Daily Life Accounting

from Del Harris ht to Eric Musselman:

It’s hard to find a job in this life that is always interesting and exciting over a 50-year period. In the end, the value of anyone’s job probably is determined by relationships that are formed more than the wins and the money. Because as we have found out, the money can come and go.”
Eric Musselman’s Basketball Notebook: The value of any job is determined by the relationships.

I try to live by with that in mind. a little life accounting.
05 hours: Sleep (between 4 and 8 depending on need)
03 hours: Daily Commute includes around an hour of walking
09 hours: Required working hours.
11 hours: Actual average hours in the office.
02 hours: Hygeine and Cooking dinner
03 hours: reading/podcast for pleasure/improvement
for any other normal 9-5 and if you sleep a healthy 8 hours a day your job/work/profession/calling is half to more than half your usable daily hours. If you do not wake up in the morning wanting to start working, If you dread mondays and just heart weekends around 100x the normal workday, I suggest you quit, just quit now and try to find that something you were meant to do, at least for now!

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Profile: Rahm Emanuel

{{w|Rahm Emanuel}}, U.S. Congressman.
Image via Wikipedia

nice quote about josh lyman, oops Rahm Emanuel!

“He’s got this big old pair of brass balls,” he said. “And you can just hear ’em clanking when he walks down the halls of Congress.”
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Profile: Rahm Emanuel.

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Matthew Yglesias » Life Imitates Art Imitating Life

CHICAGO - NOVEMBER 07:  President-elect Barack...
Image by Getty Images via Daylife

nice to know though it was in president Bartlett’s term and not in Matt Santos

Life Imitates Art Imitating Life
From reader AB:
1998: Josh Lyman is modeled after Rahm Emanuel.
2004: Matt Santos is modeled after Barack Obama
2006: Matt Santos wins the presidency, and appoints Josh Lyman his Chief of Staff
2008: Barack Obama wins the presidency, and appoints Rahm his Chief of Staff.
In the art version we got a comprehensive Israel-Palestine peace agreement, so that’s something to look forward to in the future.
Matthew Yglesias » Life Imitates Art Imitating Life.

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reply to an Lower Batch ranting about the Electronics Board Exams

The society sees that to be an engineer, one should pass the board examinations. But to be a GOOD engineer, one should need to PROVE himself/herself. Merely passing these exam is not justifiable enough.

and simply put, engineering boards for up students are not the same for non up students,
Its a way for people to show aptitude when studying in places where aptitude for a student isn’t a given
(think other state u’s or non-1st tier educational institutions).
As tipz has already stated at least in the Philippines UP students get the benefit of the doubt even with horrendous transacripts of records.
I think the example of this is if you go to other countries where UP students does not have a reputation for excellence and thus do not get the benefit of the doubt. They usually take certification exams of different sorts to prove at least a minimal level of competence.
I imagine an MIT/Stanford grad is not asked SCJP results when applying for CS jobs, but people from UP are, just expound on this.
And if you love programming you’d probably feel the same about the programming certifications as you feel for the Electronics Board Exams.
I’d say this is how the world works and you have to live with it.
I know its frustrating, and it is in some ways a waste of time.
I somewhat had a change of heart whilst writing this.
The younger batches should thank you because of your honesty.
You can create your own path.
But that would entail sacrifice, work in another country where the license is worth nothing, do your masters or create your own company.
I am rambling sorry , lack of sleep.
In conclusion, sorry if nobody told you the how worthless the board exams is, and what other paths you might have taken.
Thank you for starting the conversation.
This too shall pass.

scary stuff-Bronte Capital: It's about the real economy now

In the Philippines we have a chorus of companies extolling the assertion that because one call center agent position in the states pays for 5 here the downturn only means more jobs. I don’t think so. The real economy is down, and when that happens some companies do dumb things, those dumb things that companies do, they mean lost jobs for countries like the Philippines.

Wal Mart has always had a pay-check related shopping spike – with a substantial number of customers living (as I did when a student) from pay stubb to pay stubb.
But for the first time they are having pay-check driven spikes in the sales of baby formula suggesting the economic pressure is more widespread.
It is about the real economy now.
Bronte Capital: It’s about the real economy now.

This is Extremely Dangerous–Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Remembering to forget

I’m beginning to think that this if ready for human ingestion must be regulated.
I believe primarily for people with depression or people who can’t cope with the memory. Basically suicide risks.
We learn by experience and personally pain for me leads to compassion and if we erase every painful memory then maybe we cease to really exist.

The memory losses, report the authors, are “not caused by disrupting the retrieval access to the stored information but are, rather, due to the active erasure of the stored memories.” The erasure, moreover, “is highly restricted to the memory being retrieved while leaving other memories intact. Therefore, our study reveals a molecular genetic paradigm through which a given memory, such as new or old fear memory, can be rapidly and specifically erased in a controlled and inducible manner in the brain.”
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: Remembering to forget.

Death By Chocolate–from Brad DeLong

I once ate around 3 kilos of chocolate within an hour period, hmm maybe that caused my migraine attack. But what a way to go!!

Death by Chocolate
Where would we be without the internet and wikipedia?
Theobromine poisoning: Chemists with the USDA are investigating the use of theobromine as a toxicant to control coyotes that prey on livestock. Humans are also susceptible to chocolate poisoning if enough is ingested. The lethal dose is placed at around 10 kg (22lbs).
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Semi-Daily Journal Economist Brad DeLong.

Blog Action Day 08

Blog Action Day 08.
Today is Blog Action Day, where bloggers unite to give voice to the issue of poverty.
The message is simple when someone is hungry you give them food, If someone wants to work you help him find work. It is because we recognize the fact that we cannot be truly happy in a world where too many people are suffering in extreme poverty.
This cry may not be heard, this cry may not be heard above the pleas of people from developed nations, because of the financial crisis that the world is going through.
We should not, we cannot allow our cries to go unheard. Each hour, each minute, each second someone dies, a future becomes dark and a promise remains just…

Bert Sperling Answers Your Best Places To Live Questions – Freakonomics – Opinion – New York Times Blog

Nods head in agreement!

Unfortunately, I hear all the time from singles that their work usually lasts until 8 p.m. (or later), and there’s barely enough time to grab some dinner and a drink before collapsing into bed and starting the routine again the next morning. Despite all the possibilities to meet new people, the reality seems to be that a single in a big city is confined to a narrow set of acquaintances and co-workers; sort of like dying of thirst in the middle of an ocean.
Bert Sperling Answers Your Best Places To Live Questions – Freakonomics – Opinion – New York Times Blog.

Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Almost human

I’d be lying if I said i would be a little sad If i haven’t even contributed to the field of artificial intelligence and the suddenly all the major obstacles have been solved. I would be but i would also be elated and would do everything I could to help this old but still infantile persuit.
Almost human
October 12, 2008
In the final round of competition for this year’s Loebner Prize in artificial intelligence, held today at the University of Reading in the UK, a robot came within a whisker of passing the Turing Test. In a series conversations with people, the winning robot, named Elbot, fooled 25% of its interlocutors into believing it was a genuine human being. A score of 30% would have been sufficient to pass Turing’s criterion for a true artificial intelligence.
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: Almost human.