-Happy Square Root Day!-GMANews.TV – 3/3/09: Math fans to observe Square Root Day – Odds and Ends – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

function Sqrt[z] in the complex plane
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3/3/09: Math fans to observe Square Root Day
03/03/2009 | 08:58 AM
REDWOOD CITY, California — Dust off the slide rules and recharge the calculators. Square Root Day is upon us.
The math-buffs’ holiday, which only occurs nine times each century, falls on Tuesday — 3/3/09 (for the mathematically challenged, three is the square root of nine).
GMANews.TV – 3/3/09: Math fans to observe Square Root Day – Odds and Ends – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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rePost:Worst Business Idea Ever? : Why is Dubai in so much trouble? | FP Passport

This is a photo showing the Marina 1 complex, ...
Image via Wikipedia

Got this from fp, its actually from boing boing!

Why is Dubai in so much trouble?
Wed, 02/18/2009 – 2:49pm
Great rant from blogger David Galbraith via Boing Boing:
Short of opening a Radio Shack in an Amish town, Dubai is the world’s worst business idea and there isn’t even any oil. Imagine proposing to build Vegas in a place where sex and drugs and rock and roll are an anathema. This is effectively the proposition that created Dubai – it was a stupid idea before the crash, and now it is dangerous.
Why is Dubai in so much trouble? | FP Passport.

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rePost:Worst Business Idea Ever? : Why is Dubai in so much trouble? | FP Passport

Why is Dubai in so much trouble?
Wed, 02/18/2009 – 2:49pm
Great rant from blogger David Galbraith via Boing Boing:
Short of opening a Radio Shack in an Amish town, Dubai is the world’s worst business idea and there isn’t even any oil. Imagine proposing to build Vegas in a place where sex and drugs and rock and roll are an anathema. This is effectively the proposition that created Dubai – it was a stupid idea before the crash, and now it is dangerous.
Why is Dubai in so much trouble? | FP Passport.

Why Can't We Have A Better Press Corp (Inquirer.Net Edition)-BNPP revival based on ‘faulty economics’ – INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos

Hmm proofreaders/copy editors ? Damn this is another example of an organization that really doesn’t care much for the web.

BNPP revival based on ‘faulty economics’
By Amy R. Remo
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 21:28:00 02/02/2009
Filed Under: Nuclear power, Protest
WB country director Bert Hofman declined to comment directly on the decision of the House of Representatives to clear the Filipino contractors permanently debarred from bidding for bank-financed projects.
“We’re quite confident that due process has taken place,” Hofman said at the sidelines of the yearend assessment of the Kalahi poverty alleviation program, an initiative of the government and the World Bank.
The bank’s internal investigation concluded that the three firms and two Chinese firms engaged in collusive practices to rig the bid.
“In response to questions, I elaborate on the process of investigation and evaluation and the sanctions of the Board,” Hofman said.
Hofman defended their investigation as a “very long and very careful” process, designed by the World Bank staff.
The process was approved by the stakeholders of the World Bank, including the Philippines, Hofman pointed out.
Eduardo de Luna, owner of the E.C. De Luna Construction Corp. which was banned permanently by the World Bank, denied in the two congressional hearings that he colluded with other Filipino and Chinese companies in rigging the bidding for a $33-million road project.
On January 14, the World Bank released a statement, which said it had banned the Filipino and Chinese contractors “for engaging in collusive practices under a major WB-financed roads project in the Philippines.”
Leonard McCarthy, World Bank Integrity vice president, said in the statement that this incident was “one of our most important and far-reaching cases, and it highlights the effectiveness of the World Bank’s investigative and sanctions process.”
“As the World Bank Group continues to ramp up its anti-corruption work, INT (Integrity Vice Presidency) will remain vigilant in investigating allegations and holding wrongdoers accountable,” McCarthy said.
According to the statement, the INT is “responsible for investigating allegations of fraud and corruption in Bank-financed operations.”
BNPP revival based on ‘faulty economics’ – INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos.

Despicable Behavior Yuck–naked capitalism: Merrill Execs Pay Selves Bonuses Ahead of Schedule (and Before BofA Closing)

Let us remember the fact set: Merrill managed to get Bank of America to agree to buy it in September, elbowing aside Lehman. The deal is subject to shareholder approval, however. BofA, realizing it has acquired a garbage barge, threatens to scuttle the deal unless Uncle Sam lends a helping hand. Negotiations proceed behind closed doors (and neither Merrill nor BofA shareholders are told prior to the shareholder vote that BofA has agreed to do the deal subject to some form of government support).
Now we learn that after it was evident that the US taxpayer was going to subsidize the Merrill acquisition, the Merrill compensation committee accelerated bonus payments by a month to make sure they were paid out before the BofA deal closed.
Efforts are being made to minimize the amount involved (it is claimed to be only $3-$4 billion, but the fact is amounts were reserved in prior quarters that are excessive in light of full year performance. So the fact that some of the amounts were allowed for in previous quarters is misleading).
naked capitalism: Merrill Execs Pay Selves Bonuses Ahead of Schedule (and Before BofA Closing).

rePost FUNNY–Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Ummm… Are There No Copyeditors?

Ummm… Are There No Copyeditors?
Laura Meckler writes:
Washington Wire – WSJ.com: Women’s Groups Protest Dropping Contraceptives Provision in Stimulus: Women’s and reproductive rights groups expressed dismay Tuesday after the White House and congressional Democrats agreed to drop a provision from the economic stimulus package that would have made it easier for states to expand coverage of contraceptives through their Medicaid programs.
The measure had become a target of GOP attacks, such as this one from House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio “How you can spend hundreds of millions of dollars on contraceptives? How does that stimulate the economy?” he said last week. His argument is part of a Republican hammering that too much in the bill will not serve to aid the economy.
Supporters of the measure point to an estimate by the Congressional Budget Office that, by the third year of implementation, the measure would actually save $100 billion per year by preventing some pregnancies and avoiding the Medicaid cost of delivering and then caring for these babies…
Surely this is $100 million a year? I mean, $100 billion a year is $1,333 in reduced Medicaid costs for every post-menarche pre-menopause woman in the United States…
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Ummm… Are There No Copyeditors?.

Where To Find Girls??? hehehe

Q: What the … your buddy JackO is getting married? And you chose to just drop that on us with absolutely no set-up? I don’t know where along the line of listening to the podcasts, I developed my fake relationship with JackO, but I did. I was psychotically 100 percent sure that we would have a chance meeting where he would be really impressed that I knew who he was, and we would get married. I’m really disappointed. In both him getting married and my life in general.
— Claire, Atlanta
SG: You know how women fall in love with serial killers, write them letters and eventually marry them even though they’re on death row and can’t consummate the marriage? Suddenly, that seems a little less strange.
Q: Is it possible for a heterosexual woman to have a man-crush on a guy? What would you call that? I have a man-crush on you.
— Michelle, Atlanta
SG: OK, what’s going on in Atlanta? Do we need to send some more men with a sense of humor between the ages of 25 and 40 down there? To answer your question, a heterosexual female cannot have a man-crush on a heterosexual male. It’s just a crush. You might rationalize it as a man-crush, but deep down, you want to jump my bones. Of course, you live in Atlanta, so apparently any female fits that category. I think Atlanta is the new San Francisco — just horny, successful, fun-loving women looking for love and questioning their self-esteem on a daily basis. I feel totally comfortable making that generalization after two e-mails.
ESPN Page 2 – Sports Guy’s mailbag, Part 1.