Goon a Great Fuckin Movie::Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

There are movies out there that I call, in the parlance of TRUE ROMANCE’s Clarence Worley, “Great Fuckin’ Movies.”  DIE HARD’s a GFM.  So’s RIO BRAVO.  So’s HEAT, and ROCKY, and PREDATOR, and Carpenter’s THE THING, and so on.  They aren’t necessarily awards winners, but when you’re done, you sit back, with a satisfied sigh, itch firmly scratched, and say to no one in particular, “That was a Great Fuckin’ Movie.”  Well, GOON is a Great Fuckin’ Movie.  It delivers on every level – humor, emotion, action, and terrific acting from none other than Seann William Scott, who has just made the performance of his career so far.  And I’m not even a hockey fan.
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

The Town 2010 Quotes

I need your help. I can’t tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we’re gonna hurt some people.
I’m in, but if anything happens to her, if I think anything might happen to her I’m coming back here and I’m killing you at your own shop.
I will never lie to you I will never hurt you and if I lose you I will regret that for the rest of my life. Just wait for me.
No matter how much you change, you still got to pay the price for the things you’ve done… So I got a long road. But I know I’ll see you again, this side or the other.

rePost::Captain America: The First Avenger Review by Nordling of AICN

Color me excited!

When I review a film, I like to sleep on it before I write it up.  Sometimes that’s not possible, such as a press screening the night before a film opens.  But I think I’m a better reviewer once I’ve had a sleep on a movie – I find that it’s easier for me to look at a film with that distance, and if in the morning I still like what I saw then it gets a positive review. Reviews of films right after seeing them tend to skew hyperbolic because I’m so eager to put down my thoughts and get them out.  So you should take that into consideration when reading this.  I’m under no time pressure to write this review, although I like to have my reviews out by opening day.  But I really felt the need to share this one, because I’m just that excited over CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, which shoots to the upper levels of superhero films.  In fact, I’ll probably make bold statements throughout this review, like “It equals THE INCREDIBLES and SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE in sheer filmic joy” or “CAPTAIN AMERICA is the RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK of superhero movies.”  Again, take them how you like.  I’m confident I’ll feel the same way in the morning.
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

review::AICN::Nordling Says TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON Is So Much Better!

To say that TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON is a better film than REVENGE OF THE FALLEN isn’t really opinion; it’s simple arithmetic.  The second TRANSFORMERS film showcased everything wrong with Bay as a director.  And while DARK OF THE MOON suffers from many of the same problems –  Michael Bay enjoys his racial stereotypes a bit too much, and his sense of humor begins at pratfalls and ends at THREE’S COMPANY-like sexual innuendo and misdirection – when it comes to shooting action, Bay has improved as a director, something I would have never thought possible over the last film.  The camerawork is almost languid in comparison to FALLEN, and while Bay will never be mistaken for Stanley Kubrick or David Lean, the action has a visceral punch and jawdropping sense of scale.  I still couldn’t relate to any of the characters, but Bay really tried hard this time, darn it, and you have to admire that he put so much effort into it.  Shia LaBeouf plays Sam with all the earnestness he can muster, and I really can’t fault his performance at this point.  All the actors can do is look and react to the insane action going on for the most part, and even actors like Malkovich, John Turturro, and Frances McDormand can be made to look ridiculous in Bay’s 3D lens.  This ain’t a Coen Brothers film, by a long shot.
But, but, but… Jesus Christ, that last hour.  That last hour of TRANSFORMERS: DARK OF THE MOON, as Chicago gets the asskicking of the millennium, is action filmmaking at its goddamn finest.  That hour is what rises DARK OF THE MOON into serious greatness.  It’s what Bay does best, and with the nature of 3D forcing Bay to slow down his shots and edits, the special effects, the explosions, the insane – INSANE – setpieces, the climax – maybe it’s true that Bay has no interest in character development, or the subtle nuances of actor performance, but man, can this guy blow things up very, very well.  And it’s through the sheer bravura of the action that we begin to feel for the characters.  It’s not about the performances of the actors, or the plot – it’s that the sheer scale of what’s happening onscreen forces the audience to think, “I really hope that Shia LaBeouf doesn’t get hit by flying shrapnel.”
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

Movie Review :: Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

I’ve come to respect Capone’s reviews. His review of limitless was spot on!!!

Although I’m sure it won’t be, SUPER deserves to be placed in the pantheon of great and inventive superhero movies. It’s subversive edge goes even further astray than Kick Ass, and its journey into the altered mind of a man driven to somewhat heroic acts is as rooted in pain as Batman or Spider-Man or a dozen other costumed individuals. Go see SUPER for the blood and insane behavior; go again for what lies beneath.
— Capone
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..

rePost :: Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Filling this on movies to watch.

Capone likes that Matthew McConaughey has decided to return to acting in THE LINCOLN LAWYER!!!Published on: Mar 18, 2011 1:21:22 AM CDTHey everyone. Capone in Chicago here.For all his bad romantic-comedy attempts or just bad movies hello, TIPTOES, I still find Matthew McConaughey an actor worth supporting. When he gets his teeth into a character in films like DAZED AND CONFUSED, LONE STAR, A TIME TO KILL, THE NEWTON BOYS, FRAILTY, WE ARE MARSHALL, and TROPIC THUNDER, he’s kind of unstoppable. And for a guy who is so well known for showing his shirtless torso in every damn movie, what has always fascinated me about his approach to acting is what he’s capable of doing with his face. He can go from seduction mode, concern, fear, and intimidation all with a few tilts of the eyebrows or slight adjustments in how much teeth he shows–not that I’ve ever freeze-framed his face repeatedly watching THE WEDDING PLANNER or anything creepy like that. Heh. But as L.A. attorney Mick Haller in THE LINCOLN LAWYER, McConaughey gets to use all of his acting prowess, and the result is probably the best purely dramatic role he’s every played.
via Ain’t It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news..