Put Together a Productive Team with Jeff Bezos's "Two Pizza Rule"

When you’re heading a collaboration of any kind, the number of people you bring on board can change how effective your team’s output is. Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, suggests employing the “two pizza rule” to help keep yourself from including too many people.
Rachel Gillett at business blog Fast Company explains that it’s as simple as it sounds. Imagine you’ve ordered two pizzas for glorious consumption. Now how many people could you reasonably feed with those two pizzas? That’s how many people should be involved in your team project. It should be somewhere between five and eight people, which is a pretty safe range when it comes to possible collaboration downfalls.
via Put Together a Productive Team with Jeff Bezos’s “Two Pizza Rule”.

Dysprosody: When You Can't Stress Words or You Can't Stress Words

What’s the difference between telling people they shouldn’t do something and telling them they shouldn’t do something? If you have dysprosody, nothing. People with dysprosody can’t control the stresses in their speech, and it makes a world of difference.
Those who have studied poetry will be familiar with, and perhaps exasperated by, the concept of prosody. Prosody is the rhythm, intonation, and stress of speech. Most people study it, however briefly, in school when they cover a poetry unit – mapping out the pauses and stresses in sonnets and other rhythmic poems. Prosody isn’t a strictly artistic invention. The way we stress and intone words in everyday speech conveys a great deal of meaning.
via Dysprosody: When You Can’t Stress Words or You Can’t Stress Words.

Learned Today::Singlism::All the Single Ladies – Magazine – The Atlantic

Bella DePaulo, a Harvard-trained social psychologist who is now a visiting professor at the University of California at Santa Barbara, is America’s foremost thinker and writer on the single experience. In 2005, she coined the word singlism, in an article she published in Psychological Inquiry. Intending a parallel with terms like racism and sexism, DePaulo says singlism is “the stigmatizing of adults who are single [and] includes negative stereotyping of singles and discrimination against singles.” In her 2006 book, Singled Out, she argues that the complexities of modern life, and the fragility of the institution of marriage, have inspired an unprecedented glorification of coupling. (Laura Kipnis, the author of Against Love, has called this “the tyranny of two.”) This marriage myth—“matrimania,” DePaulo calls it—proclaims that the only route to happiness is finding and keeping one all-purpose, all-important partner who can meet our every emotional and social need. Those who don’t have this are pitied. Those who don’t want it are seen as threatening. Singlism, therefore, “serves to maintain cultural beliefs about marriage by derogating those whose lives challenge those beliefs.”
via All the Single Ladies – Magazine – The Atlantic.

Learned Today::Gemütlichkeit – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gemütlichkeit (German pronunciation: [ɡəˈmyːtlɪçkaɪt] ( listen)) is a German abstract noun that has been adopted into English.[1] It is a derivation of gemütlich, itself the adjective of Gemüt the German word for “heart, mind, temper, feeling” expressed by (and cognate with) English mood.
Gemütlichkeit describes an environment or state of mind conductive to a cheerful mood and peace of mind, with connotation of a notion of belonging and social acceptance, of being cozy and unhurried. The current meaning of the word derives from its use in the Biedermeier period. By the second half of the 19th century, it also became associated with a set of traits supposedly unique to Germans and German culture.
via Gemütlichkeit – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

rePost::MIT Unravels the Secrets Behind Collective Intelligence – Hint: IQ Not So Important | Singularity Hub

Social sensitivity, as measured by these experiments, is really about understanding what people around you may be feeling based on small cues. The classic test used to measure social sensitivity is the “Reading the Mind In the Eyes Test” which you can take online. Again, it makes sense that this skill was evident in furthering collective intelligence. Being able to quickly look around a table and determine that one person is very confident in their knowledge, another is impatient with the task, and another wants to share information but isn’t feeling able is going to be a big advantage in getting the group working together at maximum potential.
via MIT Unravels the Secrets Behind Collective Intelligence – Hint: IQ Not So Important | Singularity Hub.

Learned Today (Early Morning Edition):: ERMITA::Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Sanctuary

Ironic yet imaginable how Ermita , Manila probably got it’s name. I imagine early ermita to have been an isolated place during the Spanish Era.

The Spanish word ermita [English: hermitage] has a similar structure and meaning in all languages derived from Latin. It always refers to an uninhabited or isolated place, a location for spiritual retreat. In Romance languages it comes from the Latin word eremus, tracing back to the Greek eremos, which means deserted.
via Rough Type: Nicholas Carr’s Blog: Sanctuary.

Learned Today:: :: Money can buy happiness if you spent it right | Psychology Today

How did these purchases affect people’s overall sense of happiness? By looking at the data in more detail, the authors found that these purchases affected people’s satisfaction with the area of their lives that were affected by the purchase. People who spent money on experiences related to their social life saw an improvement in their satisfaction with their social life. People who spent money on experiences related to fitness saw an improvement in their satisfaction with their health. These increases in satisfaction with a particular area of their lives also affected people’s overall sense of well-being and happiness.
So if you spend your money on experiences, you can increase your happiness. There are a two key ground rules, though. First, stay within your budget. Spending more money than you have creates stress and lowers happiness. Second, don’t blow all of your money on one great event. You are better off sitting in the cheap seats for a number of sporting events than sitting courtside at one. Spread those good experiences out over time.
via Money can buy happiness if you spent it right | Psychology Today.

rePost :: ::The Productivity Myth – The Conversation – Harvard Business Review

Must forward the linked study to the boss. harharhar

# A comprehensive study by Ernst & Young showed that the longer the vacation their employees took, the better they performed. Yet more than half of all Americans now fail to take all of their vacation days and 30 per cent of Americans use less than half their allotted vacation time.
via The Productivity Myth – The Conversation – Harvard Business Review.

You must read this!!!! :: Market Manila – Income Levels / Poverty in the Philippines – General

This is probably one of the top 5 posts I’ve read about the Philippines this year.

Marketman’s Running Survey
In the survey I am running (or if you read this later, survey that I ran), it seems some 40% of readers actually think the Philippines is POORER than it is, in other words, a fairly negative sentiment. Some 24% of you got it right, with roughly 86-88% of the families earning less than PHP25,000 per month for a family of 5. But approximately 36% of you were varying degrees of being overly optimistic, and believed that many more families earned more than they actually do. Okay, so hold this thought for a moment. Roughly 87% of all families in the Philippines, representing 75.7 million people, are living on less than PHP5,000 (USD110) per month per person on average in income.
via Market Manila – Income Levels / Poverty in the Philippines – General.

Okay a little too over the top. but I really wanted you to read this!!!

Learned Today :: Estimating the chances of something that hasn’t happened yet — The Endeavour

Uber useful!!!

Estimating the chances of something that hasn’t happened yet
by John on March 30, 2010
Suppose you’re proofreading a book. If you’ve read 20 pages and found 7 typos, you might reasonably estimate that the chances of a page having a typo are 7/20. But what if you’ve read 20 pages and found no typos. Are you willing to conclude that the chances of a page having a typo are 0/20, i.e. the book has absolutely no typos?
To take another example, suppose you are testing children for perfect pitch. You’ve tested 100 children so far and haven’t found any with perfect pitch. Do you conclude that children don’t have perfect pitch? You know that some do because you’ve heard of instances before. But your data suggest perfect pitch in children is at least rare. But how rare?
The rule of three gives a quick and dirty way to estimate these kinds of probabilities. It says that if you’ve tested N cases and haven’t found what you’re looking for, a reasonable estimate is that the probability is less than 3/N. So in our proofreading example, if you haven’t found any typos in 20 pages, you could estimate that the probability of a page having a typo is less than 15%. In the perfect pitch example, you could conclude that fewer than 3% of children have perfect pitch.
via Estimating the chances of something that hasn’t happened yet — The Endeavour.