rePost:: – Obama’s Credibility Gap –

Just wishing that Obama isn’t being like this because he is obsessed with a second term. He should watch the first half of season one of The West Wing. Let Bartlett be Bartlett. Be the best president he can be, not obsess about being a one term president. People are hurting because of the weak job market, no universal healthcare, and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the worsening conditions in Haiti. We need hope back!!!!!

Mr. Obama may be personally very appealing, but he has positioned himself all over the political map: the anti-Iraq war candidate who escalated the war in Afghanistan; the opponent of health insurance mandates who made a mandate to buy insurance the centerpiece of his plan; the president who stocked his administration with Wall Street insiders and went to the mat for the banks and big corporations, but who is now trying to present himself as a born-again populist.
Mr. Obama is in danger of being perceived as someone whose rhetoric, however skillful, cannot always be trusted. He is creating a credibility gap for himself, and if it widens much more he won’t be able to close it.
Mr. Obama’s campaign mantra was “change” and most of his supporters took that to mean that he would change the way business was done in Washington and that he would reverse the disastrous economic policies that favored mega-corporations and the very wealthy at the expense of the middle class and the poor.
via Op-Ed Columnist – Obama’s Credibility Gap –

rePost:: » Philippines: “Renewable Marriage Bill”

This law is stupid, the problem is that there is no divorce law, or that annulment is too expensive. This law is wrong in so many levels.

A partylist group in the Philippines wants to introduce a law that would put a ten-year expiration date on marriage contracts. The unique proposal is the group’s answer to lengthy and expensive annulment proceedings in the country. The Catholic-dominated Philippines does not have a divorce law.
According to the group, the “Renewable Marriage Bill” would “spare incompatible couples the expense of lengthy legal proceedings before their marriages are annulled.” The group added that a marriage contract “should be just like a passport or driver’s license. If we are not interested to renew it, then it expires.”
More than 500,000 marriages are administered by the Catholic Church every year with less than 10 percent getting annulled and reported.
via Global Voices Online » Philippines: “Renewable Marriage Bill”.

rePost::Obama Liquidates Himself – Paul Krugman Blog –

Damn that was fast, bye bye hope!

Obama Liquidates Himself
A spending freeze? That’s the brilliant response of the Obama team to their first serious political setback?
It’s appalling on every level.
It’s bad economics, depressing demand when the economy is still suffering from mass unemployment. Jonathan Zasloff writes that Obama seems to have decided to fire Tim Geithner and replace him with “the rotting corpse of Andrew Mellon” (Mellon was Herbert Hoover’s Treasury Secretary, who according to Hoover told him to “liquidate the workers, liquidate the farmers, purge the rottenness”.)
It’s bad long-run fiscal policy, shifting attention away from the essential need to reform health care and focusing on small change instead.
And it’s a betrayal of everything Obama’s supporters thought they were working for. Just like that, Obama has embraced and validated the Republican world-view — and more specifically, he has embraced the policy ideas of the man he defeated in 2008. A correspondent writes, “I feel like an idiot for supporting this guy.”
Now, I still cling to a fantasy: maybe, just possibly, Obama is going to tie his spending freeze to something that would actually help the economy, like an employment tax credit. (No, trivial tax breaks don’t count). There has, however, been no hint of anything like that in the reports so far. Right now, this looks like pure disaster.
via Obama Liquidates Himself – Paul Krugman Blog –

Better Class of Politicians Please::Roxas: Villar acting like GMA | ABS-CBN News Online Beta

I should have started an online betting pool of when the mud slinging will begin, but when come to think of it when did it even stop? A Philippines for Filipinos and not Politicians!!!!

Roxas: Villar acting like GMA | 01/26/2010 4:29 PM
MANILA, Philippines – Sen. Manuel Roxas II on Tuesday likened Sen. Manny Villar to President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for using the usual line of “politicking” to dodge allegations of corruption.
“Ito ang linya ni GMA (Gloria Macapagal Arroyo) 'di ba? Lahat ng mga accusation ng anomalya kay GMA, ano ang sagot ni GMA? Politika lang. Hindi sinasagot ang issue (This is GMA's famous line. All accusations of corruption against GMA, what's her answer? It's all politics. She does not answer the issue directly),” Roxas said in an interview over radio dzMM.
He urged Villar to appear before the plenary session on Tuesday to personally refute the charges.
Roxas said that instead of facing the issue of “corruption” head on, Villar and his allies have been trying to divert the issue by hurling allegations against other presidential candidates.
The senator was referring to the claim of Villar's camp that allies of Liberal Party presidential candidate Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III leaked the report of the Senate Committee of the Whole penned by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile.
Roxas insisted that the presidential race has nothing to do with Villar's ethics case.
“The issue here is Senator Villar, as [then] Senate president and chairman of the finance committee pushed the [C-5 road] project and the road passed through his property,” he said.
via Roxas: Villar acting like GMA | ABS-CBN News Online Beta.

rePost:: Lodestar : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose

The loyalty of the people who serve PGMA always astounds me.

The very first time I set foot on the premises of the Batasang Pambansa was when then-Executive Secretary Joker Arroyo went before the House of Representatives during its “Question Hour,” and almost as much time separates that event from the time Joker finally disgraced himself utterly during the NBN-ZTE hearings, as has passed from the time Cory left office to the time she died. Within that period, the Joker who’d embraced accountability and scrutiny by submitting, as executive secretary, to the House’s questions, became the Congressman Joker who combated President Estrada, only to surrender to impunity by being a cranky sword and shield for President Arroyo and Senate President Villar.
The difference in fundamental attitudes have less to do with the individual choices of one man, and more to do with the approach of those at the top to power. The Joker Arroyo of today cannot possibly be really different from the Joker of yesterday; but it would seem his disgrace and those of the institutions in which he once served and in which he now sits, could only have been made possible by the realization of how powerfully personal example can influence behavior up and down the line. Cory, as the antithesis of Marcos, left people no choice but to try to live up to her example. Arroyo, on the other hand, liberated Joker to be himself.
And this is why Cory will forever be missed.

via The Long View: Lodestar : Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose.

rePost :: Microecon of Media

Some people really does have no business in voting.

But again, your primary complaint here should be about those shallow voters, not the advertisers. If you believe that some voters care so little about political outcomes that they are willing to sell their political beliefs to the highest advertising bidder, you should believe that such folks have no business voting! After all, preventing some folks from directly buying political ads may have little net effect – those folks may buy ads indirectly, or find other ways to buy voter beliefs. The key problem is that some voters care way too little about political outcomes.
via Overcoming Bias : Microecon of Media.

rePost::Honesty or Corruption? | Filipino Voices

How true are these statements? anybody care to comment?

3. Villar passed measures “to make Pag-IBIG Fund contributions compulsory and to increase housing investments with the SSS.”
“Pag-IBIG is a main source of funding of Speaker Villar’s companies.”
Honesty or corruption?
4. Villar “incorporated in the landmark Comprehensive and Integrated Shelter Finance Act, Republic Act 7835, the recapitalization of the NHMFC, and the amendment to the Agri-Agra Law to include housing investment.”
It “mandates banks to extend to housing loans not utilized for agriculture and agrarian-reform credit. In other words, loanable funds for agriculture and agrarian credit are to be re-channeled to housing, Speaker Villar’s business.”
Honesty or corruption?
5. Villar co-authored House Bill 11005, which “increased the capital of the NHMFC” and is the main source of funding of Speaker Villar’s companies…. President Estrada admitted that the National Home Mortgage and Finance Corp. is at present bankrupt.… Increasing the capitalization of a bankrupt government financial institution benefited Representative Villar’s housing companies.”
Honesty or corruption?
6. “All lands covered by CARP [Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program] cannot be used for residential, agricultural, industrial or other uses unless a clearance, conversion or exemption for a particular property is first issued by DAR [Department of Agrarian Reform].”
“Speaker Villar’s companies are developing or have developed 5,950 hectares or almost 60,000,000 square meters of CARP land into residential subdivisions without the appropriate DAR issuances that would authorize such lands to be used for residential purposes.”
Honesty or corruption?
7. “Manuela Corp. applied for and was granted a loan of P1 billion by the SSS…. Another P2-billion loan would be syndicated with another government financial institution, the GSIS. Total syndicated loan from the two GFIs: P3 billion.
“Manuela Corp., a housing and realty corporation, is owned by the family of the wife of Speaker Villar. An indirect financial accommodation.”
Honesty or corruption?
via Honesty or Corruption? | Filipino Voices.

rePost::MLQ3 on Tumblr!: A Philippinres That Works: Benigno S. Aquino III

nice read. napanood na ni noy ang invictus???

We must find a unity that transcends the divisions of today, based on a shared commitment to transforming our country into one that works: One where traffic flows well, garbage is collected efficiently, crimes are solved, justice is served, and our kids are educated properly. It works in the sense that you do not have to flee the country to move up in the world, improve your lot in life, and rise to the highest level your personal merits can achieve.
We are a nation of sacrifice, of diligence, dedication and, idealism, because we are a people imbued with compassion even when we have officials who lie, cheat, and steal. Our faith teaches us that we are our brother’s keeper. Our logic should tell us that in taking care of others, their growth equals our own.
In the movie “Invictus,” Nelson Mandela says, “In order to rebuild our nation, we must exceed our own expectations.” It requires us to insist, always, that we are not a nation of crooks, of thieves, of murderers who get off scot-free and where justice is won by the highest bidder.
In May, you will be asked to make a choice. Will you choose transformation and change or will you choose to uphold the status quo?
We have already made our choice. Ours is a journey towards transformation. I ask you today to join us in this journey now.
via MLQ3 on Tumblr!: A Philippinres That Works: Benigno S. Aquino III.

Best Read::Nicanor Perlas and the Dreams of an Ordinary Citizen | Filipino Voices

Millions share his vision because they see, and feel it. Perlas is someone crying out in the wilderness and asking people to come to him and share his vision for the Nation. Perlas wants to unite people and fight against poverty. Perlas wants to eradicate graft and corruption. Perlas will exercise strong political will to fight the forces that weaken the Motherland. And Perlas will see to it that those who have committed grave injustices against the People are put behind bars.There is something terribly wrong when people like Nicanor Perlas who once lived peacefully in their rich hamlets are suddenly seen in the streets, preaching the Gospel of Salvation from poverty and wants. When people who hate politics are suddenly going around town, preaching of “New Politics”, that’s surely a sign that things have turned for the worst.It just means that the exploitation, the degradation, the immorality, the amorality, the misery of the human condition, has seeped into the comfort zones of those who are not of the hungred kind.And I laud and the Vibal Foundation for allowing me to partake of Nicanor Perlas’ vision even for an hour. Meeting him just makes me realize that the end is definitely not near, because there are still a few good men left who will sacrifice everything, just so that others may live better lives.
via Nicanor Perlas and the Dreams of an Ordinary Citizen | Filipino Voices.

rePost::THE DANGER WITH THE CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 « Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2009

We live in a country where the individual is all but forgotten, we must fight against laws which can easily be abused to harass people and quell dissent.

January 14, 2010
Although we recognize the need for legislation that will protect individuals and institutions from malicious attacks through electronic means, it must not be addressed by a law that sweeps broadly to cover many other electronic devices and many other legitimate electronic activities exercised by ordinary citizens. H.B. 6974 unfortunately, does not provide clear-cut definitions to “electronic devices” nor to “cybercrimes”. By deliberately providing a vague and catch-all definition of such devices and activities, government institutions and agents mandated to execute the Cybercrime Prevention Act, in case it is implemented, are dangerously empowered to intrude into the privacy of individuals, interfere with ordinary and harmless electronic activities and suppress legitimate forms of expression through electronic means.
via THE DANGER WITH THE CYBERCRIME PREVENTION ACT OF 2009 « Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2009.