rePost::Burnout Prevention and Recovery

This one is from MIT. I’m beefing up on stress prevention/recovery stuff because I’m starting on a new job/company/position this monday. The new position would entail more challenging stuff technically and probably socially. I fear for this blog. hehe.

Burnout Prevention and Recovery

  1. STOP DENYING. Listen to the wisdom of your body. Begin to freely admit the stresses and pressures which have manifested physically, mentally, or emotionally.
    • MIT VIEW: Work until the physical pain forces you into unconsciousness.
  2. AVOID ISOLATION. Don’t do everything alone! Develop or renew intimacies with friends and loved ones. Closeness not only brings new insights, but also is anathema to agitation and depression.
    • MIT VIEW: Shut your office door and lock it from the inside so no one will distract you. They’re just trying to hurt your productivity.

via Burnout Prevention and Recovery.

rePost:: How to Get Rich Part 1a « blog maverick

I’m sure mcuban won’t mind if I copy the whole post but there’s a etiquette in the blogosphere so. go to the site to read the rest of his advice on how to get rich!!!

First, here is WHAT NOT TO DO:
There are no shortcuts. NONE. With all of this craziness in the stock and financial markets, there will be scams popping up left and right. The less money you have, the more likely someone will come at you with some scheme . The schemes will guarantee returns, use multi level marketing, or be something crazy that is now “backed by the US Government”. Please ignore them. Always remember this. If a deal is a great deal, they aren’t going to share it with you.
I dont broadcast my great deals. I keep them all to myself. The 2nd thing to remember is that if the person selling the deal was so smart, they would be rich beyond rich rather than trolling the streets looking to turn you into a sucker. There are no shortcuts.
So what should you do to get rich ?
Save your money. Save as much money as you possibly can. Every penny you can. Instead of coffee, drink water. Instead of going to McDonalds, eat Mac and Cheese. Cut up your credit cards. If you use a credit card, you dont want to be rich. The first step to getting rich, requires discipline. If you really want to be rich, you need to find the discipline, can you ?
If you can, you will quickly find that the greatest rate of return you will earn is on your own personal spending. Being a smart shopper is the first step to getting rich. Yeah you have to give things up and that doesn’t work for everyone, particularly if you have a family. That is reality. But whatever you can save, save it. As much as you possibly can. Then put it in 6 month CDs in the bank.
The first step to getting rich is having cash available. You arent saving for retirement. You are saving for the moment you need cash. Buy and hold is a suckers game for you. This market is a perfect example. Right at the very moment when cash creates unbelievable opportunity, those who followed the buy and hold strategy have no cash. they cant or wont sell into markets this low, that kills the entire point of buy and hold. Those who have put their money in CDs sleep well at night and definitely have more money today than they did yesterday. And because they are smart, disciplined shoppers, their personal rate of inflation is within their means. Cash is king for those wanting to get rich
via How to Get Rich Part 1a « blog maverick.

rePost::So You Want to Be a Pro::Pinoy Penman

Some good advice on how to become a professional writer!!!

So You Want to Be a Pro

Penman for Monday, February 22, 2010

So rather than fuss over what “success” means, I’m going to address these remarks to people who want to become professional writers, by which I mean people who depend on their writing to support themselves and their families. Journalists naturally fall into this category and already know pretty much what I’ll be saying here; it’s the creative writer and the academic who may need a bit of a reorientation, since I’ve found that it’s this person who often doesn’t have the foggiest idea what the market needs.
10. Don’t forget what you’re doing all of this for. Whether it’s for God, country, family, fame, or just the chance to get some paid time off to write that novel, or for that down payment on a new apartment or a new car, you have to remember why it’s important to keep writing, and to write well. Good writing can be its own reason for being, and provide its own satisfaction—but it’s even better if it means that much to somebody else.
via Pinoy Penman.

rePost::7 Characteristics of a Broken, Undefined, and Unhappy Life – by Dumb Little Man

7 Characteristics of a Broken, Undefined, and Unhappy Life


We all have some characteristics that hold us back from the life we truly want to live. Motivational gurus constantly claim to have the answers and aren't shy about telling us to do this and that.

If you’re reading this, then it's quite possible that those things haven’t worked for you. The problem isn’t that these motivational teachers aren’t good, because most of them are. The problem is that most of us walk around with unresolved core issues and beliefs that are keeping us stuck.

I’ve gone through many of these characteristics myself. I have by no means overcome them, but I have progressively minimized the impact they have in my life. This is not a contest, there is no rush. As long as you’re taking small steps to improving yourself and getting closer to your goal, all is well.

This list is by no means complete, so when you’ve finished reading it, I want you to share your thoughts in the comments.

via 7 Characteristics of a Broken, Undefined, and Unhappy Life – by Dumb Little Man.

rePost::The discussant’s art – Chris Blattman

Nice list read the whole thing at the liniked site!!!!
A colleague and I were lamenting the state of paper discussants the other day. Seldom do we faculty teach graduate students how to be professionals. Even more seldom are we examples of brevity and wit. With that in mind, we came up with a list of tips for the budding academic:
10. Aim for profound. The best discussants rotate my brain 90 degrees. They reframe the problem, or propose a novel idea. I can’t tell you how to be deep. I seldom succeed myself. For me, a few things usually help. I read the paper, walk away for a day or two, then return. I ask myself questions: Do I think about a big question differently now? What convinces me, and what would convince me more? Where should the field be going?
via The discussant’s art – Chris Blattman.

rePost::Buchheit’s lucky streak as an angel (and a founder) | VentureBeat

Note to self and friends::
For WD start with simple then iterate. Do the simplest thing possible!!!

Mint founder Aaron Patzer credited Buchheit with helping him think about the appropriate software architecture for his consumer finance site.
“He pushed us to prioritize performance and search speed and helped us to find ways to scale Mint successfully,” Patzer said.
reMail chief executive Gabor Cselle said Buchheit helped him hone his product down to its core essentials. Buchheit himself is a strong advocate of keeping products simple and focused.
“Paul Buchheit and Sanjeev Singh endured my slide deck on our multi-step plan for global email domination, and pointed out that instead I should build something small, simple, and useful. It worked,” Cselle wrote in a blog post announcing the reMail acquisition yesterday.
via Buchheit’s lucky streak as an angel (and a founder) | VentureBeat.

rePost: How to Become Interesting:Want to Get into Harvard? Spend More Time Staring at the Clouds: » Rethinking the Role of Extracurricular Activities in College AdmissionsStudy Hacks » Blog Archive

How to Become Interesting
Intrigued by Caldwell’s results, I called her to ask if she could distill some lessons from her research. I wanted her advice for a student hoping to become more interesting.
“You need to be exposed to many things – you should expose yourself even though you might not know if you’ll be interested,” she told me.
“You need some time when you turn off the phone and the instant messenger and take a walk to appreciate the world without something in your ear.”
(This should sound familiar to fans of Ben Casnocha, one of the most interesting people I know.)
In other words, to become more interesting…

  1. Do fewer structured activities.
  2. Spend more time exploring, thinking, and exposing yourself to potentially interesting things.
  3. If something catches your attention, use the abundant free time generated by rule 1 to quickly follow up.

via Study Hacks » Blog Archive » Want to Get into Harvard? Spend More Time Staring at the Clouds: Rethinking the Role of Extracurricular Activities in College Admissions.

rePost::4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion | Zen Habits

I was interviewing for a job in a startup last year. The interview was going well then I was asked what have you launched. I wasn’t able to say anything and that was the end of what could have been a partnership.  I have to remind myself that good enough is good enough and that making complicated things are hard and thus strive for simplicity. For a lot of programmers simplicity is harder than complexity. Here are a few advice on getting to completion, advice I extremely need to become a success.

4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion

“If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things, then this is the best season of your life.” ~Wu-Men

Post written by Leo Babauta. Follow me on Twitter.

When I hear about a great idea that a friend has, I get excited. I can’t wait to see that idea become reality.
Then I ask about the idea a few months later, and it often is not one bit closer to completion.
Ideas stop short of becoming reality, and projects seem to drag on endlessly, because of one thing: complexity.
via 4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion | Zen Habits.

rePost:: Nine Tips for Feeling Happier When You’ve Lost Your Job — or Fear You Might. :: The Happiness Project

If not for the kindness of friends I would have been unemployed come the end of this month.  The advice on this linked post was good nonetheless. Read the whole thing!

5. Help someone else. Your self-esteem may have suffered a blow, so remind yourself of how much you have to give. Teach someone something useful. Make helpful connections for other people. Volunteer your skills. Donate blood. Go through your closets and give away the clothes you don’t need (see #6). If you can’t face doing anything else, you can at least sign up to be an organ donor. It takes one minute, and you have potentially saved the lives of five people. You can feel great about your day if you’ve done that!
via The Happiness Project: Nine Tips for Feeling Happier When You’ve Lost Your Job — or Fear You Might..