Musings 2010 10 27 17–H

  • It seems President Noy didn’t declare Nov 2 as a holiday. FAIL.
  • I’ve been out of sorts lately and it just recently came to my attention that Darren Aronofsky is directing Wolverine 2. WOW. I still have problems watching Requiem for a Dream (It depresses me too much, but its), and I still believe that The Fountain was underrated and of course everybody loves “The Wrestler”. I haven’t watched Pi which my sister tells me is very good.
  • The internet connectivity of our office was non-existent since Friday last week. That’s globe’s connectivity reliability for you.  In other words pag may bayantel don’t even think twice.
  • Didn’t like this weeks GLEE episode. Personal reasons.
  • Hope someone does a The Daily Show copycat for the Philippines. Two problems with this, who gets to play Jon Stewart. TV5 needs to do this. One of the revamped shows of TV 5 that I found enjoyable was the show which I forgot the name of which was basically TMZ for politicians. If they can copy something like this they should copy The Daily Show and the Colbert Report.

Wasted Life Vol 2 2010

Garden slugs got more out of life than you did. +The ghost of christmas past (Scrooged).

Spent at least 2 days on sick leave, sleeping because of fever and coughing.
Cleaned out my feed reader! YEHEY !!!
Really need to learn conversational Japanese if I want to multitask while watching anime.

let me sum this up for you: you don’t know who you are, you don’t know what you want, and you don’t know what the hell is going on! +The ghost of christmas past (Scrooged).

The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament
The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament Semi Finals
The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament Finals
Nodame Cantabile Live Action Movie
Nodame Cantabile Live Action TV Series
Nodame Cantabile Finale
America’s Best Dance Crew Season 1 (1st Half)
Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother!
GLEE (Wala this week)
Scrooged(I know it’s too early for christmas movies but its Bill Fucking Murray!!!)
The Karate Kid (remake)
Now worrying because I have nothing to watch. Hope the charlie brown christmas specials get finished fast.

When I want a wife, I’m gonna BUY one! She’s gonna be devoted to me, to my wants and my needs. + Frank (Scrooged)

I really need to file all the great quotes I’ve compiled through watching an insane amount of film and television. Quotations from books are straight forward you just highlight the book and flip through your copy of the book.
Was able to watch this saturday
  • 28 Weeks Later  – When the individual trumps the group its society that fails
  • You, Me and Dupree – Owen wilson is targeting one type of character and it’s becoming tedious
  • Battle Royale 2 – Whereas the first film is more a commentary on Japanese society the next films .
  • Battle Royale 1 – Social commentary at its best. When you have a median age of 47 and rising every year. Many things have been written about this societal time bomb but it really cant be helped. What Japan is experiencing is what other developed nations will eventually experience.
PS 2: I really must learn to write proper reviews for films.

Musings 2010 10 16

This is bad, I’m watching too many things right now.
Finished watching the following this week
Anime Series:

  • Death Note.
  • Nodame Cantabile
  • Hajime Ippo

TV Shows:

  • America’s Best Dance Crew season 5
  • The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (4 a week)


  • Ondine

Weekly Shows:

  • Big Bang Theory
  • Community
  • GLEE

The sad thing is I can’t find the time to finish a damn great book, and with the current acquisition rate of 7 books a week I’d be buried in unread books by the end of this year. (note it seems though I didn’t meant it to be this way I’m buying 2 work related , 2 technical non work related,2 non fiction and 1 fiction book in average depending on how many great technical or work related books I can find in used books stores.)
Great finds yesterday:

  • N Gregory Mankiw’s best selling macro economics book 4th Ed
  • A book about Hemingway’s and Fitzgerald’s friendship
  • A book on Hamiltonian Methods in the theory of solitons, whatever that means.

Quote :: not concentrate upon your ending, but rather – :: Harry says Mark Romanek's NEVER LET ME GO is truly Fantastic! — Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

In many ways the lesson of the film is to not concentrate upon your ending, but rather – focus upon the life you are living. And that’s outstanding.
via Harry says Mark Romanek’s NEVER LET ME GO is truly Fantastic! — Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

I’ve always had this tension with the remembering and the experiencing self.
those two selves are explained here in this TED talk by Dan Kahnemann on those concepts.

I’ve always tried to optimize towards the experiencing self. I’ve not made up my mind if what I’m doing is correct.

Groundhog Day ramblings

Whatever happens tomorrow, or for the rest of my life, I’m happy now… because I love you.  -Phil Connors

I don’t know what to make of this film. I’ve caught parts of it in HBO but was only able to really watch it now.
I don’t know what to say, the last time I felt like this was when I watched Up, but this was a far more uplifting experience probably because the film is so thought provoking in the what would I do if it was me type of fantasy.
Have to write this down before it escapes me.
-Andie Mcdowell is perfect for this role, not too hot for us to get distracted but not to homely for us to not care whether Bill Murray and her get together.
-How about that a multitude of ways to interpret, and the different iterations where masterfully executed.
-The bit about him mastering everything that goes down, even to the level of detail of when a gust goes by.
-The bit about the first thing that happens after he is trapped in this daily replay loop is to mope around think there is something wrong with him.

“PHIL: It’s the same thing your whole life.Clean up your room! Stand up straight! Pick up your feet!Take it like a man!  Be nice to your sister! Don’t mix beer and wine, ever! Don’t drive on the railroad tracks!”
GUS: That’s one I agree with.
later on
PHIL: I’m not going to live by their rules anymore!
GUS: I noticed that.
PHIL: You make choices and you live with them.

-The bit about the second thing that thinks to do is to act like a person who does not care for rules and other restrictions, even going into a monologue about

-The bit about dying and the which started with the car chase and eventually turned into a series of suicide tries where exquisite and thoughtful.
-The bit about the old man dying and resulting to him trying to save the old man and everybody else.
-The bit about him learning stuff and improving himself, finally learning to love (I was trying to type live but love would also do here).
This film is definitely on the will forever stay with me category.

Phil : What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same, and nothing that you did mattered?
Ralph:That about sums it up for me.

Musings 2010 09 16

  • It started sunday night and ended yesterday night, my John Hughes Marathon (Teen flicks + Planes Trains and Automobiles).

Some thoughts:
There is a light that never goes out

Take me out tonight
Where there’s music and there’s people
Who are young and alive
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven’t got one anymore
Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people
And I want to see life
Driving in your car
Oh please don’t drop me home
Because it’s not my home, it’s their home
And I’m welcome no more
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes into us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well the pleasure, the privilege is mine
Take me out tonight
Take me anywhere, I don’t care
I don’t care, I don’t care
And in the darkened underpass
I thought Oh God, my chance has come at last
But then a strange fear gripped me
And I just couldn’t ask
Take me out tonight
Oh take me anywhere, I don’t care
I don’t care, I don’t care
Driving in your car
I never never want to go home
Because I haven’t got one
No, I haven’t got one
And if a double-decker bus
Crashes in to us
To die by your side
Is such a heavenly way to die
And if a ten ton truck
Kills the both of us
To die by your side
Well the pleasure, the privilege is mine
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out
There is a light that never goes out

  • Pretty in Pink released in 1986 used a single from “The Queen is Dead” 1986 album of The Smiths in its sound track. It’s a joy pausing the credits to look at the soundtrack of JH films, specially when the music is this good.
  • Found Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) could have been more effective if it wasn’t for the fact that I found Watts more attractive than Amanda. This may either be because I really find Watts more attractive or I was feeling for her character, the  ever I love her but she loves another may be the real reason.
    • For the life of me I can’t help but think that Keith was stoned the whole time.
    • We have our share of this, from 27 year old actors playing a highschool student (Yep thinking of glee right now) to a teenager playing a much older woman (the 15 y.o. clubber  in bad boys 2 comes to mind). I believe for women its more acceptable but for men please please please don’t play freshman highschool students when you already have a receding or thinning rag
  • from Rilke : For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation. I hold this to be the highest task for a bond between two people: that each protects the solitude of the other.
    This is the miracle that happens every time to those who really love: the more they give, the more they possess.
  • loved this TED Talk by TED curator Chris Anderson about Crowd Accelerated Innovation:
  1. Crowd
  2. Light – Open Visibility of what can be done
  3. Desire

  • The LXD (League of eXtraordinary Dancers) shown fleetingly at Chris Anderson’s TED Talk!!!!

Stuff 2010 09 10 0239

It’s okay I’m okay, you know I ,uhm, we weren’t meant to be which sucks, but it’s done…. Maybe there isn’t such a thing as fate. Maybe its all bullshit.
About 90 gigs into filling a 1TB HD. Really fun watching, rewatching stuff you watched when you were still naive and impressionable. It’s like going to mind meld with the person who you were then. It’s uncanny how that part of us is just locked somewhere in the vaults we create to protect them. It’s probably why we have strange connections with certain things/taste/smell/experiences. We remember a sadder/happier version of ourselves.
Funny how the most successful person in the movie Can’t Hardly Wait is Jason Segel who had the role of the watermelon guy.

Musings 2010 09 02

A day late but the day is still the day for me.
I had fever yesterday and after church I decided to skip work and sleep till I felt okay. Woke up 11 PM . Been listening to The Smiths Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now care of Jayson, then listened about 2 times back to back to the 500 Days of Summer OST, fortunately I have a copy of The Graduate. Went to Something Fishy  with peire, and was pleasantly surprised with the addition of a Glazed ham on the midnight to breakfast buffet, competition rules. Watched The Graduate after getting home. This is the second time I’ve watched the Graduate. It seems that the reason I didn’t get it the first time was because the first time I saw it I was just a college freshman watching too many movies, not really  knowing the pointless grind life can be at the end of college.  Saturdays is our high school batch’s 10 year. Maybe this is why I’m being more reflective than usual, that and a few hard core things.

Rant.Musings.2010 07 16

Whilst watching before sunset last night for the nth time I realized that if celine’s definition of depressed people is accurate I might be. Ewan, if you don’t know what I’m talking about well you really need to see before sunset now,as in right now. if you are to bored here’s a more boring list to find out what I mean. from imdb here

Celine: Do I look any different?
[long pause]
Celine: I do?
Jesse: I’d have to see you naked.
Share this quote

Musings 2010 06 11

-Just heard Eminem’s Recovery album (I didn’t Illegally download it , found it in YouTube). Marshal Mather’s is back! The album solidifies his claim as one of the greats with the customary “awesome” comeback album.
-Spent yesterday going 16 hours coding/testing/ and didn’t want to sleep because I know I wouldn’t be able to wake up for the UAT with PRC’s cash division today. Found the Cash Division/PRC people nice.
-Beware of brilliant jerks, if you don’t have the hard shell necessary in dealing with them you’d better just stay away. We all have to learn to still be polite and cordial even in high pressure situations. Be more understanding of the shortcomings of our colleagues. We aren’t all geniuses.
-Went home around 3:30 am, was in a jeepney with 3 dancers, I hate this very sharp sense of overhearing. It seems for non big nights they can go home earlier than usual.
-Pangasinan trip cancelled, turned to a dinner instead. nice pa rin.