rePost:Google in Education

Working as a professional programmer from an Electrical Engineering degree from UPD-EEE dept is not as far a jump as say an Electrical Engineering degree from MAPUA. Programming is a form of force multiplier and thus we are well trained to use this for solving EE stuff. That said and EE degree is far from a CS degree and the difference shows the further you go within the field.  Hope I can find the time to plug all these holes.

Guide for Technical Development
Having a solid foundation in Computer Science is important in being a successful Software Engineer. This guide is a suggested path for University students to develop their technical skills academically and non-academically through self paced hands-on learning. You may use this guide to determine courses to take but please make sure you are taking courses required for your major or faculty in order to graduate. The online resources provided in this guide are not meant to replace courses available at your University. However, they may help supplement your learnings or provide an introduction to the topic.
Using this guide:
Please use this guide at your discretion
There may be other things you want to learn or do outside of this guide – go for it!
Checking off all items in this guide does not guarantee a job at Google
This guide will evolve or change – check back for updates
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via Google in Education.