rePost::The WYSIWYG president – Paul Krugman Blog –

Some of my commenters have argued that even with this bill Democrats may well lose seats next year — possibly even more than they would have without it. Definitely on the first point; on the second, I don’t think people realize just how damaging it would be if Obama didn’t get any major reforms passed. But in any case, that misses the point. The reason to pass reform, even inadequate reform, now isn’t to gain seats next year; it is to pass reform, which will do vast good, during the window that’s available. If it doesn’t pass now, it will probably be many nears before the next chance.
But back to Obama: the important thing to bear in mind is that this isn’t about him; and, equally important, it isn’t about you. If you’ve fallen out of love with a politician, well, so what? You should just keep working for the things you believe in.
via The WYSIWYG president – Paul Krugman Blog –

Friends this is our generation’s time to be ground troops some maybe even commanders, What I am getting at is that this is the first election that we can be very actively involved in. This is also the first election that we see hope and identify with candidates.  Let us work for what we believe in, if we hate the personality based way that elections in out country is identified with, then let’s be the change by encouraging friendly discourse, by being polite with each other in discussing the candidates we support and in keeping an open mind. Let us let go of the bickering and the “TEAM whatever” thinking that seems to pervade everywhere, It’s been shown that a good way to bind a group together is to create an outsider/enemy, this is just how people are being manipulated by the media handlers of these politicians. I don’t know about you but I hate the thought of someone manipulating me. Let us resist how they are trying to separate us with petty identification with politicians , and let us realize that the fact that we are all trying to get by living and succeeding in this country of ours when so many others have given up and left binds us more than any idolation of a politician.

Better Politicians Please::Less money for statistics may lead to failed programs–NSCB | ABS-CBN News Online Beta

“It is thus unfortunate that while other countries, particularly in Africa, have begun to recognize the important role of statistics on the development agenda, the Senate decided to cut the NSCB 2010 budget, potentially curtailing the initiatives of the NSCB to help in poverty alleviation by producing small-area estimates of poverty statistics, and to promote evidence-based decision-making in the government and the private sector that will enhance the competitiveness of the Philippines among knowledge-based economies of the Third Millennium,” Virola said in his column.
via Less money for statistics may lead to failed programs–NSCB | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

Accurate statistics allows us to pinpoint programs that work.
Accurate statistics allows us to pinpoint government officials who have good programs.
Accurate statistics allows us to see if what we purport to prioritize are what we give money, time and effort to.
I could go on and on but I still have my migraine and would like to go to sleep again!

rePost::Philippine left backs Villar, Legarda | ABS-CBN News Online Beta

Philippine left backs Villar, Legarda
by Carmela Fonbuena, | 12/14/2009 1:52 PM
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MANILA, Philippines – After months of courtship, presidential candidate Manuel Villar of the Nacionalista Party (NP) succeeded in getting the support of the leftist group Makabayan.
Senatorial aspirants Bayan Muna Satur Ocampo and Gabriela Rep. Liza Maza on Monday officially joined the NP senatorial ticket as “guest candidates.”
Ocampo and Maza bring with them the support of the eight party-list groups under Makabayan–Bayan Muna, Gabriela, Anakpawis, Kabataan, Katribu, Migrante, Courage, and the Alliance of Concerned Teachers.
“Matagal pinag-usapan ang pagsasamang ito. Di naging madali sa magkabilang panig dahil alam kong ito ay kauna-unahang pagkakataon. Nagsimula sa maraming pagkakaiba, sa pagwawakas konti lang pala pagkakaiba,” Villar said at a press conference in Quezon City.
“I am extremely happy with this partnership,” he added.
It is the first time that the leftist alliance is officially supporting presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
“Ganun kalaki ang pagtingin namin sa mga kandidatong ito,” said Ocampo’s colleague in Bayan Muna, Rep. Teodoro Casiño.
via Philippine left backs Villar, Legarda | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

This is probably the first presidential election where the two front runners both give me hope that the Philippines can be a great country within a lifetime. There is only so much angst I can live with.  We can always hope pray and do.

Senator Aquino launches ‘Vlog’ –, Philippine News for Filipinos

I fondly remember Obama’s vlog about the state of the campaign, specially for volunteers/supporters.  In “The West Wing” I think it was the last season, The campaign staff was telling Matt Santos the minority democratic presidential candidate that he has to have that “Presidential Voice”.  Matt Santos asked another staffer if she believed he needed to have the Presidential Voice, or at least sound presidential. She ansawered, the man makes the voice. I believe this is where Noynoy Aquino is, trying to find his voice. Hope he finds it in time.

Senator Aquino launches ‘Vlog’
By Maila Ager
First Posted 16:16:00 11/10/2009
Filed Under: Internet, Eleksyon 2010, Elections, Politics
MANILA, Philippines – After joining the popular networking sites “Facebook” and “Friendster,” now comes a video log or “Vlog” for Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III to further boost his presidential bid next year.
For the first time also, Aquino answered questions from the media Tuesday through a video satellite from his residence in Times Street in Quezon City.
The video blog, dubbed as “60 seconds with Noy,” will be a series of 18 episodes to be posted in his various websites starting this Tuesday until November 27 or a day before he files his certificate of candidacy.
Aside from his official website,, the senator also maintains an account with Facebook, Friendster, Twitter, YouTube, Multiply, and other sites created by his supporters.
via Senator Aquino launches ‘Vlog’ –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

praise for the MMDA/Bayani::Charter Cities: Meta-Rules: The Success of Congestion Pricing in Stockholm

People give the MMDA (Metro Manila Development Authority) a lot of flak for their ever changing rules and a lot of useless projects. I prefer to think differently. I see that the way the political system is structured here encourages doing nothing and not really solving anything. Whenever one tries to solve anything a powerful group or sector usually benefits from stopping you and the net effect is nothing is done.  That is what sets Bayani Fernando apart from alot of the politicians who has handled any line department for the government.
What sets him apart?

  • Willingness to experiment: A lot of what bf (Bayani Fernando, bf starting now) does best is that he thinks like the engineer he was educated to be, and the experimentalist sensibilities that he may have naturally been born to. You can see this with the different schemes that he has concocted. From the throwing of dirty cloth to buses who open their doors at areas not designated as loading and unloading areas, to
  • Use of Metrics: When I was still a college student I walked a lot and thus overpasses were my friend. During one of my crossing an overpass I happened upon people with counters happily clicking away with each car passing by quezon ave infront of the INC Central Temple. From sheer coincidence I was able to go at different overpasses  in the metro,  Philcoa, and a few more streets like the intersection of quezon ave and edsa. I was able to observe all these people from morning upto around 8 at night. This happened from monday to wednesday and at wednesday I was so curious that I asked them what they were doing, It seems they were tracking the number of cars passing by. Correct me if I am wrong but BF was probably the first MMDA chairman to do this. Simply put without the proper metrics , success and failure is just a frame of mind.
  • Wise use of resources. The MMDA used convicts to do demolition of informal settlers. This helped in clearing up alot of informal settlers in many areas. (I wish I knew where to get data so we can compare the number of clearing operations at post pre and BF days). Although I do not completely agree with clearing informal settlers en mass.
  • Pro Technology: MMDA was almost able to implement an IT enabled system that allowed traffic violations to be caught on camera and billed directly to the operator/car owner. I also see multiple Bayani Fernando google ads. This shows a surprisingly good grasp , if not at least a non technology averse personality.

This post may have been praising BF/MMDA alot but what I am just pointing out is that assuming almost everyone is tainted by corruption at least MMDA/BF has done more than most of the other PGMA appointees.
The challenges that the future hold are simply baffling. To be shackled or not be open to new ways of doing things, or at least to good ways of doing things is a sure recipe for failure. The people who came before us had many failures, but that does not mean we must fear failure, rather we must learn to learn from everything. Learn from mistakes. Learn from success. Let us embrace experimentation. Only through this can I win my bet the the Philippines would be A-OK in 20 years (3 years has already passed so its actually 17).

Bjorn Harsman and John Quigley describe Stockholm’s adoption of congestion pricing in a recent paper. Before holding a referendum on congestion pricing in 2006, the city conducted a trial. For seven months, drivers paid congestion charges upon entering Stockholm’s center. Officials also increased citywide bus service to demonstrate the benefits of the charge to non-drivers. In pretrial polls, the majority of residents opposed the charge. After the trial ended, 52 percent of residents voted in favor of permanent congestion pricing. Firsthand experience with the benefits of the scheme appears to have tipped the scales.
via Charter Cities: Meta-Rules: The Success of Congestion Pricing in Stockholm.

rePost::Palace to do repacking only; long lines irk Arroyo –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Palace to do repacking only; long lines irk Arroyo

And they wonder why everyone who doesn’t benefit from their largess hate them. Didn’t they learn this in politician school. Plastic 101: how to convincingly show fake compassion.  Although if this article wasn’t about the fake president I suspect that this would have been labeled a better press corp please. A Big FU ma’am. I have Nightmares just thinking about how you sleep at night (Do Vampires sleep?).

By Christian V. Esguerra, Gil C. Cabacungan Jr.

Philippine Daily Inquirer

First Posted 03:17:00 09/30/2009

Filed Under: Ondoy, Flood, Disasters & Accidents, Government Aid

MANILA, PhilippinesShe ordered the Palace thrown open to the common folk, and was annoyed at what she saw.

A long stretch of impoverished Filipinos peeking through the gates of the Kalayaan compound under the intense afternoon heat was the sight that greeted President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo a day after she issued her unprecedented order.

It was apparently the closest that her staff could get to the planned National Relief Operations Center on the Palace grounds to help victims of Tropical Storm “Ondoy” (international codename: Ketsana).

The President beheld the scene when she arrived at Kalayaan Hall at around 1:30 p.m. from a Cabinet meeting in Camp Aguinaldo. Her face turning sour, she ordered the Palace guards to immediately let the people in.

Hermogenes Esperon, Ms Arroyo’s chief of staff, tried to downplay his boss’ annoyance, saying: “She just didn’t want to see the people lined up outside.”

About an hour later, the number of people expecting relief goods swelled to around 500. Many of them were women and kids dressed in tattered clothes and slippers.

An old man in a wheelchair fell in line, at the end of which volunteers distributed nothing more than hamburger buns.

via Palace to do repacking only; long lines irk Arroyo –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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rePost::Palace to do repacking only; long lines irk Arroyo –, Philippine News for Filipinos

Palace to do repacking only; long lines irk Arroyo
And they wonder why everyone who doesn’t benefit from their largess hate them. Didn’t they learn this in politician school. Plastic 101: how to convincingly show fake compassion.  Although if this article wasn’t about the fake president I suspect that this would have been labeled a better press corp please. A Big FU ma’am. I have Nightmares just thinking about how you sleep at night (Do Vampires sleep?).

By Christian V. Esguerra, Gil C. Cabacungan Jr.
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 03:17:00 09/30/2009
Filed Under: Ondoy, Flood, Disasters & Accidents, Government Aid
MANILA, PhilippinesShe ordered the Palace thrown open to the common folk, and was annoyed at what she saw.
A long stretch of impoverished Filipinos peeking through the gates of the Kalayaan compound under the intense afternoon heat was the sight that greeted President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo a day after she issued her unprecedented order.
It was apparently the closest that her staff could get to the planned National Relief Operations Center on the Palace grounds to help victims of Tropical Storm “Ondoy” (international codename: Ketsana).
The President beheld the scene when she arrived at Kalayaan Hall at around 1:30 p.m. from a Cabinet meeting in Camp Aguinaldo. Her face turning sour, she ordered the Palace guards to immediately let the people in.
Hermogenes Esperon, Ms Arroyo’s chief of staff, tried to downplay his boss’ annoyance, saying: “She just didn’t want to see the people lined up outside.”
About an hour later, the number of people expecting relief goods swelled to around 500. Many of them were women and kids dressed in tattered clothes and slippers.
An old man in a wheelchair fell in line, at the end of which volunteers distributed nothing more than hamburger buns.
via Palace to do repacking only; long lines irk Arroyo –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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Why Are We Doing This To Ourselves? ::wronging rights: Things That Suck: The Manila City Ban

I’m starting to be really irked at this moralist types. Here’s a thought FUCK YOU!

Things That Suck: The Manila City Ban
I’m pretty good about keeping tabs on viciously stupid domestic policies all-time favorites include the anti-prostitution pledge and the merciless application of the material support bar to asylum but I rely on experts in the field to keep me apprised of other countries’ bullshit legislation and executive orders. Recently, via a tip from the very wonderful Payal Shah at the Center for Reproductive Rights, former Mayor of Manila Jose “Lito” Atienza‘s Executive Order 003 made it onto the list.
EO 003, which was issued in 2000 and remains in force, deprives women in Manila of access to contraception and family planning information. Although the order did not impose an outright ban, its call to “promot[e] the culture of life” by “discouraging the use of artificial methods of contraception” has resulted in an effective prohibition. Since its issuance, city clinics and hospitals have not provided contraception.
via wronging rights: Things That Suck: The Manila City Ban.

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Better Class Of Politicians and A Better Press Corp please:: GMANews.TV – Ex-sexy star Aleck Bovick lightens up Senate mood – Entertainment – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA

Ex-sexy star Aleck Bovick lightens up Senate mood
05/18/2009 | 10:24 PM
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MANILA, Philippines – Former sexy actress Aleck Bovick had a share of the limelight, albeit short, during the Senate session Monday.
The name of Bovick came up after Senator Loren Legarda delivered a speech on the alleged racial slur by Hollywood actor Alec Baldwin against Filipinos.
Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri referred her speech to the Committee on Women.
Senate Pro Tempore Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada, who is presiding the session, asked Zubiri in jest if he was referring to Aleck Bovick.
Zubiri replied: “I know Aleck Bovick is a personal friend of yours but [we are referring to] Alec Baldwin.”
via GMANews.TV – Ex-sexy star Aleck Bovick lightens up Senate mood – Entertainment – Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs – Latest Philippine News – BETA.

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Better Class Of Politicians:Calling BS on Escudero:Escudero: Gov’t should take over MRT –, Philippine News for Filipinos

The Philippine senator Francis "Chiz&quot...
Image via Wikipedia

Escudero is either trying to appear more stupid everyday, or someone has kidnapped him and replaced him with a small intellect, will do say anything to get in the news papers guy. First there was this stupid comment on educational system of the Philippines  (writeup from a blogger here), now we have these stupid comments on ghost riders.

Escudero: Gov’t should take over MRT

By Maila Ager First Posted 22:26:00 03/17/2009
MANILA, PhilippinesSenator Francis Escudero on Tuesday called on government to take over the Metro Rail Transit Corp. (MRT) instead of spending millions of pesos on “ghost riders.”
Hate it when politician pretend to be stupid, as I assume he is trying to do, the previous statements basically sidesteps the BOT scheme that the government got into, this is the real reason that the government is spending millions, they guaranteed return now we have to bear with the program.

Escudero said his calculations indicate that the government shells out a subsidy of about P42 per passenger, computed against the amount of public funds funneled into the MRT.

I think the figure is not that far of although a little in the small side.

“It is like paying for almost three riders more at the current fare…of the MRT, which on the average, is P14 per passenger. The government is paying for riders who are non-existent,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.

The worlds that were emphasized is what really got me riled up. First this is a mischaracterization of the problem, why? You see what the government is actually doing is subsidizing the people who use the MRT. I’ve been aware of this subsidy for a long time, that’s why when I started working in ortigas I took the mrt whenever I am in a good mood enough to brave the crowds. Why? simply put  42 pesos for a ride at two rides per day at a conservative figure for days worked per month of 20 gives us a monthly subsidy of about 1680 per month which is a non trivial part of the taxes paid by people earning less than 20 thousand pesos per month, which based on the median monthly earnings of filipino workers constitute a large block of people.
Riding the MRT made me feel that in some ways at least for me the Government is having a Neutral to Beneficial effects on me.
Now based on the useless hearings in the senate and congress and all the useless government expenditure that the government lavishes on a whole class of people in this country I think that people like me, People who actually earn their keep , pay their taxes etc have a right to at least be given small services such as the mrt.
I’ll exercise some inner rantiness and plain petiness and simply say,
“In some ways you could close the senate and congress and probably we wouldn’t even notice, but close down the MRT or other govt services that actually work and we notice right away  “

“The MRT has long been bailed out by the government. While its coaches are always full, its coffers are always empty,” Escudero said, noting the government spent P579 million in 2007 and P618 million in 2008 to subsidize the mass rail transit system.

In fairness to the senator I suspect that he knows all of this and is just trying to find a way to communicate things effectively to the Filipino people.
My real problem is that instead of using this as an opportunity to increase the level of debate in our country he goes down to the level everyone has already been accustomed to, an interpretation of reality that is far from grounded in facts.
I can’t end in a bitter note so I’ll post what I believe Chiz got right:

Aside from these, Escudero said the MRT has a maintenance contract with a Japanese firm, which he described as “onerous” compared to what the Light Rail Transit Authority pays for the upkeep of the two lines it runs.
He said the MRT has a high maintenance contract with a Japanese firm, which is onerous if compared with lower fees the LRTA is paying for the upkeep of its two lines.
“To top it all, MRT’s debt carries a high 12.5 percent to 15 percent annual interest rate,” Escudero said.
He said it would be better if the government simply took over and ran the MRT.

Taking a line from alot of liberal bloggers/commentators is not a crime especially if it is so apt in this situation. This is what he should have emphasized.

“If we own it, then let’s run it. And let it be a reminder that when it comes to private-public ventures, never again should we end up privatizing profits while debts are nationalized,” he said.via Escudero: Gov’t should take over MRT –, Philippine News for Filipinos.

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