rePost :: Political ideologies and the 2010 elections |

Reading this gives me hope that my dream of a culture for a high level of political discourse for our country becomes a reality within 3 national elections including this one.
Thanks to chuck for posting this on facebook!

Political ideologies and the 2010 electionsApril 5, 2010By BenCyrus G. EllorinThe contest between the top two pre-election survey leaders in the Presidential race has the trappings of the age-old conflict between the progressive/militant National Democrats and the moderate Social Democrats.
via Political ideologies and the 2010 elections |

rePost :: Aquino, Roxas still lead presidential, VP race—poll –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Smileys!!! Astig talaga si Erap.

Aquino got 37 percent of the 3,000 respondents who were surveyed from March 21-28, by Pulse Asia. Closest rival, Senator Manny Villar, is at second with 25 percent. Former president Joseph Estrada is third with 18 percent, former defense secretary Gilbert Teodoro, fourth, with seven percent; Senator Richard Gordon and Brother Eddie Villanueva, with two percent each.
For vice president, Aquino's runningmate, Senator Manuel “Mar” Roxas, leads the pack with 43 percent. Senator Loren Legarda is second with 23 percent, Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay, third with 19 percent; former Metro Manila Development Authority chairman Bayani Fernando, fourth with two percent; television host and former Optical Media Board chairman Edu Manzano, fifth with two percent; Perfecto Yasay, sixth with one percent; and broadcaster Jay Sonza, last with 0.5 percent.
via Aquino, Roxas still lead presidential, VP race—poll –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

Better Government Officials :: Praise ::Comelec cancels P690-M contract for ballot folders – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

Praise for Sen Pimentel (inching towards redemption from his conduct at the Villar senate investigations, Why is it that people I admire greatly seem to sell themselves for a pittance during the twilight of their lives.)
Fail for the Comelec official who rail roaded the purchase order without bidding.
Praise for Commissioner Melo for not signing.

Amid allegations of overpricing, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Monday canceled the awarding of the P690-million contract for the supply and delivery of the ballot secrecy folders that will be used in the May 2010 polls.
The decision was announced a day after Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr. revealed that the poll body bought nearly two million ballot secrecy folders at an overpriced rate of P380 each.
via Comelec cancels P690-M contract for ballot folders – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.

rePost :: New Comelec rules disallow election complaints at precinct level – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

This would speed things up greatly but I fear for places where people are running against the incumbent this will test the the determination and honor of the local comelec officials. This would also level the playing field for candidates with less money (read:: less corrupt) because incumbents have enough cash to put lawyers in each clustered precinct. Local politicians usually use the lawyers to slow the pace of voting in the precincts whose voters they do not own. In some ways you can think of these lawyers as thugs or as protectors of the sanctity of the ballot because they either impede you or protect your vote, a true double edged sword.

Candidates can no longer complain about possible anomalous election documents at the precinct level and instead, wait for the winners to be proclaimed first, according to new rules promulgated by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) over the weekend.
Comelec Resolution 8804 says that candidates, political parties, and party-list groups can only question documents that they deem to be suspicious – such as election results, for instance – and challenge the results before the proclamation of winners if there is an “illegal composition of the board of canvassers (BOC)” and “illegal proceedings of the BOC.”
via New Comelec rules disallow election complaints at precinct level – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.

Praise :: Better Government Officials Please :: Comelec cancels P690-M contract for ballot folders – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

Praise for Pimentel, Fail for Comelec!!!!!

Comelec cancels P690-M contract for ballot folders


04/05/2010 | 07:12 PM
Amid allegations of overpricing, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) on Monday canceled the awarding of the P690-million contract for the supply and delivery of the ballot secrecy folders that will be used in the May 2010 polls.
The decision was announced a day after Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel Jr. revealed that the poll body bought nearly two million ballot secrecy folders at an overpriced rate of P380 each.
via Comelec cancels P690-M contract for ballot folders – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.

rePost::You’re So Vain – Paul Krugman Blog –

As I’ve said in the past this is what irks me with the presidential forums. More on fluff , less on substance. More on gimmickry, less on actual policy.

I had, I have to admit, hoped that the nation’s experience with George W. Bush — who got within hanging-chad distance of the White House precisely because Al Gore was punished for actually knowing stuff — would have cured our discourse of this malady. But no. Why not?
Chait professes himself puzzled by the right’s intellectual insecurity. Me, not so much. Here’s how I see it: in our current political culture, the background noise is overwhelmingly one of conservative platitudes. People who have strong feelings about politics but are intellectually incurious tend to pick up those platitudes, and repeat them in the belief that this makes them sound smart. (Ezra Klein once described Dick Armey thus: “He’s like a stupid person’s idea of what a thoughtful person sounds like.”)
Inevitably, then, such people react with rage when they’re shown up on their facts or basic logic — it’s an attack on their sense of self-worth.
The truly sad thing, though, is the way much news reporting goes along with the condescension meme. That’s Waldmann’s point. You really, really might have expected that the Bush experience would give reporters pause — that they might at least ask themselves, “Isn’t it my job to ask whether a politician is right, as opposed to how he comes across?”
But NOOOO! [/Belushi]
via You’re So Vain – Paul Krugman Blog –

Please Help With Question :: Mind Games And The 2010 Elections | Filipino Voices

Stat friends especially those who work for the said polling firms please help with this question.

In the past, face-to-face interviewing was viewed by US opinion research experts as an appropriate method for conducting opinion surveys. It ostensibly allowed them to select the “right” respondent to be interviewed. After major failures, however – notably, the erroneous forecast of Thomas Dewey’s victory over Harry Truman in the 1948 US presidential elections– this survey method was abandoned, so much so that reputable pollsters in the US have now discarded it altogether.
Why was this? We invite some experts to tell us why. Chava Frankfort-Nachnias and David Nachmias in Research Methods in the Social Sciences write: “The very flexibility that is the interviewer’s chief advantage leaves room for the interviewer’s personal influence and bias.”
The pollster Kenneth Warren in his book, In Defense of Public Opinion Polling, says: “The cons of door-to-door interviews far outweigh the pros…Because of the sensitivity or personal nature of some questions, interviewers, because they were placed in face-to-face situations, have admitted that they sometimes guessed or fudged responses…These problems are a major source of bias in personal interviews, causing significant contamination of the poll data.”
These methodological and practical problems, according to Warren, doomed face-to-face interviews forever. By 1980, nobody in the US wanted to pay for this type of “fatally flawed and grossly inaccurate” surveys.
This, however, seems to have had no persuasive effect on our local pollsters.
A second glaring weakness is the extensive and general use of quota sampling to create “a representative sample” of the Philippine population. In quota sampling, survey respondents are picked from different types of people (e.g. by age, sex, religion, income) and various predetermined areas (e.g. region of country, as well as urban or rural).
This method is the most familiar form of non-probability sampling. It is supposed to mirror the same proportions in the targeted survey populations, but doesn’t. And it proved to be an earth-shaking failure in 1948 after three leading US pollsters–Gallup, Roper and Crossley—erroneously called the US presidential election in favor of Dewey instead of Truman. In the United Kingdom, where it persisted, it was blamed for the failure of the pollsters to predict Prime Minister John Majors’ victory in 1992.
“Quota sampling could never work in practice,” says Professor Warren. “Not only could pollsters not know the exact demographics so they could pick a representative sample that actually reflected the proper demographical proportions, but it was naïve to think that the interviewer could manage to interview the precise people needed to fill each quota.”
Thus today, reputable US pollsters rely almost exclusively on probability random sampling to create a “representative sample,” says Warren.
Why then do local pollsters continue to use quota sampling and face-to-face interviewing for their surveys? Why haven’t they adopted probability random sampling, which has protected US opinion polls from using contaminated data?
via Mind Games And The 2010 Elections | Filipino Voices.

Praise::Presidential bet to rival Aquino: ‘I want you to succeed’ –, Philippine News for Filipinos

This is called the Rights Based Approach to Development. I commend him the Presidential candidate for being updated in the some of what’s in fashion in the Development Community

When Aquino’s turn came, he said: “Thank you to Councilor JC for, acknowledging that I have a chance of running the country.”
He said human rights were not simply about the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, but also the right to a decent living, and the right to have food on the table.
via Presidential bet to rival Aquino: ‘I want you to succeed’ –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

Better Press Corp Please::Noynoy leads in survey commissioned by ally – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News

Now, why wasn’t the headlines Manny Villar in statistical tie with survey commissioned by ally (Ronnie Puno).
I’m calling BS on mr Jerrie Abella.

Noynoy leads in survey commissioned by ally
02/21/2010 | 10:21 PM
Liberal Party (LP) standard-bearer Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III regained his lead in the latest polls for the presidential race, but the camp of his closest rival, Sen. Manny Villar, shrugged off the results as mere “psywar.”
A national survey by London-based Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) showed Aquino leading by 11 percent over Villar of the Nacionalista Party.
The survey, commissioned by LP’s senate slate campaign manager Sen. Francis Pangilinan, was conducted from January 28 to February 3.
“The results of the survey confirm our long-standing position that our people yearn for real change in their lives and aspire for a new direction for our nation,” Pangilinan said in a statement.
via Noynoy leads in survey commissioned by ally – Nation – GMANews.TV – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News.