I got an email from a reader asking how he can become more ambitious. He feels like he could do more with his life, but he doesn’t have strong desires for the usual sorts of things that seem to motivate people: wealth, success, fame or prestige.
I thought about this question a lot, because in some ways it’s semi-paradoxical.
It’s perfectly normal to want things (e.g. “I want to be rich”). It’s also normal to not to want things you’re unlikely to obtain (e.g. “I wish I weren’t so hungry right now”). But it’s odd to want to want something you currently don’t. It almost feels like asking for an itch so you’d have something to scratch.

Source: How to Be More Ambitious | Scott H Young

Want To Succeed More Than 95% Of Others? Begin Before You Think You’re Ready.

Wrote best-selling author and speaker Dr. David Schwartz: “All around you is an environment that is trying to pull you down to Second Class Street.” Much of the thinking around you is small-minded. Many people live on pain-avoidance and fear-avoidance, and encourage others to dwell in that mindset, too.

Source: Want To Succeed More Than 95% Of Others? Begin Before You Think You’re Ready.

Want To Succeed More Than 95% Of Others? Begin Before You Think You’re Ready.

If you begin before you think you’re ready, you’ll achieve more success than 95% of others. Why? Because most people are perfectionists who take years to produce a “piece of art” that’s, frankly, mediocre. Their 2nd attempt will be better, their 3rd attempt even more so. But if you never publish your first attempt, you’ll never get there.

Source: Want To Succeed More Than 95% Of Others? Begin Before You Think You’re Ready.

Space/Time and Transport Planning – Transport Futures

what does this mean for your average policy maker? It’s a simple answer that is tricky to implement. Assuming that transport network efficiency is your goal, it is to deliver programmes of work that hit as many of these aspects of spatial and temporal efficiency as you can. Whilst meeting wider goals as well. Mapping these different elements is tricky. Thankfully for you dear reader I have made a start on the factors for you to consider when thinking of efficient transport networks, something that you can

Source: Space/Time and Transport Planning – Transport Futures