rePost :: – South Butt Creator Fires Back at North Face

Go South Butt! We need more levity and fun in this world.

South Butt Creator Fires Back at North Face
Matt Straquadine
The American Lawyer
January 12, 2010
It’s one of the most chuckle-inducing trademark claims in recent memory: The North Face Apparel Corp. has sued 19-year-old University of Missouri freshman James Winkelmann for trademark infringement and dilution. According to its motion filed in December in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, North Face says Winkelmann, a biomedical engineering student, has caused it “irreparable harm” by producing his parody clothing line, The South Butt (motto: “Never Stop Relaxing”).
Last week Winkelmann and his attorneys filed an irreverent reply brief, which is excerpted below, along with a motion to dismiss the suit. According to his filing — as well as his Web site and his attorney, Albert Watkins of St. Louis firm Kodner, Watkins, Muchnick, Weigley & Brison — Winkelmann started the clothing line as a joke. Winkelmann says he was inspired to do so after noticing that all his friends were buying North Face gear even though they weren’t mountaineers. He decided to poke fun at the idea by coming up with a “South Butt” logo; slapping it on T-shirts, jackets and sweatshirts; and selling the clothes via a Columbia, Mo., pharmacy and the Web.
North Face didn’t find the joke funny. The company learned that Winkelmann had moved to trademark the South Butt name, and in August sent him a cease-and-desist letter. Winkelmann — who Watkins claims had sold less than $5,000 worth of South Butt merchandise by that point — ignored the demand.
via – South Butt Creator Fires Back at North Face.

rePost::Overcoming Bias : Married Sex

So the wife is less committed to her sex part of the deal than the husband is to most of his parts. The wife can implicitly threaten to withhold sex for last minute demands, but even if he meets those demands she may still decline. And if she is not in the mood there is little he can threaten to withhold at the last minute that is of comparable value. Without kids he might threaten to leave the marriage, but that is a dangerous game to play.
Presumably overall this problem makes men less, and women more, willing to marry, though it may also make men more eager to marry to signal their confidence that this problem won’t befall them. I see two general ways to avoid this time-inconsistency problem:
1. Obligatory Sex – more explicit norms about the frequency and nature of sex, norms wives are expected to meet even when less in the mood. Perhaps wives would have to do something unpleasant, like exercise lots, when there was no sex.
2. Nonobligatory Other – remove something wives want lots from the usual set of stable husband contributions, so husbands can threaten to withhold that without being a pariah. Perhaps the expectation that he sleep at home [added: or maybe a big budget he could spend on extras for him or her]?
Both these approaches have been common in the past. Either would make women less willing to marry. Men won’t propose these because that would signal a lack of confidence, but women could propose them to signal they don’t expect a sex problem. Intuitively this seems unlikely, thought I’m not sure exactly why.
Added 3p: I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: people express strikingly little sympathy for sex-starved men.
via Overcoming Bias : Married Sex.

This was really funny. Poor sex starved married guy.

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Funny::Everything Sysadmin: a list of dumb things to check

hen you are debugging a problem for hours and hours, you suddenly realize, “I bet it’s something really dumb!” It often is. Therefore, we present…
a list of dumb things to check
Update: 2009-11-25: People keep referring to this as if it was something I wrote to be funny. Damn it, this list is 100% true! These are all things that have happened to me and made me think, “I better write that down to help me remember it!” Even the last item!
Layer 0 – PEBKAC

  1. Make sure CapsLock is off. (Same for ScrollLock and NumLock)
  2. Type it again (without using cut-and-paste) and see if you get the same results. (good way to find a typo) (or a unicode “whitespace” char)
  3. Use cut-and-paste to copy that variable name (or URL, commmand line, etc.) to see if it was entered correctly.
  4. Are the binaries really the ones you think are running? (Did you install in single user mode when /opt wasn’t mounted? Can you check the md5 or sha1 checksum vs. a machine that is running properly?)
  5. Check the file permissions.
  6. Are you really on the host you think you are?

via Everything Sysadmin: a list of dumb things to check.
I’m officially adopting this list as a filter for people asking for help. If you haven’t done/checked if the stupid stuff is the one that is the stubling block do not ask for help. Exception is if you are hot!!! heheh!! joke joke joke!!!!

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rePost::Prostitutes in Copenhagen Use Free Sex As Protest : The Primate Diaries

Prostitutes in Copenhagen Use Free Sex As Protest
Category: Environment • Gender & Sexuality • Politics
Posted on: December 15, 2009 9:00 AM, by Eric Michael Johnson
Sex workers in Denmark have offered free sex in response to Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard's attempt to discourage prostitution during the COP15 Climate Change Conference. The City Council had postcards delivered to 160 hotels where conference delegates and associates of COP15 would be staying and paid for advertisements in local newspapers that read:
‘Be sustainable: Don't buy sex!’
However, prostitution is legal throughout Scandinavia and sex workers have formed unions to protect themselves from exploitation and harassment. In response SIO (Sexarbejdernes Interesse Organisation; or the Sex workers Interest Organisation) announced on their website that this was a political attempt to criminalize sex work in the city:

via Prostitutes in Copenhagen Use Free Sex As Protest : The Primate Diaries.

We should join them in protest! hehehe, why does it always seem that i’m living in the wrong city?

ROTD::Mathematics of slicing pizza Boing Boing

uppose the harried waiter cuts the pizza off-centre, but with all the edge-to-edge cuts crossing at a single point, and with the same angle between adjacent cuts. The off-centre cuts mean the slices will not all be the same size, so if two people take turns to take neighbouring slices, will they get equal shares by the time they have gone right round the pizza – and if not, who will get more? Of course you could estimate the area of each slice, tot them all up and work out each person's total from that. But these guys are mathematicians, and so that wouldn't quite do. They wanted to be able to distil the problem down to a few general, provable rules that avoid exact calculations, and that work every time for any circular pizza. “The perfect way to slice a pizza”
via Mathematics of slicing pizza Boing Boing.

I’m going to try this the next time I go out for pizza hehehe! Laptop Steering Wheel Desk: Electronics

The greatest thing ever invented!, October 26, 2009
By T. Meadows “TM” (WV) – See all my reviews
Wow is this thing great! I use it as a “mini-bar” when the friends and I go out to the bars. I can quickly fix multiple shots of tequila for myself and the friends as we drive from one bar to the next. We also discovered that if you place a pillow on top of it and turn on the cruise control you can catch quick naps on the interstate. If you swerve to the left or right the rumble strips on the road wake you up in plenty of time before you get into trouble. I can now take longer trips without being tired!
Also, i am now dating a midget and she fits nicely on the steering wheel desk which allows us to experiment sexually while driving. This thing is like WD-40 or duct tape, it is a million and one uses!
via Laptop Steering Wheel Desk: Electronics.

This is not even the funniest of the bunch, got this from Marginal Revolutions blog!!!  This was a review on a laptop steering wheel desk

Funny::AT&T: Strictly for losers

It gets worse. Cringester A. H. swears he saw the words “You’re a Loser” flash across his screen seconds before the official “Sorry; you’re not an instant winner today” graphic displays. Sure enough, perusing that image’s properties shows the alternate text that will appear if your browser can’t display it: “You’re a Loser.”
I am not at all surprised. When you treat your customers with this much contempt, you can’t think of them as anything but losers. I don’t see how Apple can continue its exclusive relationship with AT&T for much longer. It’s becoming an embarrassment.
via AT&T: Strictly for losers.

Companies like this should not be allowed to continue existing.