Interesting :: :: The Cohesion Crisis – Paul Krugman Blog –

Funny Sentence.

Enough with the PIIGS, a totally unhelpful acronym. What we’re really seeing now is a crisis of the “cohesion countries” — the countries that entered the EU relatively poor, and for a time received substantial aid in the form of “cohesion funds”. In Eurospeak, it’s important to know the difference between cohesion and convergence: cohesion means convergence in per capita GDP, while convergence means getting inflation rates in line so that monetary cohesion is possible. Get it?
via The Cohesion Crisis – Paul Krugman Blog –

rePost :: Why your wife should be 27% smarter than you | Technically Incorrect – CNET News

Okay, this is yikes. argh.

The highlights are, indeed, a joy to behold, squeeze tightly, and never, ever let go. The perfect wife is five years younger than her husband. She is from the same cultural background. And, please stare at this very carefully: she is at least 27 percent smarter than her husband. Yes, 35 percent smarter seems to be tolerable. But 12 percent smarter seems unacceptable. In an ideal world–which is the goal of every scientist–your wife should have a college degree, and you should not. At least that's what these scientists believe.
I know your bit will already be chomped with your enthusiasm for learning these learned scientists' methodology. Well, they interviewed 1,074 married and cohabiting couples. And they declared, “To produce our optimization model, we use the assumption of a central 'agency' that would coordinate the matching of couples.” Indeed.
via Why your wife should be 27% smarter than you | Technically Incorrect – CNET News.

rePost :: Buy Your Own Space Underwear | Universe Today

See if the freshwater problem continues to worsen these space underwear may be what can be allowed to wear because freshwater must only be used for drinking and agriculture.

Remember the “long duration underwear” tested out by Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata on board the ISS last year? Now you can buy your very own. The specially designed undies and other clothing called “J-ware” are on sale now for 10,500 yen or about $115 USD. J-ware is treated with antibacterial and deodorizing materials, so they can be worn for long periods of and are resistant to odors. “For two months I was wearing these underwear and there was no smell and nobody complained,” said Wakata. “I think that new J-ware underwear is very good for myself and my colleagues.”Hurry, sizes and quantities are limited.
via Buy Your Own Space Underwear | Universe Today.

rePost::Endangered species condoms :: Boing Boing

To portray the message that rapid human population growth is pushing other animals out of the habitats and causing specie extinction, the Tucson, Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity has created a series of condom wrappers featuring an endangered animal and catchy slogans like “Wrap with care… save the polar bear” and “Hump smarter… save the snail darter.”
via Endangered species condoms Boing Boing.

rePost::Ohio strip club hosts 'Lap dances for Haiti' – Odds and Ends – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

I support this!!! hehe.

Ohio strip club hosts 'Lap dances for Haiti'
02/09/2010 | 09:52 AM
TOLEDO, Ohio – A strip club in Ohio has raised $1,000 for Haitian earthquake relief during what was billed as “Lap dances for Haiti.” Marilyn's on Monroe in Toledo donated the $10 cover charges collected Saturday to ISOH (I-S-O-H)/IMPACT, an organization based in suburban Perrysburg that provides food and clothing for Haiti.
via Ohio strip club hosts ‘Lap dances for Haiti’ – Odds and Ends – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.