Funny:: Nice Pacquiao Mention

Smiled reading this!

Q: If the boxing higher-ups had any sense whatsoever they would give us Pacman/Mayweather in six months. I would stop everything to have a fight night party for this event. I have not paid for a boxing event since Holyfield/Lewis in 1999 but I would spend at least $300-$500 to see this. What is the holdup?
— Seth Johnson, Middletown, N.Y.
SG: It’s going to be disappointing. Just warning you now. Floyd Mayweather Jr. could never in a million years trade punches with Manny Pacquiao. He will be on his bicycle for 12 rounds. There is no way that, at this point in his life, Mayweather wants any part of Pacquiao, a concrete-headed, indefatigable freak of nature who can finish with either hand from every angle. If Mayweather gets in the ring, he’ll end up doing more laps than Steve Prefontaine did for the University of Oregon. Just keep your guard up when you’re spending that $64.95.
(Important note: Will I be spending that money? Of course! Happily! I made the decision during Pacman’s glorious evisceration of Miguel Cotto that he finally had reached the exalted “I Don’t Care Who You Are Fighting, I Am Watching It Live & That’s That” status, which puts him in the following company: Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard, Tyson. My own personal Mount Rushmore. Pacquiao hit Tiger/Federer status about a year ago, and nobody cared. That’s why he needs the Mayweather fight so badly. We’ve seen dominant pound-for-pound guys these past two decades, but nobody with finishing power anything like what Pacman has. He’s like a coked-up Aaron Pryor, only without the coke. Insane. If he’s fighting, I am watching.)
via Bill Simmons’ Thanksgiving mailbag – ESPN.

rePost::Liberty, Self-Esteem and Self-Governance – Wendy Kaminer

This is both funny and scary in almost equal doses. Who watches the watchmen? Who determines what is not anti social. This is Fucked, In a world where things like women’s rights, minority rights, LGTB right’s were once considered non-sensical we have to go against things such as the one I quoted !

This is not harmless official maternalism: a government that concerns itself with the happiness or psychological well-being of its citizens is a government that will prohibit conduct or speech deemed psychologically harmful, or simply not conducive to happiness. Also known as a government actively hostile to liberty. In Britain, as Reason magazine reported two years ago, you can be served with an “Antisocial Behavior Order (ASBO) for engaging in conduct considered likely to cause others alarm or distress. This past year a woman subject to an ASBO was arrested for indulging in noisy, consensual sex in what is apparently no longer the privacy of her own home. I suppose you could call ASBO’s a form of democratization: what was once the prerogative of kings–the power to secure the arrest of people who irritated or “distressed” them–is now extended to peevish citizens who can invoke it against each other.
via Liberty, Self-Esteem and Self-Governance – Wendy Kaminer.

rePost:It's common sense, stupid: Why Software is Expensive

Trying to find freelance work I can vouch for what he says here, people have really unrealistic expectations.

Why Software is Expensive
I hate to write this post, but my recent conversation with my IT-illiterate friend prompted me to do this.
My friend wanted to build a CMS website, “to earn a nice part time income”. Given that he trusted me quite a lot, he asked me for an estimation of the cost. He mentioned that he wanted a CMS solution, with some mix-match of static-dynamic content. Also, he wanted some distinct flavors in the theme.
Given that he is quite a detailed guy ( read: loves to fuss over minor detail) and quite fickle mind, I told him that probably USD 200 is a minimum. We are living in Malaysia, so that works out to RM 700.
He was startled.
“What? How come it costs so much? I thought the underlying CMS framework such as Drupal or Joomla is free and open source?! A Windows Vista Home Edition is only costing RM 400!”
My friend is by no means the only one who grossly misprices the true cost and value of software. There was a client who asked us to implement a spreadsheet component because “Excel has it” at zero price. Yes, you hear it right. Zero . The reason? Because “Excel has it and so it must not be so difficult to implement”.


rePost::Smartest Guy In The Room

The plaintext version… sorry. — Chris You are smart. No one else knows much. In fact, most people are pretty stupid. Everything except what you’re doing *right now* is stupid. Django is stupid. Zope is stupid. Twisted is stupid. Setuptools is stupid. The GIL is stupid. Pylons is stupid. TurboGears is stupid. Guido is stupid. PJE is stupid. Ruby on Rails is a total hack. And oh my god, all these people in IRC are clearly mentally challenged. Why do they keep arguing with you? I get it: it’s not easy being a genius. So, if you don’t mind, I have a request. Given that it would certainly not tax you professionally, because it’s all so simple and obvious, do you think that you could contribute something to Python or some Python-related project that demonstrates your immense base of knowledge and helps other people? Ah but wait! You have. I’ve seen that one package you keep talking about that you wrote and released six months ago. It has a couple of users, even. But look… uh… oh dear.. this is awkward. I don’t mean to be negative here. But there’s a couple problems. You may be a genius, but at 33% test coverage, you better be almost omniscient. I’m personally not a genius, so I need to rely on something so banal as package test coverage metrics to make decisions about what to use. Look. Let’s be frank. I know you were the smartest guy in your high school class. I realize that in your circle of peers, you are the one who most often actually knows what he’s doing. I get the fact that you like puzzles, and you’re good at solving them. I realize you believe you are hot shit, and a few other people might too. But if I may be so bold, here are some suggestions: – Shut the fuck up. I mean this in the kindest, and gentlest of ways, as maybe a friendly uncle might tell you to “shut the fuck up”. – Work on your capacity to talk with other people without being a complete, utter cock. We’ve already adjusted our expectations, with you being a programmer and all, we realize you’re constitutionally straightforward. But there’s a difference between being straightforward and being a dick. Your profession and your history as “the smartest guy in the room” doesn’t excuse you from displaying basic courtesy. – You don’t need to prove anything to me or anybody else. I could care less. It’s not always about you. – Write some code that works all the time, every time that lots of people find useful. Maintain that code for 5 years. At this point, you will have something to be proud of. Thank you.
via .

rePost::The Love Guru – Page 1 – The Daily Beast

In his books, bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell has dissected many inspirational underdog victories, but his own triumph over the opposite sex could well be the most inspirational of all.
Eight years ago, on a balmy night in New York‘s West Village, a darkly beautiful history grad was having a date with a 38-year-old writer. He was a little goofy looking and gesticulated a lot, but he was sweet and had theories about a million things, especially her. He was particularly interested in what made her special. When she revealed a passion for acting, he had a theory about that, too, and how to make it more special.
They drank some wine. They talked some more. He fluttered his long, slender fingers. He seemed so comfortable in his own skin, so authentic. He had this eerie feline self-assurance, and it was hypnotic. Forty minutes later, they were back at his place.
via The Love Guru – Page 1 – The Daily Beast.

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Feeling Special

I think it is totally defensible that a lot of people need or is at least is happy with the notion of feeling special. I think this is one of the reasons that cults proliferate in our world (People who know me may actually call me out in with an irony), that conspiracy theories do not only abound but it seems it to be the default among polite company.
I don’t know maybe my need to feel special is driving me towards solitude. I just have this default action when I don’t like the game I do not play. I can’t understand why it seems to me that most things belong to the walk away from category.
I do not think I am special, What I believe is that we are special by striving for something, trying to find what paolo coelho terms as our personal legend. It is about finding our place in this world, the things that we we’re meant to do.
This post was prompted by this, ty to Chris Blattman for the pointer


rePost: Funny : What Facebook Is All About According To The Sports Guy Bill Simmons:The Sports Guy: Bill Simmons' Mailbag finally returns – ESPN Page 2

Facebook, Inc.
Image via Wikipedia

As for Facebook, I don’t mind getting status updates and snapshots of what my friends’ lives are like — even if “Bob the Builder” is prominently involved — as long as they aren’t posting 10 times a day or writing something uncomfortable about their spouse/boyfriend like “(Girl’s name) is … trying to remember the last time she looked at her husband without wanting to punch him in the face” or “(Girl’s name) is … just going to keep eating, it’s not like I have sex anymore.” Keep me out of your personal business, please. Other than that, the comedy of status updates can be off the charts. Like my college classmate who sends out status updates so overwhelmingly mundane and weird that my buddies and I forward them to each other, then add fake responses like, “(Guy’s name) … snapped and killed a drifter tonight” and “(Guy’s name) … would hang myself if the ceilings in my apartment weren’t too short.” It kills us. We can’t get enough of it. We have been doing it for four solid months. And really, that’s what Facebook is all about — looking at photos of your friend’s kids or any reunion or party, making fun of people you never liked and searching for old hook-ups and deciding whether you regret the hook-up or not. That’s really it. All in all, I like Facebook.
The Sports Guy: Bill Simmons’ Mailbag finally returns – ESPN Page 2.

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