Community AWESOME!!!!

Fuck, Community just gets better by the episode It gets better by the  season. Loved the Christmas episode.  Loved the DND episode. You really should be watching Community!!!!!!!


It seems like Ted Mosbey (Josh Radner) is s decent director. Enjoyed happythankyoumoreplease. New York stills seems awesome and I have to say that there is that part of me that dreams of that city.
EDIT:: I heart this film. very quotable, we personal. It feels like an inner monologue.

Love And Other Drugs

There is that kind of lovestory that I don’t  get to see that often. It’s the not a romantic comedy, the comedy that has romance tucked into sometimes seemingly by accident, the zero chemistry super star vehicle. We get to see these things but mostly on short episodic movies like Love Actually and Valentines Day and the like.  I believe the problem has always been that moderation , balance is the harder thing to accomplish.  They almost hit that note with this movie, alas I don’t know if they wanted a movie done by an ADD and depressed person. The film felt done by someone taking ritalin and/or prozac. If that was the messiness they wanted then they succeeded. I cant recommend this movie, but I’ve seen it twice to see two excellent performances and dream of what could have been if they were more focused.

Musings on Anime 2010

I can think of three Great? animated films this year from the west Toy Story 3, How To Train Your Dragon and Tangled. Where are the great anime movies of yore?
Torn between programming and watching RPG Metanoia again. Programming might win because I don’t have to get up and take a bath. hehe.

SHOUTOUT :: RPG Metanoia

Wrote this after watching RPG: Metanoia
You just know childhoods were spent playing Tekken, Virtua Fighter, MMORPG and watching tons of action and anime films. Taken in context this is a GREAT FILIPINO Film. (Proper review later)

rePost::To See:: LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS is a great relationship movie almost single-handedly ruined by one performance, says Capone!!! — Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

At its core, LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS is, as the title implies, a love story and a perfect example of one at that. More than that, it’s the story of two adults falling in love. Yes, there are complications in the relationship, but they aren’t the kind of manufactured, childish bullshit that 95 percent of the world’s romantic comedies seem to thrive upon. These are real-world issues between two flawed individuals who are struggling to find a way to be together against adversities that could easily tear them apart. As upsetting as it might be to see them clumsily maneuver their way around the early stages of this serious relationship, because these two actors are as strong as they’ve ever been, it’s also highly entertaining. LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS is the film adults should make a point to see over this long weekend. As a bonus, for the first half of the movie, you couldn’t pay Hathaway to keep her clothes on. So, there’s that. Enjoy the hell out of this one, people.
via LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS is a great relationship movie almost single-handedly ruined by one performance, says Capone!!! — Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

Musings 2010 11 03 and Wasted Life Vol 03

  • Need to jot this down before I forget. Instant favorite Scott Pilgrim vs The World!!!!
  • For me it defined a visual style much like Natural Born Killer defined the MTV/Howard Stern 24/7 news cycle was for the early 90’s.
  • I liked it more than 500 days of summer, although this may be because of a more conventional ending.
  • I’m hating on myself right now If as I suspect I wasn’t able to catch this at a movie theater, although It benefits the other people at the movie house that I would probably have less of a physical and auditory reaction than if I would be seeing it for the first time.
  • Edgar Wright was able to make an adaptation to a graphic novel that was not only faithful but actually in my opinion more true to what the original artist envisioned.

PS: I am silently scared of the day when I will no longer be able to get it. I describe not getting it as what you do not have when you watch the graduate and you weren’t alive or at least was part of that era that was being depicted.
Watch and Reading list for last week.

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion 1st half and Movies
  • The West Wing Season 1
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Big Bang Theory
  • Community
  • GLEE
  • The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
  • The Colbert Report
  • Cloverfield
  • I was able to catch 2 episode of How To Make It In America. would probably try watching this.
  • Was finally able to finish The Man In The High Castle and it was a great book from one of the masters of fiction.
  • Was able to watch the rally to restore sanity and or fear live through web feed. Loved it.

Wasted Life Vol 2 2010

Garden slugs got more out of life than you did. +The ghost of christmas past (Scrooged).

Spent at least 2 days on sick leave, sleeping because of fever and coughing.
Cleaned out my feed reader! YEHEY !!!
Really need to learn conversational Japanese if I want to multitask while watching anime.

let me sum this up for you: you don’t know who you are, you don’t know what you want, and you don’t know what the hell is going on! +The ghost of christmas past (Scrooged).

The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament
The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament Semi Finals
The Prince of Tennis : National Tournament Finals
Nodame Cantabile Live Action Movie
Nodame Cantabile Live Action TV Series
Nodame Cantabile Finale
America’s Best Dance Crew Season 1 (1st Half)
Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother!
GLEE (Wala this week)
Scrooged(I know it’s too early for christmas movies but its Bill Fucking Murray!!!)
The Karate Kid (remake)
Now worrying because I have nothing to watch. Hope the charlie brown christmas specials get finished fast.

When I want a wife, I’m gonna BUY one! She’s gonna be devoted to me, to my wants and my needs. + Frank (Scrooged)

I really need to file all the great quotes I’ve compiled through watching an insane amount of film and television. Quotations from books are straight forward you just highlight the book and flip through your copy of the book.
Was able to watch this saturday
  • 28 Weeks Later  – When the individual trumps the group its society that fails
  • You, Me and Dupree – Owen wilson is targeting one type of character and it’s becoming tedious
  • Battle Royale 2 – Whereas the first film is more a commentary on Japanese society the next films .
  • Battle Royale 1 – Social commentary at its best. When you have a median age of 47 and rising every year. Many things have been written about this societal time bomb but it really cant be helped. What Japan is experiencing is what other developed nations will eventually experience.
PS 2: I really must learn to write proper reviews for films.

15 Films

  1. Casablanca
  2. Synecdoche NY
  3. Karate Kid ( the original and the remake)
  4. Notting Hill
  5. Love Story
  6. Fight Club
  7. Start Wars
  8. Nausicaa
  9. Ikiri (To Live)
  10. Lucia Y’ El Sexo (Lucia and Sex)
  11. The Shawshank Redemption
  12. Before Sunset
  13. The Hours
  14. Its A Wonderful Life
  15. The Matrix