The focus on first US Ebola case shows how cheaply we value African lives | Owen Jones | Comment is free | The Guardian

But instead the western response too often has been “what about us?”. The Bloomberg Businessweek carries an alarmist Ebola Is Coming front cover. This is a nonsense. Ebola is a disease of poverty. It is very difficult to spread, and depends on direct contact with the bodily fluids of the infected, rather than being an airborne (and thus catastrophic) illness. If Liberia had a functioning public health system, the epidemic would be shut down. It needs trained health workers, isolation wards and protective gear to combat it – infrastructure that, in our grossly unequal world, simply is not there in a countries like Liberia or Sierra Leone. In Nigeria and Senegal, where there is a far more effective public health system, the countries appear to have put a stop to the onward march of Ebola. The disease has no real chance of spreading in western countries, because any victims would be quickly isolated and treated.
The sad reality is that African victims will continue to suffer an excruciating death, denied of basic dignity, drowning in their own fluids. As they do so, they will remain nameless and forgotten, except to their forever mourning relatives. Westerners, on the other hand, will be flown out, treated and become near-celebrities. Perhaps some are resigned to such a disparity, believing that this is the inevitable way of the world. I tend to differ: it is perverse, and it is unjust.
via The focus on first US Ebola case shows how cheaply we value African lives | Owen Jones | Comment is free | The Guardian.

Hyberbole of the Day::Arroyo: NLEX project to create 100,000 jobs –, Philippine News for Filipinos

I’ll be making it a personal quest to try to find out how they are going to do this. This just seems wrong to me in so many levels. First I thought they were referring to multipliers effect etc, but this figure just seems wrong to me.

Arroyo: NLEX project to create 100,000 jobs
By Joel Guinto
First Posted 13:05:00 04/02/2009
Filed Under: Employment, Heavy construction
MANILA, PhilippinesPresident Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said the construction of an alternate entry point to the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) via Mindanao Avenue would generate some 100,000 jobs.
The President led the groundbreaking of the NLEX Phase 2-Circumferential 5 project on Mindanao Avenue, near the Valenzuela City border on Thursday.
“One hundred thousand jobs are available in the construction of this network,” Arroyo said in a chat with construction workers and truck drivers at the site.
She said the alternate entry point to the NLEX, Metro Manila’s gateway to Central and Northern Luzon, would reduce travel time.
Traffic is usually heavy in the Balinatawak Area, where the main entry point to the NLEX is located.
This is aggravated by the construction of the Metro Rail Transit (MRT) extension from North Avenue in Quezon City to Monumento in Caloocan City.
via Arroyo: NLEX project to create 100,000 jobs –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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