Riz Khan Interview About Liberian Women Combatants

I especially like the question on what one of the women whose family was killed and was raped by a soldier would do if she faced that very same man. She said that life must go on and that doing anything would not bring her family back. The kicker is that she said she sees the man day and night because that man is involved with an NGO. Wow!

Helping Hand

I recently saw a 3 minute animated short (film).
Wow that made my heart, just wow. I’d embed it here but the embed code is not working.
just click here:

FP's top 20 public intellectuals (1-3)

FP’s top 20 public intellectuals 1-3:

Religious leader • Turkey
An Islamic scholar with a global network of millions of followers, Gülen is both revered and reviled in his native Turkey. To members of the Gülen movement, he is an inspirational leader who encourages a life guided by moderate Islamic principles. To his detractors, he represents a threat to Turkey’s secular order. He has kept a relatively low profile since settling in the United States in 1999, having fled Turkey after being accused of undermining secularism.


Microfinancier, activist • Bangladesh
More than 30 years ago, Yunus loaned several dozen poor entrepreneurs in his native Bangladesh a total of $27. It was the beginning of a lifetime devoted to fighting poverty through microfinance, efforts that earned him a Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. Over the years, his Grameen Bank, now operating in more than 100 countries, has loaned nearly $7 billion in small sums to more than 7 million borrowers—97 percent of them women. Ninety-eight percent of the loans have been repaid.


Cleric • Egypt/Qatar
The host of the popular Sharia and Life TV program on Al Jazeera, Qaradawi issues w .eekly fatwas on everything from whether Islam forbids all consumption of alcohol (no) to whether fighting U.S. troops in Iraq is a legitimate form of resistance (yes). Considered the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Qaradawi condemned the September 11 attacks, but his pronouncements since, like his justification of suicide attacks, ensure his divisive reputation.

click through to view the whole list: list here:


We have only one life in this world let us not waste is! Always ask yourself:
Is What I Am Doing Worthy Of ME?
from Seth’s Excellent Post here:

Is being negative or bitter or selfish within reason in face of how extraordinarily lucky we were to have been been born here and born now?
I take so much for granted. Perhaps you do as well. To be here, in this moment, with these resources. To have not just our health but the knowledge and the tools and the infrastructure. What a waste.
If I hadn’t had those breaks, if there weren’t all those people who had sacrificed or helped or just stayed out of my way… what then? Would I even have had a shot at this?
What if this were my last post? Would this post be worthy?
The object isn’t to be perfect. The goal isn’t to hold back until you’ve created something beyond reproach. I believe the opposite is true. Our birthright is to fail and to fail often, but to fail in search of something bigger than we can imagine. To do anything else is to waste it all.

The Secret Of Unit Testing!

from Micheal Feather’s blog here:
Quality is a function of thought and reflection – precise thought and reflection.  That’s the magic.  Techniques which reinforce that discipline invariably increase quality.

On Creativity in Companies

An excellent post from Scott Berkun. If you are at all involved with a group of people as decision makers a must read.
from here:
some take aways:
They mistakenly believe the problem is the quality of ideas, when in fact the problem is the conservative psychology inherent in democracy.

Pure democracy is not the political system that will create the most change – it’s a system geared for stability, not for innovation.
if you ask for more innovation without changing the authority structure, I’ll call you crazy.

Contact Hypothesis

Contact Hypothesis! This although with a stretch ties in nicely with yesterday’s post/rant!
from the TED blog:
The researchers] surveyed 180 Bosnian Muslims about their attitudes towards Bosnian Serbs in the wake of the earlier conflict. They found that Bosnian Muslims who had more Serb friends and who identified more with a sense of being “Bosnian,” rather than “Bosnian Muslim” or “Bosniak,” also tended to show more empathy for Serbs as a group, to be more trusting of Serbs, and to see Serbs as more varied — all of which predicted greater levels of forgiveness and more positive attitudes towards the Serbs.
This pattern is consistent with what’s known as the “contact hypothesis” in social psychology, which states that more high quality contact between groups promotes intergroup reconciliation.

Loving Friend Feed!

First Time I used friend feed I wasn’t that Impressed, this was because I was already following the a-listers.
Then I had a little time to burn and found a thread in hacker news on friendfeed and now I can say I am definitely hooked.  Thank You friend feed founders/devs!

Thanks To XKCD!

Whenever I have moments when I begin to feel the enormity of the hurdles ahead of my journey.
Whenever I feel the need to censure my words.
Whenever I start to feel the loneliness of the path that I chose to traverse.
Looking at this helps alot!