A Poem About Seeking and Finding!

from TED here:
I enjoyed the TED talk, do try to view the 18 minute talk!
a poem I transcribed from the TED talk!
He who seeks truth shall find beauty
He who seeks beauty shall find vanity
He who seeks order shall find gratification
He who seeks gratification shall be disappointed
He who considers himself the servant of his fellow being
shall find the joy of self expression
He who seeks self expression shall fall into the pit of
Arrogance is incompatible with nature
Through nature , the nature of the universe, the nature of man
we shall seek truth
Through truth we shall find beauty.

Best Sentence of the Day! 2008 03 30

Knowing that there is only now, in a sense, is a reminder to ‘live for the moment’. Since we’ll never know how long love would last, it’s best that anyone doesn’t hold back any of the love that he/she could give now. At the same, it says that we should love the person for who he/she is now and whatever condition he/she is in.

Put together ‘Every day I love you & knowing there is only now’ for me -is to fall in love with the same person each day and loving her for what she is for the moment. Much like, experiencing true love everyday.

+Clemen Ascaño on love from his multiply account!

Wow, but for me this is life in general not only for love!

Illegal Immigrants Rule 20080326 edition

Coming from the philippines where an estimated 1 million Filipino Illegal Immigrants staying in the USA, immigration is an issue I deal with everyday. From family members trying to convince you to be an illegal immigrant (Had a multi entry Visa til may this year), online friends who are illegals, and people who plan to be this is an issue that you cannot fence sit. My take has always been consistent. Opportunity is everywhere and specially in our wild wild west like country. If you are going abroad to study, learn, to work with the best then well and good, But if you are leaving because the children of cowards are better off in so called first world nations. I am being a little harsh, but the fact is most people who have left are the people who the philippines has blessed with the resources to leave. Just think of how many UP and Pisay alumni are overseas and you’d be hard headed to no not understand my frustration.
from Kevin Drum Through Brad De Long:
link here
Bottom line: “This year’s report results in […] a substantial increase in the number of working-age individuals contributing payroll taxes, but a relatively smaller increase in the number of retirement-age individuals receiving benefits in the latter half of the long-range period.” Give or take a bit, it turns out that this shores up the Social Security system to the tune of around $13 billion per year. Thanks, illegal immigrants!

Some Lovin for The Wire from Newsweek!

Couldn’t have said this any better myself!
Joshua Alston on the Wire Finale:
from here:
“The Wire” succeeded in its final episode. The finale was peppered with Charm City montages, random shots of skylines, local attractions and average folks. And “The Wire” has always been a show about the city of Baltimore, about taking an honest look at the city in a way that you can only if you love it unconditionally, as the show’s creator David Simon clearly does. The finale also captured the agony and the ecstasy of being a fan of the show. “The Wire” was always a bit like a bad relationship. It required an inordinate amount of commitment and emotional investment. Some of our friends didn’t get it, and we thought less of them as a result. It broke our hearts over and over and we crawled back for more. But when it was good, whew … it was so good.
Amen to That!

Farewell to HBO's The WIRE

It took 5 years, a few short of 60 episodes and probably 30 memorable characters dead but The Wire comes full circle and delivers a respectful ending. Few people knew about you but damn those who did really loved the you! Call me crazy but I’d take The Wire over every other drama bar none!
The Wire always ends its season with a montage that is almost like a whole episode in itself!
Here is the series ending montage for the groundbreaking series The Wire!(edit:removed from youtube)